First Kingdom, Final fantasy

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by chargedcloud, Jul 12, 2009.

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  1. chargedcloud Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 23, 2008

    selket, kaitzu, and sirus were together all there lifes. After an undying told selket that he had divine abilities and sirus got exposed to heavy magic, they continued to grow stronger. originaly kaitzu was the strongest but he has been excluded from most of their training and often ignored.
    kaitzu gather a group of soldiers and heros and started a facility to train them to protect the Great Chrystal... but soon later the students stopped following kaitzu and began to look up to sirus and selket.
    After a mysterious event kaitzu parted from the two and started another legion to find the three small chrystals and eventually take over the Great crystal and harnest its DIVINE powers.


    The restoration
    age: 20
    Rank: Leader number I
    weapon: the Hunterblade (aurons sword)
    Appearance: white hair look a bit demon like now
    Element: lightning Dark
    Overdrive: storm slash, a highly charged 64 hit combo of nothing but slashes.
    bio: selkets brother he seeks the 3 small chrystal of divine powers
    Preivew post: "its all about tactics, no defending, just speed and adjustment.." he said to the old man selling him the sheild
    S/n: Chargedcloud

    Age: Looks 20+ though isn't known
    Rank: 3 Captain
    Weapon: a Regular Red Gun / Demon Gun
    Element: ...None really, though he can summon FF Monsters...
    DM: Overdrive: Summon (He has a total of 11 things he can summon! Mattering to what soils (demon gun's bullets) he has on hand...
    Bio: The victim of a tragic past, Kaze has been turned into a complete introvert. He barely speaks except when there's something he wants (he never replies to anyone). But he's not one to get close to - he holds unimaginable power; Oscha and Fungus both call him the "Unlimited", the one with the power to destroy the gods.
    owned by: haiena.koinu

    Age: Seems to be 17...
    Rank: 4
    Weapon: Lexicon (a book)
    Element: Darkness / Illusions
    DM: Limit- Where he traps a foe into his book. From there the foe is attacked but a dark, shadowy form of Zexion while they have to solve puzzles to get out. Or till Zexion lets them out (They can get out automatic if they die though so a phoenix down or what not can bring them back)
    Bio: There is not much to be said of his past. He was once a nobody and was the Cloaked Schemer, No. 6 in Organization XIII. he has no Heart, so Zexion as no true feelings at all sadly.
    owned by: haiena.koinu

    The Guardians
    age: 19
    Rank:Guider number I
    weapon: for now ???
    Appearance: It is said he has white hair
    element: Divine light, fire and thunder, able to summon Kirin
    Mist: white dwarf
    bio: his best friend sirus grew closer to selket and respect him enough to step down and allow him to guide the facility. he has divine abilities to summon with out a stone or a crystal. he meditates for 8 hours of the day. and seem to have a close relationship with one of the students, she was the only rookie able to meet him.
    Preiveiw Post: "Dont lay a foot in the way of kaitzu... il handle him" selket says while slowly walking in mid air onto the ground...

    age: 21
    Rank: Leader number II
    Weapon: Volcanic Devestator
    element: Fire
    DM: Mist: Fire Cycle
    bio: befreinded sirus and kaitzumaru, he absorbed uknown magic even after being told it can kill him at age 16 to save a lady he loved...
    Preivew post: Sirus looked up at the sky. everything around him was so peaceful. if only it could last forever. he sighed, knowing it wouldn't. he stood up and started walking. he would go where the wind took him.
    Own by: Keybladewarrioroflegend

    Age: 16.
    weapon: Gunblade.
    Rank: Idk
    Apperance, Like seifer, but with clouds hairstyle in the color blue.
    Element:Fire, Wind
    Overdrive:Renzukken:The gun blade starts shining and deals a 12 slash combo, and finishes with a shot.(if you has played ff8 you knows what it does.)
    Bio:Son of Seifer, but trained by squall(Leon). He got's a nobody somewhere, and a heartless to. He's serching for them.

    One person can choose to be sirus,(first come first served) the element weapon and rank options are optional (il give you a rank) any rank above 5 are Generals. theres a 6th option on the OC form thats says mist mist for selket and Overdrive for kaitzu, there you put your DM Either an Overdrive, Mist or a limit
    See bottom if you dont know what they are. or if your confused.

    1)God modding !!!!

    2)Controll over other characters
    3)...please follow site rules
    4)romance all allowed, but make sence and theres limits
    5) Death must make sence and has to be approved, but normally you will be in KO state instead of dead like in FF games
    6) Final Fantasy References are highly recomemded
    7)HAVE FUN

    you can Choose to make your OC an Actual character From any FF game including Kingdom hearts.

    DMs.... DMs are your desperation moves, it can be used when in desperate measures. I classify them as either Mist, Limits, or Overdrives.
    if you played Final fantasy games you should know the difference or the Origin.
    Mist: more of a magic based Finishing move, it can change space, terraform or use heavy elements
    ExamPLe: mist: Dark hole, sends out a huge dark whole to deal large dark damage
    Limits: are Finishers that has a finisher, is gets stronger as the limit steps progess.
    Example: Ragnarok, a slashing combo that carries the opponent in the air then launches rays of light at the enemy.
    Overdrives: a finisher that can adjust to any thing or any area. its a one step KO that derives around weaponry.
    Example: Shooting star, charges energy then searches out a weakspot to upper slash and launch the enemy out of the battlegrounds.
    thats it...

    [​IMG] Kaitzu
  2. Vladimir Makarov Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 15, 2009
    age: 21
    Rank: Leader number II
    Weapon: Volcanic Devestator
    appearance: [​IMG]
    element: Fire
    DM: Mist: Fire Cycle
    bio: befreinded sirus and kaitzumaru, he absorbed uknown magic even after being told it can kill him at age 16 to save a lady he loved...
    Preivew post: Sirus looked up at the sky. everything around him was so peaceful. if only it could last forever. he sighed, knowing it wouldn't. he stood up and started walking. he would go where the wind took him.
  3. chargedcloud Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 23, 2008
    great, your in :) perfect
  4. Vladimir Makarov Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 15, 2009
    OOC: thanks. ^_^
  5. Haiena.Koinu Traverse Town Homebody

    May 10, 2008
    Oblivion Castle Basement...
    ((I hope I am doing this right ^^; because I feel so straved I cannot think right X_x; but I am trying!))

    Age: Looks 20+ though isn't known
    Rank: (Idk you tell me)
    Weapon: a Regular Red Gun / Demon Gun
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Element: ...None really, though he can summon FF Monsters...
    DM: Overdrive: Summon (He has a total of 11 things he can summon! Mattering to what soils (demon gun's bullets) he has on hand...
    Bio: The victim of a tragic past, Kaze has been turned into a complete introvert. He barely speaks except when there's something he wants (he never replies to anyone). But he's not one to get close to - he holds unimaginable power; Oscha and Fungus both call him the "Unlimited", the one with the power to destroy the gods.

    Age: Seems to be 17...
    Rank: (Idk you tell me)
    Weapon: Lexicon (a book)
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Element: Darkness / Illusions
    DM: Limit- Where he traps a foe into his book. From there the foe is attacked but a dark, shadowy form of Zexion while they have to solve puzzles to get out. Or till Zexion lets them out (They can get out automatic if they die though so a phoenix down or what not can bring them back)
    Bio: There is not much to be said of his past. He was once a nobody and was the Cloaked Schemer, No. 6 in Organization XIII. he has no Heart, so Zexion as no true feelings at all sadly.
  6. chargedcloud Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 23, 2008
    your in, rank 3 the restoration for kaze
    and for zexion he is also in the restoration rank four
    is that fine?
  7. Hillan Moogle Assistant

    Jan 18, 2008
    Age: 16.
    weapon: Gunblade.
    Rank: Idk
    Apperance, Like seifer, but with clouds hairstyle in the color blue.
    Element:Fire, Wind
    Overdrive:Renzukken:The gun blade starts shining and deals a 12 slash combo, and finishes with a shot.(if you has played ff8 you knows what it does.)
    Bio:Son of Seifer, but trained by squall(Leon). He got's a nobody somewhere, and a heartless to. He's serching for them.
  8. chargedcloud Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 23, 2008
    in... The guardians your a rank 4 you can call yourself a captain (your free to choose otherwize)
  9. Hillan Moogle Assistant

    Jan 18, 2008
    Captain then. :D
  10. Sakura101 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jan 11, 2009
    Name: Elizabeth
    Age: 16
    Element: Water
    Overdrive: can send up to 10 Powerful ice spikes from the sky towards the target and can defense through any attack the enemy blows to try to stop it
  11. Haiena.Koinu Traverse Town Homebody

    May 10, 2008
    Oblivion Castle Basement...
    ((alright, thank you ^.^ So, who wants to start? =P ))
  12. chargedcloud Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 23, 2008
    OOC: i will start.. setting on a small rocky mountain the restoration

    Kaitzu stands on mt. Clidle one of the smallest mountaints known, The city is veiwable from where he stands on the mountain, he is expecting his members of the restoration to gather there at any time. he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a handsized glowing red Mineral, he looks at the sky as the sun sets and the Time is going into nightfall.

    The guardians setting selket and sirus start in a cpu building inside the large facility built for their legion....

    CLick chika chika* was the sound of the keyboard when selket typed, he was looking for his brothers wereabouts, "How do you think hes doing?... my brother?" selket asks sirus as he send invitations to those who were in the guardians legion
  13. Haiena.Koinu Traverse Town Homebody

    May 10, 2008
    Oblivion Castle Basement...
    Kaze is always silent, never speaks unless he can get something he wants or needs from it. Currently, he was sitting upon a old oak tree branch. He stared with his calm and mellow gaze. With his half sunglasses covering his over eye... He then shut his eyelids for a moment as winds picked up. His face was straight he never smiled, as if he never could. It was like that ever since his sister Aura passed away... The tree was quite near the restoration, he head tilted up to look to the havens and then his eyes slowly looked over up the rocky mountain.
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