The Justice Cadets OOC/Discussion

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Boy Wonder, Jun 8, 2011.

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  1. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    In this version of the DC Universe, there has never been an official superhero team, nor a villainous one. During a massive alien invasion where countless people (heroes, villains, and civilians) died, all of the big-name heroes were killed including Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Green Lantern, Aquaman, Martian Manhunter, Nightwing, Green Arrow, Blue Devil, Black Canary, Hawkman, and Hawkgirl, among many more before the aliens disappeared. The current Robin, Timothy Drake (known as Tim Wayne after being adopted by Bruce Wayne [Batman]), becomes CEO of Bruce Wayne's company and abandons the Robin persona, becoming Red Robin instead. During Bruce Wayne's funeral (where the RP starts), he reveals a massive secret to the world. He then starts a plan to make the first official superhero team with all of the sidekicks and lesser-known heroes.

    Rules for the RP

    1. No godmodding or powerplaying (don't make your characters too strong nor control things you can't control).
    2. You don't have to have any knowledge about comic books or superheroes to join (though it would help), all you need is to read this and be interested~
    3. To go along with number 2, if you want to join and know little to nothing, simply ask me for help in picking a character and we'll talk it out~
    4. Garxena, Arch, and Bushy-Brow-1992 are my semi-mods. If any situations or questions come up and I'm not around, they're the next to ask. Of course, my word overrules theirs.
    5. No Original Characters, at least not yet. I'm playing around with the idea of including them later on.
    6. All of KHV's rules apply.
    7. I can kick you out of the RP if you keep breaking rules or causing trouble.
    8. I am a real stickler for grammar. Though I won't reject you nor kick you out of the RP over it, I will get annoyed so please try to keep your posts as grammatically correct as possible.
    9. I don't mind if things get hot and sweaty *winkwink* but if you're getting too detailed, take it to PMs.
    10. I enjoy swearing! So don't hold back (but don't be ridiculous). Only problem I have is when you get censored or use symbols. All you have to do is highlight one letter of the swear word and change the font or color of it and you should be good, no censorship.
    11. As I said, this RP is for lesser-known heroes (Blue Beetle, Static, Booster Gold, Jade, etc.) and sidekicks (Robin, Superboy, Wonder Girl, Kid Flash, etc.). If you're curious as to who is off limits (dead in this RP), just ask me "Is this person available?" and I'll tell you.
    12. There won't be any OC forms or anything of the sort. Just tell me who you want and I'll put up a little bio of them myself to keep things organized.
    13. There is no team yet and no guaranteed membership. If your character gets asked to join, you could even say no!
    14. You need at least one hero and one villain to join. Nothing less, though you can have up to three of each. You can have one rogue character who doesn't fit in anywhere. If you have a rogue, tell me (s)he's a rogue.
    15. Your villain can't be a big bad of the hero you're playing. For example, as Red Robin (Batman's sidekick), I can't have Joker or Ra's al Ghul, but I could have Two-Face or Scarecrow. Superboy can't have Lex Luthor, Brainiac, or Darkseid, but Doomsday, Bizarro, and Metallo are free. However, you can take the big bad of somebody else's character. This rule doesn't affect everyone.
    16. I'm going to allow heavy editing of characters. For example, I won't be using the actual Red Robin costume and my other character is going to have Blue Devil's trident. You're allowed to change things (that make sense) like make your sidekick take their mentor's place (Superboy becomes Superman for example), costume changes, name changes, anything of the sort. I do reserve the right to reject a change if I think it's ridiculous.
    17. To go along with rule number 16, there is a fourth Green Lantern Kyle Rayner that is known to be just as powerful and important as the others. However, for this RP, I'm allowing him to be a younger Green Lantern if anybody wants him. He'll be the sidekick version of Green Lantern. Currently, he's up for grabs.
    18. I am allowed to break my own rules because it is my RP. I might ask you to do the same in certain situations. If you feel like you need to break a rule for a plotpoint, ask me first and I'll most likely let you.
    19. I reserve the right to add any rules, but I will let you know if I do.

    Accepted Characters!
    The Justice Cadets
    When Red Robin decides to band heroes together to form a league of justice, he came up with the Justice Cadets. Given the name until they can prove themselves to the world, Red Robin will recruit, train, and lead the team in a quest for justice...and answers.
    Max Lord - White Light
    Maxwell Lord IV was born a normal human with a knack for fine wine and business. As he grew older, he realized the world didn't just need superheroes, but a super team. He tried using his business to fund and form a team of heroes, but the plan never worked because of the heroes' refusal to work well together. Max eventually realized he had the ability to control minds. He used this ability to become a government agent and became a master tactician and interrogator. However, his power came at a price. His body would bleed as he used his powers. Shortly before the invasion, he entered a coma, supposedly from his powers and woke up days after the invasion, during the superheroes' funeral. He held a press conference shortly after detailing his plan to form a hero team, one that will work, to prevent future invasions. He was approached by Red Robin and offered help. He is now the public voice of the soon-to-be formed Justice Cadets and goes by the alias White Light, though he won't mask himself.
    Extreme mind control (able to control the minds of people by sheer force of will), master manipulator and tactician, and businessman. While using his powers, he starts to bleed from his nose and eventually his eyes, mouths, and ears. If he uses them enough, he'll pass out as will anybody under his control.
    He is an expert marksman with a pistol.
    Tim Drake - Red Robin
    Timothy Drake, as a young child, deduced Batman and and the first Robin's secret identities. He followed their adventures all the way up to the death of the second Robin. Tracking down Nightwing, he convinced the former sidekick to make him Robin. Nightwing obliged and within a matter of time, Timothy Drake was the third Robin. While occasionally teaming up with other sidekicks and young heroes, he never joined a team because he was forbidden to reveal his secret identity. His mother died when he was young and his father died during his tenure as Robin, causing Bruce Wayne (Batman) to adopt him, making him, Dick Grayson (Nightwing), and the late Jason Todd (the second and 'deceased' Robin) brothers. After the deaths of Bruce and Dick, he was named CEO of Wayne Enterprises at merely 17 years old. He abandoned the persona of Robin and became Red Robin. His legal name is now Timothy Wayne, but he only uses that name for business purposes, going by Tim Drake other times. His alias is 'Alvin Draper.'
    • No superhuman abilities, but peak level strength, stamina, speed, reflexes, and agility.
    • Master of acrobatics, martial arts, and escapology.
    • Tim's most significant ability is his intellect. A young genius that excels in computer science and, more importantly, detective work, Tim may not be as smart as Batman was, but he's smarter at 17 than Batman was at 17.
    • He possesses many gadgets (a la Batman) such as "R" shurikens (Tiny metallic Rs that are razor sharp), Wingdings(Sharp boomerangs that he can tailor to specific needs such as bombs. Modeled after Batarangs), and a collapsible staff. His staff has a hidden blade.
    • Grappling Guns.
    • His cape is tattered to look like bird wings when spread.
    • His boots have tiny jet-engines that enable him to fly, though he hasn't perfected this technology.
    • He has his own motorcycle called the Redbird.
    Superheroes who are not part of the Justice Cadets. This could because they refused to join, Red Robin won't recruit them, or any other reason. It is possible for these heroes to join the Justice Cadets later or even help them on missions.

    Eddie Bloomberg - Red Devil

    Edward 'Eddie' Bloomberg was an assistant for his aunt's movie company. He met the Blue Devil on set and idolized the hero. Blue Devil had died a human and came back as a demon with Lucifer's Trident, a weapon that could banish demons to Hell. Shortly after, his aunt died. Wanting to be his sidekick, Eddie found a magical red candle. When he lit it, he found himself face-to-face with Neron, a demon that enjoys making deals. He granted Eddie demonic powers . The only catch? If Eddie still trusted Blue Devil by the age of 20, he would keep his soul. If not, Neron would take it. After Eddie agreed, Neron revealed Blue Devil was responsible for Eddie's aunt's death. His trust in Blue Devil gone, Eddie made a name for himself as Kid Devil. Blue Devil tried to patch things up and told Eddie that Neron orchestrated it all, but Eddie's trust was difficult to regain. Blue Devil died in the invasion. Eddie picked up his trident and changed his name to Red Devil, picking up his former hero's occupation as a Demon Hunter. However, his soul will still belong to Neron in a matter of years.

    Red Devil has Demon Empowerment. His blood is now a thick gasoline-like liquid, his breath is hotter than fire, and he has a tail. His body temperature is six hundred degrees inside. He can breath fire, though if he's punched in the stomach, he can't control it. He's strong enough to lift a small car and he has enhanced agility and endurance. He can heal from non-fatal wounds faster than a human. His skin is two hundred degrees and can cause burns (he can raise the temperature and make his skin white hot).
    He has retractable wings underneath his arms.
    He can use his tail to make a portal and teleport to any location.

    Jaime Reyes - Blue Beetle
    Jaime Reyes was a normal teenager walking home from school in Texas when he found a blue rock half buried. He picked it up and noticed it resembled a beetle. When attacked by a gang, the beetle attached itself to Jaime and beat up the gang, almost killing them. The next night, Batman and Robin had found Blue Beetle. Batman explained that he had seen Jaime's fight from satellite footage and, luckily, found him. He explained the scarab Jaime found belonged to the Blue Beetle, a deceased hero. He needed the Beetle to locate a rogue satellite in space and Jaime accompanied Batman into space. After locating the satellite, the scarab sent Jaime into another dimension. While Jaime only felt a few minutes pass, an entire year passed on Earth. Jaime returned to Earth to discover a year's passed, his best friends had left his hometown, and his father was now crippled. He decided to become the Blue Beetle, occasionally finding himself teamed up with Robin who, under Batman's orders, would keep an eye and help train Blue Beetle.
    Abilities: Jaime has no powers of his own, but gains many from the armor the scarab on his spine gives him. The scarab has artificial intelligence and can use its powers on its own, though Jaime has been shown to override its wishes. The Scarab has a large list of abilities, making it more versatile than even Superman's abilities.
    Without donning his armor, the Scarab gives Jaime the following abilities:

    • The Scarab can communicate with Jaime in his head. No one else can hear it.
    • It can track anything that produces any sort of energy and anyone Jaime knows from at least seventy miles.
    • The Scarab can scan anybody and find physical conditions, identify metahumans, see who's related by blood, identify thought-patterns to see if an object is sentient, see extra-dimensional objects, perceive magic, and be aware of electricity in the surrounding environment (five square miles) and communicate all of this to Jaime in a manner he can understand.
    • It can connect to any networked communication system and allow Jaime to speak to the person on the other end.
    • It can create clothes out of recycled waste and skin which melt when Jaime takes them off.
    • It can conceal itself from current time technology, shut off cameras and microphones in its vicinity, and even block magical attempts to probe it.
    In his armor, Jaime gains the following abilities:

    • Superhuman strength and agility.
    • Protection from any environment.
    • The armor can reconfigure itself to create a wide array of tools and weapons including an energy cannon, sword/shield, grappling hooks, energy blasters, claws, wings, etc.
    • Jaime can manifest certain parts of the armor (energy blasters for instance) without needing to manifest the entire suit.
    • Jaime can create wings to fly that also double as shields. The scarab also gives Jaime a 'jet engine.'
    • Antagonist Adaptation: The armor can customize its blasts against specific opponents (Kryptonite against Superman's family, etc). It can penetrate a Green Lantern's shield, call up anti-magic effects against magical opponents, etc.
    • It can manipulate energy it absorbs.
    • It can create an energy bubble around Jaime and people nearby, both protecting them and forbidding them from leaving.
    • Vibrational Frequency Manipulation: It can negate vibrational frequencies and shift Jaime out of phase with the universe, making him invisible and intangible.

    Virgil Hawkins - Static
    Virgil Hawkins lost his mother when he was young and was raised by his father and sister. Growing up where gangs were ran amok, Virgil was bullied quite frequently. A gang member took Virgil under his wing and convinced him to kill his bullies during a huge gang fight. Virgil went, but changed his mind at the last moment. Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately?), the authorities had used the chance to 'snuff out' the city's gang problems. They released a special tear gas where the gangs converged. The tear gas mixed with containers holding chemicals and caused a huge explosion, killing the majority of the gangsters. The remaining gangsters found themselves with metahuman-like powers. Virgil was 15 when this happened. He awoke the next day to find he had electromagnetic powers. Convinced by his friend to become a superhero, he did just that and donned the alias 'Static.'
    • His body can generate raw electromagnetic energy which he can manipulate and control. He can charge devices or drain them of electricity. He can magnetize and demagnetize metals.
    • He can hear radiowaves, allowing him to listen to radio stations and walkie talkies. He can even tap into phone lines and make calls.
    • He can fire bursts of electromagnetic energy from his hand (Force Bolts). He can increase the size to generate shields.
    • He can cause objects to fly (metal is the easiest while wood is the most difficult).
    • Static Cling: He can cause objects to become magnetized to each other.
    • Taser Punch: an electrified punch that sends opponents flying and shocks them like a taser gun.
    • He can shoot electricity into the sky to form pictures and words.
    • He can knock out all electrical devices nearby.
    • His powers can short out if he's hit by a large body of water (though rain isn't enough to do it).

    Wally West - Kid Flash
    Wallace West is the nephew of Iris Allen (nee West), the wife of Barry Allen, a.k.a. the Flash. As a child, he idolized the Flash and knew that his aunt's boyfriend was friends with the Scarlet Speedster, though he never realized they were one and the same. Barry set up a 'meeting' with Wally and his hero. Wally asked the Flash how he got his powers and the Flash set up an array of chemicals, thinking the chances of the accident that gained him his powers happening again were one in a billion. Well..lightning struck twice and Wally found himself with superspeed. Flash then assumed responsibility and revealed his identity to the young boy. Wally became Kid Flash. He is good friends with Red Robin and is the only hero who knows Red Robin is actually Timothy Drake/Wayne.
    Abilities: Kid Flash has superspeed and all of the powers associated with it.
    • He can create small tornadoes and cause friction hot enough to cause burns.
    • With his speed, he can make himself a human battering ram or a human cannonball.
    • Superhuman endurance, agility, and reflexes.
    • Supercharged brain activity that allows him to think at lightning speed.
    • His weakness include his hyper accelerated metabolism that require him to eat large quantities of food (regardless of taste).
    • Unlike the Flash, he can't make abrupt stops so he has to accelerate and decelerate.
    • His abilities are underdeveloped, leading him to being unable to do simple things the Flash could like vibrating through solid matter.

    Jesse Chambers - Jesse Quick
    Jessica Belle Chambers was born to superheroes Johnny Quick, a speedster, and Liberty Belle, a superstrong patriot. Her father gained his superspeed abilities by reciting the Speed Force formula "3x2(9yz)4a" and passed down the formula to his daughter, though she wanted to study heroes of the past, not be one of the future. She soon discovered that she inherited her mother's superstrength. She finally decided to follow in her father's footsteps as a hero, though she donned her mother's alias and became the second Liberty Belle. During the alien invasion that killed heroes, her father died. His death pushed her to recite the formula perfectly and now Jesse had both superstrength and superspeed. To honor her father, she changed her hero name to Jesse Quick.
    • Superstrength, inherited from her mother who never knew how she gained the ability.
    • Superspeed by visualizing the Speed Force formula "3x2(9yz)4a." She can turn it off by visualizing "Z25Y(2AB)6." She can move at half-light speed.
    • Like the Flash, she can phase through solid matter.
    • She can launch herself into flight.

    Lorena Marquez - Aquagirl
    Lorena Marquez was a regular girl on a date at the San Diego Zoo when an earthquake hit and caused the city to sink into the sea, killing thousands. Aquaman saved her and discovered she had the ability to breathe underwater. Her DNA had become fused with his and given her similar powers. She donned a costume and became his sidekick.
    • Ability to breathe underwater.
    • Superstrength (moreso underwater).
    • Able to communicate with marine life telepathically (hinted to work on mammals such as humans with enough practice).

    Roy Harper - Arsenal

    Roy Harper was raised by Indians who taught him how to use a bow and arrow after his father, a forest ranger, died protecting them from a fire. He idolized Green Arrow and even had a natural talent for archery. Green Arrow visited the reservation once to judge an archery contest where Roy impressed him but Roy lost due to having a magnetized arrow. When someone tried to commit a robbery, Roy stopped him with an arrow. Green Arrow realized Roy had been 'speedier' than him at drawing and took him under his wing as Speedy. Over time, Roy and Oliver had many disagreements and Roy left, becoming Red Arrow. After a brief stint as Red Arrow, he joined a government agency and became a government hero, using guns as well as bows and arrows. He became a proficient weapons master. He lost his arm in one mission and was given a robotic one. Now with Green Arrow (his father figure) and Black Canary (a mother figure) gone, he's taken a more violent persona as Arsenal. He has had drug problems in the past.
    Roy is a master archer and faster at 'drawing' than Green Arrow ever was. He's proficient at weaponry to the point of making any object an effective weapon in combat. He has a wide range of martial arts mastery. While not in the same boat as Red Robin, he is a master detective. He has a custom bow and a various set of trick arrows as well as a good range of firearms.
    The villains of the story. Right now, there is no supervillain team, though that might change with the formation for the Justice Cadets. These are bad guys who have it out for the heroes, want money and/or power, or are just plain evil.
    Rudy Jones - Parasite
    Rudy Jones worked at S.T.A.R. Labs in Metropolis as a janitor and was known for being quite the pushover. A friend of his convinced him to rob the company. They stole a pickup truck and then stole several vats of experimental chemicals. Superman soon gave chase. During their escape, Rudy was sitting on the back of the truck with the chemicals. After hitting a sharp curve, both Rudy and the chemicals were thrown off of the truck and Rudy was covered in them. He emerged a large purple man with an insatiable appetite. Finding he had the ability to drain both the life force and abilities of people, he called himself Parasite and soon made a name of himself among Superman's most dangerous villains.
    Parasite has above average strength in his normal state. His main power is the ability to absorb the life force of any other by touch. Enough absorption can kill his victims, but it replenishes him. He can steal the abilities and powers of anybody this way, although temporarily, but also absorbs weaknesses.

    Arthur Light - Doctor Light
    Doctor Arthur Light, known as Dr. Light, is a scientific genius of nearly unmatched intellect. He had created a suit that gave him complete control over light but as time went on, this power was internalized and he no longer needs the suit to use his abilities...though he does wear it simply for decorative purposes. Dr. light has been a long time villain of the now deceased "major" superheroes, coming close to killing almost every single one though he never managed to score a finishing blow. When he crossed paths with a sorceress named Zatanna who succeeded in wiping most of his memory, causing Dr. Light to turn from a real threat to a pathetic shadow of the villain he once was, becoming a punching bag for the sidekicks of all the big league heroes. Only a short time after the death of all the major heroes did Dr. Light regain all his old memories. He wants nothing more than revenge on the fallen heroes b ut as those are no longer alive, he will settle with those still around...
    Abilities: Besides his scientific genius-level intellect, Doctor Light's power is the ability to freely control and manipulate light for a variety of purposes.
    • He can bend light around him to become invisible.
    • Generate blasts of yellow glowing energy or create yellow glowing force fields.
    • Fly (though he does with light is beyond me).
    • By repulsing photons, he can create areas of complete darkness. He can also drain ambient light in any area.
    • He can take control over anything that emits light such as Green Lantern constructs, heat vision, or even magic lightning.

    Louise Lincoln - Killer Frost
    Dr. Louise Lincoln was a friend of the first Killer Frost, a psychopathic killer who gained cyrogenetic abilities through an experiment gone wrong. When the first Killer Frost died, Louise, just as psychopathic as her friend, repeated the experiment out of respect and became the new Killer Frost. She then sold her soul to Neron, the same demon who gave Red Devil his powers, for more power. She is known for killing simply because she enjoys it and is often hired by big name criminals.
    Thermokinetic Cyrokinesis: Killer Frost has the ability to generate extreme temperatures of cold from her body. By absorbing heat from the atmosphere, she can freeze molecules of moisture that hang in the air, creating a variety of effects. Primarily this is used to freeze others in place or to create a sheen of ice over an intended target. Killer Frost can also use her powers to summon gusts of super-cold air, with which she uses to hurl frozen objects (usually ice daggers) at specified targets. She often uses hand gestures while doing this to make it appear as if she can project ice directly from her fingertips. This is not necessary however, and is done mostly for theatrical effect. Contrary to others who share her power set, heat does little damage to Killer Frost. In fact, heat is essential to her continued existence. Attacking Killer Frost with a heat based-weapon only serves to strengthen her.
    A trademark tactic of hers is to create a block of ice around a target's feet securing them into place, and then kiss them, absorbing all of the heat from their body until they freeze to death.

    Harleen Quinzel - Harley Quinn

    Harleen Quinzel was a university student with a genius-level IQ with an thesis: 'There are only two circumstances under which a person disregards the rules of society. When they commit a crime, or when they're in love.' She proved it by telling her boyfriend that she had blackmailed her professor, possibly shot him, and ran a red light with his stolen car. She asked if he still loved her, but when he noticed a recently fired handgun, the boyfriend ran out with it. She later found him in a gymnasium, standing over a homeless man he had just shot (thinking it to be the professor). He begged Harleen to shoot him if she really loved him. To this day, it remains a mystery if she did. Harley believed the situation was caused by chaos and grew to 'understand' the Joker. After graduating, she was accepted into Arkham Asylum and was given access to the Joker. Introducing herself as Dr. Harleen Quinzel, she told the silent Joker that he could refer to her as Harley Quinn, like the jester. Joker laughed and asked if she was flirting with him. She moved closer, only to have the Joker strangle her. Instead of fright, he saw love in her eyes. He claimed it was a joke and the two began an affair. She became the Joker's self-proclaimed girlfriend and sidekick. After the invasion, the Joker disappeared, though no body was found, and Harley was left alone. Harley is known to be best friends with Poison Ivy.
    Due to frequent secondhand inhalation of the Joker's Venom, Harley has superhuman agility and durability, as well as peak strength. She's immune to most toxins, including Poison Ivy's. She is trained in psychology and is an Olympic level Gymnast, having been on par with Nightwing.

    Rogues are characters who fit neither heroes nor villains. Think of them as heroes who do questionable things or villains with honorable motives. They're antiheroes, most of the time, and have no alliance with neither heroes nor villains but might fight with either side depending on what will benefit them.
    Jason Todd - Red Hood
    Jason Todd was a street orphan that Batman found trying to steal the tires off of the Batmobile. Seeing potential in the boy, Batman made him his second Robin. However, as Jason grew, his tough attitude on criminals caused Batman to fire him. Jason then found his birth mother in Africa, but when he went to meet her, she gave him up to the Joker. The Joker beat Jason to a pulp with a crowbar and trapped him in a warehouse with a bomb. The bomb went off and Jason didn't survive. Due to circumstances beyond Jason's comprehension, he awoke alive several months later. Ra's al Ghul, a Batman villain that uses tar pits known as the Lazarus Pits to stay immortal, put a comatose Jason into the pit. Jason was finally alive and replenished, though his mentality was bent. Angry at Batman for not killing the Joker and avenging him, he became the new Red Hood (an older alias of the Joker), a gangster who doesn't get rid of crime, but controls it.
    Jason is trained in all of the same fields that Robin and Batman are, though he uses his abilities with more power. He isn't afraid to kill criminals and uses a variety of guns and knives. He is just as acrobatic as Red Robin, though not as intelligent. Because of his disconnection with the Batman family, he has no special gadgets, just his guns and knives.

    Not much is known about Terra's early life or even her real name. She showed up a while back and tried to fit in with other young heroes, but with no set team, she had no set home. Until Slade Wilson, a.k.a. Deathstroke the Terminator, a genetically enhanced mercenary, took her in as his protege. He used her geokinetic abilities to attack other heroes, but young heroes finally managed to convince her she was on the wrong side. However, because of her villainous activities, she's earned quite the questionable reputation in the hero community.
    Abilities: Terra is geokinetic and thus, able to control the element of earth.
    Terra is able to control and manipulate the earth and all earth-related substances and materials and use them either as useful makeshift weapons or as transportation. She can also focus her innate geokinetic/terrakinetic powers and abilities to blast her way through solid rock. She soon demonstrated much, much better control over her powers and abilities able to create various shapes and creatures that can act on their own accord, but under her control out of solid rock. However when her geokinetic/terrakinetic powers and abilities had reached their limits she was able to inadvertently create a big massive volcano that was strong and powerful enough to obliterate the entire city.
    ????? - Red X
    As Robin, Tim Drake had made a villain persona named Red X to use for undercover missions. However, after his first usage of the suit, it was stolen by an unknown person. While Robin has met and fought the new Red X several times, he hasn't come any closer to unmasking the rogue's true identity. Since then, Red X has upgraded the suit and made a name of himself as a Batman-tier thief.
    Abilities: Like the Robins, X has no special powers and relies on gadgets instead. He is highly acrobatic and trained in the art of ninja and assassins.
    The suit has a number of functions such as

    • Invisibility/cloaking device.
    • Teleportation device that requires a lot of his suit's power supply.
    • The palms of his gloves can form X-shaped projectiles that can act as shuriken, blades, restraints, timed explosives, and other functions.
    • Electricity Xs that release electricity from themselves.
    • Splitting Xs that can split up an object to make an X shaped opening. Red X can control if the object reforms or stays split.

    Hugo Strange - Batman?!?
    Hugo Strange's childhood was scarred by trauma and grief, eventually leading him to pursue higher goals. He became a well-respected mind in the scientific community and became Arkham Asylum's head psychiatrist. He treated most of Batman's villains and, through them, studied the Batman. Strange soon became obsessed with the Batman's psyche. He came to believe that Batman was the ultimate mental specimen as well as believing that he himself was the epitome of mental health. He had tangled with Batman intellectually many times. Strange is in the same league as the Joker, Riddler, Killer Croc, the Scarecrow, and the rest of Batman's high tier villains with one exception: he doesn't have the crippling psychoses to cloud his judgment. Since Batman's death, Strange waited for his replacement. Instead, he heard of a superhero team and Red Robin, but no new Batman. Believing both of those to be an insult, he secretly plots to take Batman's persona for himself.
    Strange has a genius level intellect in chemistry, genetics, hypnosis, pedagogy, psychatry, psychology, and tactical analysis. He has peak human strength and agility and a martial arts/gymnastics expert.
    I'll post a list of suggestions for characters soon, but this thread is now open

  2. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    I claim Terra (think she should be a rogue) and Kid Flash (is he still buddies with Robin?)!! =D Still thinking of a villain....
  3. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Terra could definitely be a rogue if we keep the 'trained by Deathstroke' history. And yes for Kid Flash!
  4. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    Heh, I'm already on the first post for Static XD
    That saves me the trouble of claiming him again here directly lol
    Cheers man. :P
    Can't wait for this to start lol
    this is gonna be awesome ¦3

    Also yay for semi-modness! XD *lets the power get to my head*
    Nah, seriously though. Yeah, if Bueno isn't around, if anyone needs help etc, just let me know.
    I'll be glad to do what I can as I'm sure Terra and Garx are too lol
  5. Beau Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 11, 2009
    Hey Bueno, is this the same exact thing as the old one, only remade?

    Because if so, you can use the same characters from the old one.
  6. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    This isn't the same thing as the last one. You'd be better off taking new characters...unless they aren't dead like the ones mentioned.

    Anyways, I know who I want to control for my villain! Dr. Light. Though some of history is a bit...disturbing. >>
  7. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Kind of, but not really. I got the idea for it as a remake, but it's without OCs (at least for now). Because of the lack of OCs, it's impossible to use the same characters (unless I do include them later on) that are original characters (Greenscale, Sonic Boy, Sundra). And since most of the League during the invasion, we can't use them either.

    I think we should include that disturbing part. Fits you perfectl*shot*
    How do you want to edit it exactly?
  8. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    Any thoughts about a villain for me? lol
    I have no clue... :/
    Unless you really don't mind making an exception for me, for now lol
  9. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    All I want edited out is that whole "DR. LIGHT RAPES PEOPLE" thing. >>
  10. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Hmmm, it'd be hard to do anyway since he can't get his memory wiped by the League if there's no League xD
    How about that he...was a real threat, taking down heroes one by one and eventually went against Zatanna who memory wiped him. After she died in the invasion, her spell wore off?
  11. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    XD That works out well in the end. I really don't want to change his character. I just don't want to be controlling the "Punchingbag" version of him when he had his mind wiped. So that idea of yours works.
  12. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Yeah xD alright then. He could even be wanting revenge against heroes but since they're dead, he goes after the ones that are left.

    @Everyone else, we won't be starting before the 17th (though that's not the date we're starting; we're just not starting before that for sure) since Garxena will be away until then.
    Also, you're allowed to take any incarnation of any character regardless of media. For example, Red X from Teen Titans is now taken. Though they'll be needing some tweaking to fit in the RP (I think everyone'll love what we do with him in the end). Some incarnations will not be allowed but those are very few. Batman Beyond (Of the Future for those across seas) can't be used since he is in the future. Damian Wayne (for those who do read comics, he's the current Robin) can't be used either. Anybody from the shows Static Shock, Teen Titans, Justice League Unlimited, Smallville, Young Justice, or any other superhero show can also be used (except for dead heroes of course). In JLU's case, the core members are dead here, of course, but most of the 'other' heroes can be used. Also, if you know a hero who has been dead for a long time, I'll allow them to be alive depending on how 'big' the hero is (the other Blue Beetles for example can be used).
    I might allow a small number of OCs from the beginning. The exact number is not yet known, but you have to let me know here what kind of OC you want (and that you want one, of course) and I'll PM you certain guidelines for them (only people who make OCs can know the guidelines).

    *If you're interested in joining (or simply viewing the thread, in which case, please consider joining ; ; lol), and have no clue about any hero you can use or would want to, still post here. Trust me, there's enough heroes and villains out there for everyone so we can find something for you. If you want to be what I call a 'string-puller,' that is someone who can semi-godmod in order to move the plot along and has a plot-relevant character, let me know (these are for villains).
    **If you still have no idea about who you can be, I'm going to have a list of heroes and villains up by Tuesday night. It's going to be a large list, but it'll have small descriptions of certain heroes and villains in different categories (Batman-related characters, for example). If someone's sidekick is already taken, you can still take another one of theirs. Red Robin is Batman's sidekick, but I'll still allow Batgirl (Stephanie Brown) and Blackbat (Cassandra Cain. Think of Batgirl, but an assassin). Supergirl and Superboy can both be used for Superman. Kid Flash (Wally West) and Impulse (Bart Allen) can both be used for Flash. Aqualad, Aquagirl, Tempest for Aquaman. The comics version of Miss Martian and the Young Justice version of Miss Martian are considered separate here. Green Arrow (Connor Hawke), Red Arrow/Arsenal (Roy Harper), and Speedy (Mia Harper) are all viable options for Green Arrow's replacements. I hope you get the point.
  13. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    Well, I ask but one thing, and that is about the OC stuff you and I discussed, of course, you said that may also happen later for *spoiler reasons*
  14. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Here are suggestions for characters. Remember, these are all suggestions, if you think of somebody else you want to be who's not on this list, you can play them! I'm going to put the heroes first, then villains, then rogues. I'll label the heroes by family.Strikes means the character's taken. Each name links to their DC wiki page, though you don't have to even click it, it's just for reference. If you like a character but want more information, let me know and I'll tell you all you need to know (but you could still use their page if you want). Some characters have heavy editing to fit in the RP.
    Batman Family
    The Batman family are composed of mostly his adopted children. Unfortunately, the first Robin (Dick Grayson) became Nightwing and then died after becoming Batman during the war. The second Robin, Jason Todd, died at the hands of the Joker, but was revived by Batman's immortal enemy Ra's al Ghul. Jason, now slightly insane, became the anti-hero, Red Hood. The third Robin, Timothy Drake, now goes by Red Robin. His adopted sister Cassandra Cain was Batgirl, but now goes by Blackbat. Stephanie Brown, a girl who became a hero name dSpoiler to stop her criminal father is the new Batgirl. Batman also comes with rogues, Azrael and Red Hood.

    • Red Robin -
      Timothy Drake deduced Batman's identity by himself at a young age. After the second Robin, Jason Todd, died, he became Robin. He was adopted by Bruce after his father's death. He became Red Robin after Batman died. Powers: None. Batman-like gadgets and martial arts.
    • Batgirl -
      Stephanie Brown is the blond, clumsy daughter of Cluemaster, a Ridder-like villain. She became Spoiler to stop her father. She was fast friends with Robin and the Batgirl at the time, Cassandra Cain. After Batman died, Cassandra abandoned the Batgirl costume and Stephanie adopted it. Powers: None. Batman-like gadgets and martial arts, though she's the 'weakest' of the Batman family since she's a relatively young hero.
    • Blackbat -
      Cassandra Cain was conceived, born, and raised for the sole purpose of being a bodyguard for the immortal villain Ra's al Ghul. Trained as an assassin and raised not to speak, but read her enemies movement instead, she's a deadly combatant. She ran away at a mere 8 years old and found Batman 9 years later. She was Batgirl for awhile and was even adopted by Bruce. She even learn how to speak, but abandoned the costume after Bruce died. She's recently picked up the title of 'Blackbat,' going for a darker theme. Powers: None. Batman-like gadgets and one of the world's greatest martial arts master.
    Superman Family
    The Superman family are heroes related to Superman, though not always by blood. Consisting of his 'cousins,' Superboy (clone) and Supergirl (his real cousin), his son Nightwing (adopted son) and daughter Cir-El (his DNA was grafted to normal girl from the future), and two heroines simply inspired by his legacy, Powergirl (a human bonded to an interdimensional shapeshifter. Actual name is Supergirl, but changed it to Powergirl so it wouldn't be confusing) and Girl 13 (a girl who can do magic), the Superman family is a force to be reckoned with.​

    • Superboy -
      Conner Kent/Kon-El is the teenage clone of Superman (Clark Kent) and Lex Luthor. After a long tenure as Superboy, Superman legally adopted him as his 'cousin' Conner Kent and gave the Kryptonian name Kon-El. Powers: slightly weaker versions of all of Superman's powers with the addition of 'tactile telekinesis.'
    • Supergirl -
      Kara Zor-El/Kara Kent is Superman's cousin from Krypton. Born before him, she was suspended in animation for years so she appears younger than him. Powers: All of Superman's.
    • Powergirl-
      Linda Danvers was a normal, brown-haired girl that was sacrificed to a cult. Fortunately, a shapeshifter from another dimension named Matrix bonded with her, saving her life. The new fusion resulted in Linda gaining the ability to turn to a taller, blonde, and bustier Powergirl. Powers: Superhuman strength, stamina, and speed. Flight. Invulnerability. Telekinesis.
    • Nightwing -
      Lor-Zod is the son of General Zod, one of Superman's Kryptonian enemies. Born in the interdimensional prison known as the Phantom Zone, he escaped at a young age and chose the life of good. Superman adopted him as his and Lois Lane's son and renamed him Christopher Kent. He has shown strange traits, due to being born in the Phantom Zone. He adopted the name Nightwing after a Krytponian urban legend. Powers: All of Superman's plus teleportation. Can create objects from shadows.
    • Cir-El -
      Mia was a normal girl from the future who had Superman's DNA crafted into her by a futuristic version of Brainiac. She traveled to the past to find her 'real father' Superman and assist him. She adopted the name Cir-El (since Supergirl was already taken). Powers: superhuman strength and speed, super-hearing, invulnerability, and could leap vast distances (but could not fly). She could release her stored solar energy from her hands as "Red Sunbursts", blasts of red solar radiation (the very wavelength of sunlight that Superman loses his powers under) that struck an enemy with intense heat and force.
    • Girl 13 -
      Traci Thirteen (yes, that's her real name) is born to a Homo Magi, a race of humans who could use magic. However, her magic is different than the others as she doesn't have to speak backwards to do it. After accidentally killing her mother, she decided to use her powers for good. She frequently helps out the Superman family with her pet iguana, Leroy, idolizing the big blue boy scout. Powers: Urban magic (able to tap into the knowledge and powers of cities), magical sight (able to see and follow people's auras and even see creatures that are invisible to others), blast of magic (can tear through pavement), protective circles and force fields, divination (able to locate objects and people and transfer this knowledge), possession spells over people, 'familiar' (she can talk to her iguana and learn what he's seen and thinks. She can also turn him into a monstrous, dragon-like creature). Fate sense (can tell something important will happen to her where she's at).
    Wonder Family
    Wonder Woman unfortunately only has two members of her family, and one died in the war. The first Wonder Girl was Donna Troy, a woman made by a sorceress to be Wonder Woman's playmate. She soon abandoned the Wonder Girl name and went by her real name, Donna Troy. Donna died in the invasion. The second is Cassandra Sandsmark, a demigod.

    • Wonder Girl -
      Cassandra Sandsmark is the daughter of a noted archaeologist and the Greek god Zeus, making her a demigod. When asked by her father what she wanted most, she asked for superpowers. Her mother, however, has the ability to deactivate them (though she rarely does). Powers: Being a demigod, she has superhuman strength, speed, durability, reflexes, and can also fly at will. She's a master at hand-to-hand combat. She carries the Lasso of Lightning, a length of rope that channels the lightning of Zeus himself as a weapon. After Wonder Woman's death, she inherited her Lasso of Truth.
    Flash Family
    The Flash family has the original Flash's nephew and grandson at the center. The third addition is Jesse Chambers, the daughter of a fellow speedster and a superstrong heroine.

    • Kid Flash -
      Wallace "Wally" West is the nephew of the late Flash's (Barry Allen) wife. He gained his powers the same way the original Flash did, by getting doused in electrified chemicals. He became Kid Flash to help out his uncle by marriage. Powers: Superspeed. Kid Flash has the potential to be the fastest man alive (faster than the original), but his age and inexperience stops him. He has the unique abilities of sharing the Force (making people faster) or stealing speed/momentum from anyone or anything. He can phase through objects and create vortexes.
    • Impulse -
      Bartholomew "Barry" Allen II is the grandson of the first Flash (Barry Allen) from the future. He was born with superspeed and aged incredibly fast, looking 12 when he was really 2. His mother took him to the past where the first Flash raced him and shocked his body into normal aging. He stayed in the present to become a hero, taking on the name Impulse. He is slightly younger than Wally and his powers are slightly different. Powers: Superspeed (not as fast as Wally's). He can't steal or share the force, but he can phase through thin walls. He's learned to use the Speed Force to make clones of himself (called speed scouts) that obey his commands and fuse with him once done with their tasks. He can speak at a speed only other speedsters can understand, speed read, and has true photographic memory.
    • Jesse Quick -
      Jessica Belle Chambers' father was a man who went by the name Johnny Quick. Johnny managed to hack into the Speed Force with a mathematical formula. He left the formula for his daughter. Her mother was Liberty Belle, an American-themed heroine blessed with superstrength. Jesse inherited her mother's superstrength and is the only speedster with genuine superstrength. Powers: Superspeed by visualizing the formula "3x2(9YZ)4A" and turning it off with "Z25Y(2AB)6". She can phase through objects like Kid Flash and even turn herself semi-invisible for short periods of time. She also has superstrength.
    Aqua Family
    The Aqua family is composed of three Atlantean teens that Aquaman has trained throughout the years.

    • Tempest -
      Garth was born in Atlantis, like Aquaman, but was left to die because of Atlantean superstition. Aquaman saved him, adopted him, and named him his prince. He was the first Aqualad until he discovered he was skilled in sorcery. He then became the hero known as Tempest. Powers: Underwater breathing (amphibious nature), enhanced sight, hearing, smell, strength, endurance, speed (in water), and durability. He can communicate with aquatic animals. Sorcery (shoot beams of energy, control water, limited telekinesis, generate heat from his left hand and cold from his right hand).
    • Aquagirl -
      Lorena Marquez was a regular girl on a date at the San Diego Zoo. An earthquake caused the entire city to sink into the sea, killing thousands. Aquaman saved her and his DNA was accidentally fused to her, giving her similar abilities to him. She trained alongside Tempest under Aquaman and became Aquagirl. Powers: Ability to breathe underwater, superstrength (moreso underwater), and able to communicate with marine life telepathically (hinted to work on mammals such as humans with enough practice.)
    • Aqualad (From the Young Justice show!) -
      Jackson Hyde was an average, bored student that didn't know he was the son of the Aquaman villain, Black Manta. He was adopted by a normal couple who knew he is secret. He was raised to be scared of the water and to never touch it in public. He never knew about truth about the strange tattoos he was born with. When Black Manta came for his son, Aquaman found him first and saved him. He was trained for a short while in Atlantis before the war took his teacher's life, leaving him inexperienced. Powers: Hydrokinesis (able to form and control the flow of water for various purposes such as making swords and other weapons), electrokinesis (his tattoos glow and he can control electric waves and bursts like an eel.) Any time he touches water, he gains gills and webbed features, allowing him to breathe underwater and swim as fast as Aquaman (even faster than Tempest).

    I'll post more when I get the chance >> I still have the Miss Martians, Green Lantern, Green Arrow's, and the 'others' to do.

  15. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    I'M BACK! Since I thought of nothing but Disney while I was away, I've still got to think of a villain and fixing Terra's bio a bit. But my brain is totally fried right now... sooooo... I'll do it over the weekend or Monday (Monday for sure).
  16. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    I didn't think I was going to find a hero to play, BUT I FOUND THE ONE. <3

    Reserve me for Jesse Quick, plox (please). I'll make her format soon. I need a villain though. (Can't figure out who.) ><
  17. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    Thinking about dropping out of this thread. Thought I'd mention it before it started. It just seems to me that the more I join other people's threads, the more my own get ignored.
  18. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    You already know my negative thoughts on this. B|

    In any case, just posting as a reminder that I would also like to take Aquagirl (If it'll help the RP) and Killer Frost as my villain. I didn't know she was that bad, even for a villain. I mean sheesh: "Killer Frost was enlisted in Gorilla Grodd's Secret Society – according to Grodd, she joined simply because she loved killing."

    Tremble in fear, my children. Tremble in fear.
  19. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    I'm staying in! 8D I'll be taking Harley Quinn as my villain.
  20. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Due to Bueno being raped today(not really)...He can't start the RP today but he's assured me that he'll be on tomorrow to at least give us a heads up on what's going on. The RP might start tomorrow but don't get your hopes that high.
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