
Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Xert, Dec 6, 2010.

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  1. Xert Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 5, 2007
    It took us all by surprise. The initail blast ripped through a six block radius, vaporising everyone in it's path. The screams of the dying could be heard throughout the Historic District. Thousands crushed by falling buildings or burned alive in the fires. Then the city fell apart. A plauge struck the Neon District. Folowed by rioting, theft, rapes, civilazation commiting suicide. In a bullshit attempt to "contain the biological threat" the federal goverment locked down all access into and out of the city. Now we're stuck in this cage with all the phycos. Cops are all a gone off the streets either dead or to afraid to fight the gangs that control things now. While the city fell apart something was beginning. People, young, old it didn't matter, began showing abilities. Powers they didn't have before. And their learning how to control them, master them. Just hope it's not to late.

    Empire City before the blast was an ideal city it's only real blemish being the Warren. Seperated into three main districts, the Neon, the Historic Distric and the Warren.

    Neon District: The newest section of the city and was home of most of the city's tourist attractions. The area has the only remaining brige leading to the mainland. It was also hit hardest by the plauge. It still isn't clear if the plauge was started by the blast or was a secondary attack on the city.

    The Warren: Before the blast it was a huge slum it's only claim to glory being the docks and now after the fact it's become even worse. The prision that was in the Warren had a jail break after the blast. The police desided to leave it and left it to the inmates. Now the prison acts as a fortress for one of the largest gangs in Empire City.

    Historic District: The oldest section of the city has suffered the worse caulities. People lay dead in the streets. Some buildings are still crumbling likely to fall at any minute. Any one still alive is task with moving the bodies and disposing them. Only thing still usefull is a comunication tower that could be used to comunicate with the outside world. Assuming someone still knows how to use it.

    The Bridge: the only way out of the city anymore mainly because goverment boats shoot anything that trys the leave the city by water. The Bridge is heavly fortifed with goverment troops and road blocks. The Troops are told to shoot anyone that get to close to the entrance.

    No god moding
    No power playing
    Keep things PG-13
    One power per charater
    Three living charaters max
    No singing
    No killing charaters without consent
    All powers should have a draw back to them (ex: you can read minds but can't stop. Making large groups a true threat)
    One gang per person and 3 gangs max

    Charater fourm:

    Power (if any):
    Preview Post:

    Gang Fourm:

    Other info:


    Username: Xert
    Name: Nox Darkra
    Gender: Male
    Age: 24
    Appearance: short neatly trimed hair wich bring out his emerald eyes. He adorns a simple black coat and blue jeans with a grey shirt underneith his coat.
    Power (if any): telekinesis
    History: Nox lives in the Neon and was entering the work force. That was until the blast. He was out with friends at the time and was seperated from them when the shock wave knocked out the power. He rembers falling into a trash heap and waking up the next morning to a nightmare.
    Other: none
    Preview Post: Nox looked at the refelection of himself in the spoon as he tryed to will it to bend. He'd seen it in a movie so it had to be easy. He looked at it for a long time every minute he got more angry at the spoon for not doing what he wanted. Nox gave up and threw the spoon onto the table. He closed his eyes and sighed taping his foot as he thought about the spoon. Nox opened his eyes a gasped. The spoon was spinning in mid-air. A huge smile went across his face.
    "Yes!" Nox cheered then the spoon shot strait up into Nox's ceiling punching a hole in it and into the room of his upstairs neighbor. He heard a woman yelp in surprise.
    Nox looked up at the ceiling nervously, "sorry..."

    Username: SoranRikunKairi
    Name: Alyssa Sakmoto
    Gender: Female
    Age: 21
    Power: Changing of cell structures. (She can change shape/blend into things.) Her drawback to this power is if she blends for too long, she becomes paralysed for a few minutes afterwards.
    History: Accused of Murder when she was just eighteen, Alyssa has spent the last two years of her life in the city jail. Once the jailbreak occurs, she makes no hesitation in leaving and aims to find a way out. Finding out about her powers was a strange surprise; She'd been running from a gang member when she ended up blending into the shadows. She'd not been able to find a way to change back, and had spent an hour paralysed until she could move again.
    Other: She's skilled with a blade, although using guns can come at a penalty, as the recoil triggers her paralysis.
    Preview Post:
    Alyssa stood calmly in her jail cell, bright eyes piercing the guard who was delivering the food to her. It didn't seem to look very nice to her eyes, and she kept her blue eyes on the guard. He gave her a glance, shoving the food through the bars and crossing his arms as he looked at her.
    "Ah, cut yer hair, did ya?"
    "Talk properly, and I might just give you an answer."
    "Listen darlin'. You may have been high and mighty, but now you're no more than da other filth in 'ere."
    "Like you? Hah, don't make me laugh. I had my reasons. My pawn disobeyed, I killed him in reaction. Nothing more to it. It doesn't make me filfth whatsoever."
    "For a twen'y one year old, you sure have got lip." The guard pulled the shears from her cell, their eyes locked on each other before he scoffed and left. Alyssa simply gave a smirk, kicking the plate of food out of the cell and holding back the urge to violently kick at the wall and bars. Instead, she sat down on her bedroll, legs crossed and itchy clothes rubbing on her arms as she waited. She'd get out. Somehow.

    Username: master of keyblades
    Name: Seo
    Gender: male
    Age: 14
    Appearance: medium length black hair, light blue jacket , azure eyes
    Power (if any): can summon Azure fames at will from his hands drawback: Can't be use in the rain
    History: Someone who was willing to take any job Seo had a tough childhodd following the death of his parents and dissaperence of his brother who was raising him.
    Other: a skilled marskmen who only kills when nessary
    Preview Post: Seo was waling into Empire city when the blast happens and woke up lying on the ground surrounded by blue fire.
    "What happened"
    " Seo if you can hear this, get out of empire city now"
  2. SoraNRikuNkairi Destiny Islands Resident

    Sep 7, 2007
    Just don't turn around, and you won't know (:
    Username: SoranRikunKairi
    Name: Alyssa Sakmoto
    Gender: Female
    Age: 21
    Power: Changing of cell structures. (She can change shape/blend into things.) Her drawback to this power is if she blends for too long, she becomes paralysed for a few minutes afterwards.
    History: Accused of Murder when she was just eighteen, Alyssa has spent the last two years of her life in the city jail. Once the jailbreak occurs, she makes no hesitation in leaving and aims to find a way out. Finding out about her powers was a strange surprise; She'd been running from a gang member when she ended up blending into the shadows. She'd not been able to find a way to change back, and had spent an hour paralysed until she could move again.
    Other: She's skilled with a blade, although using guns can come at a penalty, as the recoil triggers her paralysis.
    Preview Post:
    Alyssa stood calmly in her jail cell, bright eyes piercing the guard who was delivering the food to her. It didn't seem to look very nice to her eyes, and she kept her blue eyes on the guard. He gave her a glance, shoving the food through the bars and crossing his arms as he looked at her.
    "Ah, cut yer hair, did ya?"
    "Talk properly, and I might just give you an answer."
    "Listen darlin'. You may have been high and mighty, but now you're no more than da other filth in 'ere."
    "Like you? Hah, don't make me laugh. I had my reasons. My pawn disobeyed, I killed him in reaction. Nothing more to it. It doesn't make me filfth whatsoever."
    "For a twen'y one year old, you sure have got lip." The guard pulled the shears from her cell, their eyes locked on each other before he scoffed and left. Alyssa simply gave a smirk, kicking the plate of food out of the cell and holding back the urge to violently kick at the wall and bars. Instead, she sat down on her bedroll, legs crossed and itchy clothes rubbing on her arms as she waited. She'd get out. Somehow.
  3. Xert Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 5, 2007
    Accepted now we need to wait for maybe 2 more
  4. SoraNRikuNkairi Destiny Islands Resident

    Sep 7, 2007
    Just don't turn around, and you won't know (:
    Thank you! : D
  5. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Username: master of keyblades
    Name: Seo
    Gender: male
    Age: 14
    Appearance: medium length black hair, light blue jacket , azure eyes
    Power (if any): can summon Azure fames at will from his hands drawback: Can't be use in the rain
    History: Someone who was willing to take any job Seo had a tough childhood following the death of his parents and dissaperence of his brother who was raising him.
    Other: a skilled marskmen who only kills when nessary
    Preview Post: Seo was walking into Empire city when the blast happens and woke up lying on the ground surrounded by blue fire.
    "What happened"
    " Seo if you can hear this, get out of empire city now"
  6. Xert Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 5, 2007
    Accepted I would still like more people because it is hard to RP with just 3 people
  7. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Thanks for accepting me
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