
Discussion in 'Archives' started by Jayn, Oct 16, 2008.

  1. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    A/N: ‘Ello. :3 Welcome to meh...story thing...I actually started writing this today. I'd really like some feedback. =] I'm going to try to be consistent. @.@
    -Chapter one
    -Chapter two
    -Chapter three
    -Chapter four
    Chapter One:: Leah

    So what?

    I waited silently, hoping for a sign of indecision. His perfect green eyes stayed glued to me and I was almost positive that he could feel the things that I could. The pain, the confusion, the torment.

    The indecision of the heart.

    It was a sickening thought. My heart pounding, body trembling, clothes soaked with blood. It was the last thing I wanted to be sure of. He was enjoying this. I choked back tears. His eyes drove through the surface, past my weakened defenses, and straight for my shattered heart.

    Breaking…I’ll break for you…

    His eyes darted towards my arm and I watched in shock as a smile spread slowly across his face.

    “So clumsy…” He spoke softly. Mocking me.

    It’s venom…

    I gasped and trudged towards him, ignoring the searing pain in my shoulder. It was getting harder to breath, as if I were suddenly trapped in a small sealed bag. I stopped trying to tell the difference between my tears and the blood slipping down my cheeks.

    “E-Eric…” My voice broke and he turned away from me, coldly. He straightened up from his crouching position and dropped the blade. The world spun frantically around me and I fumbled faintly towards him.

    Don’t leave me…Please…

    I subconsciously brought my left hand to my bleeding shoulder and shuddered after feeling my blood run through my fingers. I wanted to vomit.

    “Farewell…My love…”

    I gasped as he turned his back towards me and disappeared into the darkness.

    “E-ERIC!” I screeched, beyond myself. I wanted to run for him, scream for him to come back. But I felt myself collapse and slip away.

    And so it begins…


    The nervous feeling came back and I laughed sheepishly, tucking a strand of loose black hair behind my ear. I was painfully aware of my flaws and looked shyly towards my English teacher. Of course, he shot me a reassuring smile and I took a small step forward.

    Being completely honest with myself, I didn’t even remember waking up in the morning. My aunt had let me sleep in with good intentions. Unfortunately, that sympathy had made me late. I hadn’t had time to eat breakfast and the stress of the day had made me feel like I was starving…or simply dying. Of course, I remember having to run to school, tripping on my way through the door. Luckily, no one noticed.

    “Well…” My right hand traveled up the strap of my backpack and I released a deep sigh, staring down at my spotless white tennis shoes. Should I be wearing something more…fashionable? I looked down at my classmates shoes self-consciously. I just knew they were judging me. My flushed cheeks, pale complexion, dark blue eyes and jet black hair.

    I sighed shakily and looked up. “…I changed schools to come live with my aunt…Um. My name is Leah…I’m a senior…” I didn’t know what else to add and looked back at my teacher again. He was leaning against the whiteboard with a interested look on his face. He awkwardly began to clap promptly and the students followed despite the fact that my introduction wasn’t at all exciting.

    I plastered a familiar fake smile on my face as I made my way to the back of the classroom. I had gotten seated by the window. Again. I sighed and pulled out my binder, leaning back in my seat and pretending not to notice the curious glances being shot my way. I realized, rather disappointedly, that the ones staring were mostly female. I figured they were just waiting for me to mess up. I shouldn't think so pessimistically...Maybe they want to be friends... I leaned against the wall on my right and stared out of the window, twirling a blue mechanical pencil between my fingers and sighing again.

    See ya soon…​

    Chapter Two:: Leah

    (Authors note: Thanks everybody who read and gave feedback. I appreciate it. =] Now, Leah is the P.O.V, not the chapter name ^^;
    I promise the next chapter will be longer. I'll have all weekend to work on it.

    It seemed like forever until school ended. I weaved through the crowds of people and started to make my way to Amelia’s. It wasn’t a long way to walk, but the longing to be home made it difficult for me to focus on my surroundings. I completely missed out on the gorgeous colors of fall and the old-fashion landscaping. I couldn’t enjoy the fragrance of budding tulips, or the light breeze blowing past me.

    As I reached the front door, I could already smell Amelia’s cooking. Unfortunately, she had never been the greatest cook. I grimaced and twisted the doorknob. Unlocked like always… Walking inside, I realized that I still hadn’t gotten use to the small, clustered, three bedroom house. It was so different from my dad’s place. The living room was filthy. A large navy blue loveseat in front of a small television with a VCR sitting on top of it was against the wall. The once white carpet was now a faded tan color. It clashed with the chipping rouge wallpaper. I my gaze towards the sliding glass door leading out onto a balcony on the other side of me. It was cluttered with tall violet beach chairs. Shuddering, I shut the front door behind me.
    “Leah?” My aunt’s tired voice came from the kitchen down a short hall to my left. I set my backpack down against a wall and shrugged out of my thin gray sweater I had been forced to wear. It had always been freezing in the North. Sixty degrees here felt like eighty to me. I straightened out my short-sleeve red shirt with a smile.

    “Leah…?” She called again, forcing me out of my thoughts.

    “Yeah, it’s me auntie.”

    Amelia sighed and I heard the clanking of dishes. I frowned, finally identifying the scent of burnt fried fish. Reluctantly, I made my way to the kitchen to greet her.

    “I thought you were Carl…Are you hungry?” She asked me, smiling considerately. She pointed towards the fish. “I made it for you, honey. You’ve had a long day.”

    All for me, huh? Aw. You reallyshouldn’t have…

    “Thanks but I’m not really hungry.” I lied. “I have a lot of work to do from school so I’ll eat later, ‘kay?” I shot her a convincing smile and headed off to my room.

    I still haven’t seen you…

    My room was small and essentially empty with the exception of the twin bed sitting in the middle of the bedroom. I slid underneath the covers and curled up, staring at the pointless heater in the corner of the room. I closed my eyes, wondering why I suddenly felt so exhausted, wishing I had something to concentrate on besides my twisted thoughts. My eyes opened and I continued searching through my mind, turning the pages of my subconscious. A smile spread across my lips.

    So sick…

    …and I closed my eyes again.

    Where’ve you been…?

    The bare colorless walls made me want to close my eyes…

    I miss you…​

    …to escape from that nothingness

    “LEAH!” Amelia yelled from the living room. I opened my eyes, staring blankly out in front of me. “He’s here for you!”

    I shot up suddenly, ignoring the headache that came graciously along with that motion. “Okay!” I shouted back, climbing out of bed and running quickly out of the door and into the bathroom. I glared at myself in the mirror. My hair stuck messily to my rosy cheeks, my lips were chapped, and dark circles bordered my eyes. I looked half-dead. Groaning in disgust, I started to wash my face. Afterwards I began combing through my shoulder-length hair with my fingers.

    “Leah, hurry up. Or do you want him to leave?”


    “I’m coming!” I yelled to Amelia, stumbling out of the bathroom clumsily. Butterflies took off in my stomach as I slowly walked to the living-room, my hands shaking at my side. Calm down…Leah… I took a deep breath and relaxed, trying to slow the pace of my rapid heart.

    But then I heard his voice.

    “So…Leah just moved here…?”

    And the butterflies resumed their flight.

    Chapter Three:: Eric ​

    “So…Leah just moved here…?” I asked, slipping my hands into my pockets. I smirked to myself as I looked around the messy living room. Leah’s aunt had never been the best housekeeper. I frowned as I looked back at the woman. She was clearly worn out. Her once thick brown hair had thinned over the years, and she was getting wrinkles. She was only thirty-four. Or was that old? I noticed that she was slumped over as she smiled my way. Or maybe I was too tall. I’ve seen taller then 6’2 though. I looked down at my shoes, grinning to myself. Leah use to joke about my having clown shoes, even before size thirteen.

    “Mm-hm.” Amelia had her eyes set on me, her head tilted up to look at my face. I pretended not to notice, staring at the loveseat quietly.

    “Sorry about tha—!” My eyes widened slightly as Leah stumbled out from the hallway, hitting the floor.

    “Uh…” I tried to hold back laughter but it slipped out and I turned my back to her, grinning.

    Leah made a quick recovery, her face red.

    “Are you laughing at me? You jerk! I haven’t seen you in forever and you laugh at me?” She snapped, moving closer and hitting my arm lightly. I laughed harder, turning around to face her.

    “You’re just yelling to hide your embarrassment.” I kept my eyes to her, hiding my surprise. She looked so much older than before. I realized it had been five years but…

    “Am not…” She looked up at me, her deep blue eyes shimmering with tears. I stared, speechless. She was crying? I noticed how short her hair had gotten compared to when she was twelve when it use to hang freely past her waist. It framed her face and curled around her cheek and shoulders now. I wondered what else had changed, my eyes moving downwards—I heard her sniff and looked back into her eyes quickly.

    “Look, I—err…” I looked away from her with a confused frown, running a hand through my messy brown hair nervously. “I guess…I’m…sorry? Stop crying, Le…”

    Leah moved closer and tried wrapping her arms around me. She couldn’t.

    “You’re a giant…” She murmured against me. I looked over her head and realized that Amelia had fled the room.

    How unfortunate…

    I had been hoping to use her has a distraction. Instead, I awkwardly brought my left hand down to her waist and my right hand up to stroke her hair.

    “And you’re really short.” I stated plainly.

    “I missed you so much, Eric…”

    I pulled away from her and muttered quickly. “I missed you too.”

    I hadn’t ever been very comfortable touching Leah. She seemed way too breakable to my. I felt like I might hurt her somehow.

    “You’re so awkward.” Leah laughed and wiped her face with her sleeve. She smiled at me and I smiled back, unable to resist.


    “You’re one to talk. Miss clumsy.”

    She hit me again and turned back towards the hallway.

    “Whatever. Let me go get dressed.” It finally occurred to me that she was wearing her pajamas.

    “Eh. Alright.” I nodded towards her as she walked off. Not much had changed between us. I was glad.

    I walked over to the loveseat and sat down carefully, staring at the black T.V screen and tapping my foot quietly. Amelia was in the kitchen making dinner for Leah’s uncle, Carl. I had asked her to come alone with Le and me but she didn’t want to ‘get in our way’. I knew she was just too tired to go. But I didn’t think dinner was too exerting.

    “All done.” Leah came back into the living room wearing faded blue jeans and a short sleeve black shirt. I always like how simple she dressed. Even on so-called “special occasions”. I looked down at what I was wearing; loose dark blue jeans, and a long red shirt.

    “Bring a jacket.” I told her, standing up and walking to the door. She was staring at me. “Um…Do you have a jacket?” Her face went red.
    “Yeah.” She sighed and walked back to her room.


    Although Leah and I had a lot to catch up on, the car ride was a quiet one. Lead stared out of the passenger’s window and hummed along with the music playing softly on the radio. It was a little awkward. I drove slowly though the city, hoping to familiarize her with the shops she use to drag me through. My mind traveled back to when she left here…

    “I’m sorry…”

    Leah’s voice was smooth as always.

    She looked down at the ground and took a deep breath, leaning against him at the base of the tree. She pulled her backpack onto her lap and looked up into the sky.

    “Don’t be. You’re always sorry for the stupidest things, Le.” Eric grinned and stretched, looking into the sky. He awkwardly snaked his arm around her shoulders to pull her closer to him, his face going red. She curled up in his arms like it the most natural thing in the world to her. Her long hair was pulled up into a messy ponytail, falling down past her shoulders and thinning out across his chest.

    “I’ll miss you…I don’t want to leave you, Eric…” She murmured.

    Her smooth voice broke this time and he flinched.

    “I’ll miss you too.”

    “Will you write?”



    “Of course…”

    A black car pulled up across the street from the park and Leah gasped softly as a man in black got out, crossing over to us and holding out his hand. Eric stared up at the man, clenching his fists as Leah stood up. This was the man taking his best friend away from him. Leah didn’t want to go. She shouldn’t have to go! Eric turned his face away and bit down on his bottom lip, resisting the strong urge to lunge at the stranger. To strangle him maybe…Eric smirked to himself. He could do it too. He would do it if Leah weren’t there.

    “Bye Eric…”

    Eric couldn’t talk, couldn’t look. He sat there alone, staring at a flower emptily.

    So empty.

    The car drove away into the distance and Eric turned around, staring out into the clear blue sky.


    I could never remember the details. I could only remember that she didn’t want to go and that I couldn’t say goodbye to her face.

    “Hey Le…?” I started, keeping my eyes on the road. I heard her shift in her seat to turn to me.


    “Why did you leave? Who took you away?” I asked her.

    There was a long pause and she stared at me quietly. Why did she never answer? What had gone wrong? Who was that man? I shook my head in frustration.

    “I went to go live with my dad…Silly…” She said quietly. I tried to remember what exactly had happened. Searching my mind, I found nothing and I quickly glanced over to look at her. Leah smiled before gazing out of the window.

    I noticed that she wasn’t humming anymore.


    We decided to go to an Italian restaurant. I wasn’t a big fan, but Leah loved it. As I stood next to the cashier quietly, I tried to remember the last time Leah and I went out together. Just her and I. I smiled to myself. We had gone to go see a scary movie. She’d been ridiculously afraid of the cliché zombie movie. Though, I suppose I had been just as scared back then. We had both been so young. Of course, I thought I was old back then. Now being eighteen, I knew better. I crossed my arms, waiting for our table to be ready.

    Leah was staring off into space beside me. Shifting from side to side quietly. I sighed. I had gotten her thinking about the past again. Why did I always do that? I’m so STUPID.

    “Are you okay?” I asked her. Leah faced me with a smile on her face. She nodded and started to play with the ends of her hair. I wondered what she was thinking.

    “Eric? Is there an Eric?” The waitress called my name.

    “Eric, c’mon…” Leah tugged on my arm and smiled at me.

    I nodded, walking towards the waitress to be seated.

    A/N: Rawr. I wanted this to be so much longer! Ah well. Sorry guyz.

    Chapter Four​

    The stars shimmered in the inky black night sky, beaming brightly through thin gray clouds. She sat silently; her shoulder-length blonde hair was draped over her slender shoulders with the wind as her stunning blue eyes settled on the familiar landscaping below her. She crossed her long legs, looking down below at the commotion. She knew she wasn’t supposed to be there. She wasn’t the type to observe her prey before she struck. For some reason, she was drawn to her kill. Leah was fascinating.

    Holding up a hand, Brittany briefly observed her extensive painted fingernails. She shook her head, flipping her hair out of her face and standing up to fold her arms across her chest. She wondered momentarily about the boy. How could she could use him to her advantage? It was all just too simple.

    “Why did you chose such easy targets for me, David…?” Her voice was soft, smooth and confident as always. There were very rare occasions where she was not self-assured. As she had repeatedly been told, she was brilliant. She was quick, efficient and never defeated.

    Brittany turned her back to the lights and gracefully moved down the long stone stairway. The thick layer of cold in the atmosphere conflicted with the warm coffee colors of the tall walls.

    “David.” Brittany called, skipping off of the last stair and striding out into the bare darkness. Her eyes darted to her right, David’s usual spot, before she growled and pushed her way through thick wood double doors. “Don’t tell me…you left again…!”

    The girl growled in annoyance, crossing over to a light brown chair in the corner and plopping down on it.

    “I’ll just have to be patient.” She told herself.

    It was definitely easier said than done.

    . Thanks for reading. ^^
  2. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Ooohhh....Nice writing. Why...does this remind me of Twilight for some reason? Hm. Girl's perspective does that I guess. >>;
    Keep it up! I want to know stuff, love! <3 Very good writing. *wishes I had...talents* DX
  3. Pure Beats~ Chaser

    Nov 3, 2006
    Watching the sunset
    This is excellent; I loved it.

    There was one thing I noticed, though.

    I think you meant to 'me' instead of 'my'. It's a common typo and I thought I would just point it out to you.

    Great job; I liked it a lot.

    Can't wait 'til you update. <3
  4. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    well...this is short....meh...but i'm one to talk

    anyways....i don't exactly understand what's happened at the beggining...will that be explained later?
  5. *Hippie Jesus* "I get online and notice I have E-mail I click my

    Oct 26, 2007
    Between the area where your parent's have sex
    That was awsome!!!!

    I felt the emotions definitely felt. One thing I would reccomend is just a little bit more description at some parts.

    I'm restless for the rest of it.
  6. Jiku Neon Kingdom Keeper

    Jul 24, 2007
    Moe, Victoria
    Not bad at all. Few grammatical slip ups, pretty good phrasing. Can't say I have a clue as to what's going on but with this much material that's to be expected. I don't really have any problems with this so far.
  7. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    Thanks so much for point that out =3 I make that typo a lot. @.@ I'll update soon ^^​

    Yush, it ish short. D:
    Yeah, the beginning will be explained in the next few chapters. =3​

    Thanks hun. =] I'll update uber soon. Hehe. I know that it needs a bit more description. x_x; I'll try adding more stuff in the next chapter. ^^​

    Thank you! I'm pretty bad with grammer...D= I don't pay much attention, I guess. It'll be explained. Thanks for reading. <3​

    Thanks. ^^ Hehe. I'll keep writing. Twilight? Really? .-. Eh. It won't be in the girl's P.O.V the whole time, hun. <3 ​
  8. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Yeah, yeah. Hehe...*remembers what you told me* I can't wait 'till the later chapters...I can only wonder what you'll do...Bwahaha!!! <---*evil laugh*
  9. Jiku Neon Kingdom Keeper

    Jul 24, 2007
    Moe, Victoria
    Starting sentences with a word ending in -ing sounds awkward. So as I seem to find myself saying a lot, you should be careful of awkward phrasing and try to make things sound as if they flow effortlessly I suppose.
  10. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Nice. You didn't tell me you updated it. D:
    Hm...I liked it. Yeah...the whole starting a sentence with "reaching" was probably something you could fix...Dun slap meh, love! D=
  11. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    Well...this is a very interesting read.

    girl...you are now my rival!....just kidding, i just wish you could write a bit more.

    anyways it was good.
  12. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    Would saying:

    "As I reached..."

    Be better?

    I'm really glad -^^- Chapter three will be a lot longer.​

    Thanks a lot. I'll write more soon. As I said, chapter three will be a lot longer. ^^ I'd love to have a rival .-.​

    Heh. Sorry, hun. <33 I'll edit that part. Thanks. I won't slap you. I appreciate it hehe.​
  13. Jiku Neon Kingdom Keeper

    Jul 24, 2007
    Moe, Victoria
    I dunno. Could be, depending on the situation it's just -ing words at the beginning sounds wrong and I think(not too sure actually)it's considered grammatically or stylistically ill advised or wrong. I have to check myself on this one but alternating your phrasing patterns is good anyways.
  14. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    I actually thought you wrote another chapter so i came to look.


    anyways....i do hope to see more of this.
  15. Pure Beats~ Chaser

    Nov 3, 2006
    Watching the sunset
    Fantastic job, Jayn. You are great this.
    I really like how you write in her prespective; I can picture everything.

    Update soon, please.
  16. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Wow...good chapter...I'm glad you used some of my suggestions. XD
    Thanks love...Very good writing...*knows someone will have some random suggestion*
  17. Pure Beats~ Chaser

    Nov 3, 2006
    Watching the sunset
    Great job; you really do have a talent for this.
    I cannot wait until we see more from you; this is fantastic.
  18. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    Of course I did. x3 My silly. But yeah...I couldn't think of a description. I laughed when I called Leah Lead in the PM. Hehe. Thanks for reading <3

    Hehe. Well, now I've updated. Thank ya!​
  19. *Hippie Jesus* "I get online and notice I have E-mail I click my

    Oct 26, 2007
    Between the area where your parent's have sex

    That was excellent.

    When your done with this have you considered putting this in a contest or something like that?
  20. Jiku Neon Kingdom Keeper

    Jul 24, 2007
    Moe, Victoria
    Too tired to complain. It's mostly alright, I'd personally not do this the same way at some points but I don't really think there are any egregious errors or anything.