|Naruto| Tails of the Shinobi

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Boy Wonder, May 13, 2012.

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  1. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Note: This is a Naruto RP, if you haven't guessed yet, but a complete OC driven RP. It takes place in a different timeline/universe/whatever from the actual series so there is no Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, Lee, Gaara, etc. You ready?

    Background Story
    Long Ago
    "I am the one who will establish peace and order."
    It was an age of endless war. Man versus man. Brother vs. Sister. Father vs. Son. There was no such thing as Ninjutsu or shinobi; ninjas were an unheard of concept. That's when the Sage of the Six Paths appeared. He was the first man to understand the concept of chakra. He spread his ways and his religion, which soon evolved into Ninjutsu. Thus, shinobi were born. The Sage brought peace to the war-ridden world. Because of this, he was known as the Savior of the World. Being the creator of Ninjutsu, he was also known as the God of Shinobi. Over time, the world was split into several countries, with ninja villages within them. The Sage had given the people world peace.

    The Ten-Tailed Beast
    "It's a fusion of all the Tailed Beasts and possesses the strongest chakra ever."

    Several centuries ago, the world was attacked by primordial demon, a monster with ten tails, the Jubi. The Sage saved the world from this monster by sealing it within his body, thus becoming a Jinchuriki, a host of a Tailed Beast. However, the Sage knew that upon his death, the seal holding the Jubi in would break and release the monster upon the world once again. The Sage knew that the beast would be let loose to wreak havoc once he died, so upon his deathbed, he used a reality-changing jutsu to divide the Jubi's chakra into 9 separate entities. The 9 entities were the Tailed Beasts. Each beast had a number of tails, ranging from 1 to 9, with 9 having the most chakra. These beasts were scattered throughout the ninja world. As a final precaution, just before his death, the Sage used his own jutsu to seal the Jubi's body in a stone prison and sent it to the heavens, creating the moon. The Sage then died.

    The Tailed Beasts
    "The nine tailed beasts are nothing more than a division of the Jubi's chakra."
    The separation of the Jubi's chakra resulted in the Tailed Beasts. Nine of them in total, these beasts were pure chakra, given a physical form the size of a mountain. After being born from the Jubi's chakra and given life by the Sage, they were scattered across the world. Each one seemed to make its home in a certain area of the world, similar to their specific nature. They weren't always there, though. They would disappear for years at a time, and then reappear, only to wreak havoc on the surrounding villages. However, they would always return to their "home" before mysteriously disappearing. Their home was an area filled with its chakra, and, because of this, the Tailed Beast's power would increase whenever it was near its home. Sometimes, if one was lucky, you could find the Tailed Beast in its home in a rare state of sleep. If one was unlucky, you would find it awake. However, it would usually be gone. No one knew where the Tailed Beast went when they disappeared. The worst situations were when two or more Tailed Beast appeared at the same time. In rare cases, the Tailed Beast would cross paths. The Tailed Beasts were just that: beasts. They were wild, uncontrollable, unpredictable, rabid. They would fight each other, causing an unfathomable chaos. Any village caught in the wake of a Tailed Beast, or, even worse, the wake of a fight of Tailed Beasts would suffer almost complete destruction. It was because of this that the villages sought and found a solution. They would seal the Tailed Beasts into certain shinobi, creating Jinchuriki, just like the Sage.

    "Jinchuriki generally hate people because of their own bad moods."
    The first Hokage of Konoha, the Village Hidden in the Leaves, had a special ability. His unique jutsu let him capture and control the Tailed Beasts. After a proposed alliance by all the villages, he did just that, and distributed the Tailed Beast among the villages. Each village had its own unique jutsu for sealing the Tailed Beast inside a host, but they all managed to do it. It was traditional for the Jinchuriki to be related to the Kage of its village, to prevent someone with such power from betraying the village. However, instead of being seen as heroes, the hosts were seen as monsters. They were ticking time bombs just waiting to go off and release the sealed monster. They were shunned by their fellow villagers. Because of this, it was common for the Jinchuriki to hate humanity. For the most part, Jinchurikis couldn't control their Tailed Beast. Only a handful of shinobi have been known to be able to completely control them. Jinchurikis are able to tap into their Tailed Beast's chakra, but doing it past a certain extent will let the Tailed Beasttake control and eventually escape. Jinchurikis usually have some kind of physical trait that relates to their Tailed Beast. Whenever a Jinchuriki ventured into the home of its Tailed Beast, the Tailed Beast's chakra would increase the Jinchuriki's power and access to its inner Beast's chakra. However, this put them at even more risk of losing control of their Tailed Beast. It was for this reason that the each Tailed Beast was given to a village far from its home.

    The Fourth Great Shinobi War
    "Next time we meet, it will be on the battleground."
    The first war started shortly after the First Hokage distributed the Tailed Beasts. The peace treaty fell through and the war started. It finally ended in an armistice, but not until after all Five Great Nations were severely damaged. The second war started when a small village wanted more power. The war resulted in many casualties, but ended in the favor of Konoha and annihilation of the village.. The third war resulted from the disappearance of the Kazekage, leader of Suna, the Village Hidden in the Sand. Suna went to such lengths to find him, that they provoked other villages. They never found him, but the war ended.

    Now, there has been a war going for a few years. The reason? The last Tailed Beast and the strongest: Kyubi, the Nine-Tails. The one Tailed-Beast that no village had been able to capture after it escaped its host long ago. It was on the loose and the villages couldn't agree on who should get it once it's captured. The Kages simply declared war upon each other. Konoha and Kiri became allies in the war with Iwa and Kumo doing the same. Suna stayed neutral, not wanting to get involved.

    The Shinobi's Disappearances
    "Knowing pain controls ones thoughts and decisions."
    During the war, several shinobi with special talents disappeared. At first, each side blamed the other, but they realized neither village was behind it. Instead, some mysterious organization had been collecting them. No one knows any of the members of this organization, what village they're from, or their goal. But they can't be allowed to capture any more shinobi. However, this isn't enough to stop the war and start an alliance. The Kages of Konoha and Kiri sent out a squad, including their Jinchuriki, and a few other shinobi to find the Nine-Tails before the organization could find it. The Raikage (leader of Kumo) did the same with his Jinchuriki and the Jinchuriki of Iwa with other shinobi to find the Nine-Tails before the organization or the Kiri/Konoha alliance can. What Suna and their Jinchuriki are doing, however, is a mystery as well. You are one of three people:

    1. A Jinchuriki or shinobi from either Kiri, Konoha, Kumo, or Iwa in search of finding the Kyubi and stopping the other team from doing so.
    2. A Jinchuriki or shinobi from Suna. You are a neutral party in this war. Your goal is a mystery to the rest of us.
    3. A member of the mysterious organization that is capturing the Jinchuriki for unknown reasons.

    OOC Thread (Post characters, view rules and more information) Located Here
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