Zoids: Duel

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Fayt-Harkwind, Jul 30, 2009.

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  1. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    Based mostly on the basis of Zoids: New Century Zero but Zoids from any series can be used.

    Zoid Battles, a popular competition on the world of Zi where teams combat each other for prize money and ranks using advanced mechanical combatants known as Zoids.
    As teams combat each other they learn skills, gain experiences and acquire new Zoids. Although battling isn’t always fair due to the Backdraft Group who fight by breaking the rules and stealing Zoids.

    Due to the judges of the Zoid Battling Federation fights Rarely escalate to danger levels and combat can be kept in order, even when the Backdrafts Dark Judge takes over. Many rules and different types of battles can be fought due to the different rules allowed by the judges.

    Will you fight fair as a member of a team or will you join the Backdraft Group and attack others?

    1. Follow the rules of this site and section.
    2. Do not go beyond the boundaries of the Zoids.
    3. Don’t control others, don’t just finish each other off instantly either but make it so one of you wins otherwise we’ll be in the same fight forever.
    4. Put “Van’s Stomach Shirt” in the other section of your OC form.
    5. If you want to get a new Zoid after a while then just ask me via PM/VM.
    6. Remember to be literate and keep things to the boundaries of the shows reality.
    7. If you haven’t seen Zoids it doesn’t matter, you can ask me about it in VM/PM if needed.
    8. I have a link to a list of Zoids with images, if you want to see just ask via VM/PM.
    9. I’m only going to allow 3 teams of 3 at first then I’ll let others choose to join teams or make one of there own. First come first serve for making teams.
    10. You can have the same Zoid as someone else, there is more than one of every Zoid.


    1. Blitz Team (generation 2):
    -Leon Hunter/Fayt-Harkwind
    -Issac Monroe/Asterisk

    2. Strife Team
    -Jeff McDaniel/Shizzy
    -Terry Walker/Fayt-Harkwind
    -Acelius Ryder/Xaale

    3. [insert name]


    1. Ragnarok Team:
    -Ardronak Kraus/Fayt-Harkwind
    -Mons Auran/Fayt-Harkwind
    -Vincent Vip/Dexnail

    2. [insert name]

    3. [insert name]

    Username: (you know what goes here)
    Name: (Full name)
    Age: (not too young)
    Appearance: (pic or description)
    History/Bio: (information about the character)
    Personality: (there usual status or traits)
    Zoid: (What Zoid you use but don‘t go for something insane)
    Zoid Image: (use an existing Zoid image that is the same as your Zoid)
    Zoid other: (anything else about your Zoid)
    Other: (anything else you want to add)
    Preview Post:


    Username: Fayt-Harkwind
    Name: Leon Hunter
    Age: 17
    Appearance: http://api.ning.com/files/3bVm*KB78...e7A37OzzU2mThmLjsxY7am6QYJq9Q19/anime_boy.jpg
    History/Bio: A B class Zoid pilot with a reputation for chess like strategies. He was once a Command Wolf pilot but in a battle with the Backdraft group it was destroyed beyond repair. Shortly afterwards he found a worn down Shadow Fox in the dessert and after finding a way to repair it he began to use it slowly upgrading it to a fully rebuilt Shadow Fox.
    Personality: Outside of a battle he is very quiet except for the odd comment on things that can either be serious or a quip. In battle his tactics are considered chess like as he plots ahead with his experience with Zoids.
    Zoid: Shadow Fox.
    Zoid Image: http://i236.photobucket.com/albums/ff72/Jounin_Master/ZOIDS/l_3826e9411803afed3b3a03d5b23b9319.png
    Zoid other: It has no modifications to it. Default weaponry only.
    Team: Blitz Team
    Other: He drinks a lot of tea.
    Preview Post: n/a

    Username: Fayt-Harkwind
    Name: Ardronak Kraus
    Age: 32
    Appearance: http://www.quizilla.com/user_images/D/DA/DAR/DarkAngelAlchemist13/1199186522_otAnimeGuy.jpg
    History/Bio: A bitter and cold man with a sense of honour. Not much is known about his past but it is known he became a high ranked member of the Backdraft Group through his skill in Zoid Battles.
    Personality: Always serious, bitter and cold at times yet always remains to have a sense of honour.
    Zoid: Geno Saurer
    Zoid Image: http://smilykid.com/Geno_Saurer1.jpg
    Zoid other: It is heavily customised for multi-combat purposes. It is stronger than a regular Geno Saurer but still holds its regualr weaponry.
    Team: Backdraft group - Ragnarok Team
    Other: He is basically one of the main villains.
    Preview Post: n/a

    Username: Fayt-Harkwind
    Name: Mons Auran
    Age: 27
    Appearance: Black hair, wears black goggles over his eyes and a standard Backdraft Group uniform.
    History/Bio: He is one of Ardronak’s henchmen. Not much is known about him other than that he is considered a skilled pilot in underwater types as much as he is with land types.
    Personality: Imagine a team rocket grunt personality.
    Zoid: Saber Tiger
    Zoid Image: http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/zoids/images/4/40/Saga2_Zaberfang.png
    Zoid other: standard weaponry.
    Team: Backdraft Group - Ragnarok Team
    Other: n/a
    Preview Post: n/a

    Username: Fayt-Harkwind
    Name: Terry Walker
    Age: 21
    Appearance: http://api.ning.com/files/qHKQHnjxy...fY4Nu*qas2ideYXYDSGCy8EK4pB3vS/AnimeGuy18.jpg
    History/Bio: Having fought with many Zoids since the age of 16 he became quite adept. Eventually joining the Strife Team he began to use any spare Zoid while collecting money to aquire his own custom Zoid. Eventually he bought a Zoid of his own and customised it in his favour.
    Personality: Money grabbing, always gets excited around “awesome” weaponry.
    Zoid: Saberlion
    Zoid Image: http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/zoids/images/f/ff/Saga2_Saberlion.png
    Zoid other: Added a shock cannon.
    Team: Strife Team.
    Other: n/a
    Preview Post: n/a

    Username: Asterisk
    Name: Issac Monroe
    Age: 19
    Appearance: http://media.photobucket.com/image/a...yumuuu.jpg?o=4
    History/Bio: Born to a female Zoid arms trader and a male Zoid pilot with a knack for getting out of tough situations, the two were able to produce a fine man by the name of Issac Monroe.Growing up, Issac was always fascinated by Zoid battles but was too nervous to attempt to do it.But one day, when he was only seventeen, he went to see a match with his father and another player in the Zoid circuit ..only this member was a part of the backdraft group.

    He won, not to Issac's surprise seeing as his father was very good with the Blade Liger of his.

    But, after the match, the man climbed out of his ruined Zoid and pulled out a hand gun, shooting his father in the chest to pay for his embarrassing loss.His father was dead ..but the man was caught and the group responsible was now wanted by the law.It was then that hatred and rage built inside Issac, and he wanted to unleash it in a Zoid battle.His father taught him many of his maneuvers and Zoid abilities ..and in his will, the Black Impact Blade Liger was now his.

    Two years later, Issac was an accomplished Zoid combatant and had joined up with the Blitz Team to increase his skills, as well as come across the group responsible for killing his father.
    Personality: Despite the pain and rage he still feels when thinking of the gunshot he heard, Issac is a generally friendly guy, but has a competitive attitude that tells you to watch yourself.He's not the ladies man type, though he may come off that way. His only interests so far include Zoid battling and acquiring new parts, little else.
    Zoid: Black Impact Blade Liger
    Zoid Image: http://smilykid.com/black impact blade liger.jpg
    Zoid other: Equipped with projection shield, standard thrusters, and two small laser cannons on the bottom.
    Team: Blitz Team
    Other: Van's stomach shirt

    Username: Shizzy
    Name: Jeff McDaniel
    Age: 18
    Appearance: Sleek Balck hair, open leather vest with numerous buttons on left side of collar, jeans, white T-Shirt under vest. 5' 11"
    History/Bio: Born as a outcast in a small village, Jeff wasn't the most confident boy there ever was. When he saw his first Zoid, he knew they were his calling. Ever since, he aquirred his own Zoid, A liger Zero Schneider model, and has been training in vast desserts. He joined the team to see how good he really can be.
    Personality: Calm & Collected, Jeff usually has a smile on his face.
    Zoid: Liger Zero Schneider
    Zoid Image: http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/zoids/images/0/0d/Saga2_Liger_Zero_Schneider.png
    Zoid other: LZS can be ferocious in battle, but rather calm outside of it. Jeff has nicknamed it "Flash"
    Team: Strife Team (Captain of team)
    Other: Van’s Stomach Shirt
  2. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Username: Asterisk
    Name: Issac Monroe
    Age: 19
    Appearance: http://media.photobucket.com/image/anime boy/HurricaneMJ/NarumiAyumuuu.jpg?o=4
    History/Bio: Born to a female Zoid arms trader and a male Zoid pilot with a knack for getting out of tough situations, the two were able to produce a fine man by the name of Issac Monroe.Growing up, Issac was always fascinated by Zoid battles but was too nervous to attempt to do it.But one day, when he was only seventeen, he went to see a match with his father and another player in the Zoid circuit ..only this member was a part of the backdraft group.

    He won, not to Issac's surprise seeing as his father was very good with the Blade Liger of his.

    But, after the match, the man climbed out of his ruined Zoid and pulled out a hand gun, shooting his father in the chest to pay for his embarrassing loss.His father was dead ..but the man was caught and the group responsible was now wanted by the law.It was then that hatred and rage built inside Issac, and he wanted to unleash it in a Zoid battle.His father taught him many of his maneuvers and Zoid abilities ..and in his will, the Black Impact Blade Liger was now his.

    Two years later, Issac was an accomplished Zoid combatant and had joined up with the Blitz Team to increase his skills, as well as come across the group responsible for killing his father.
    Personality: Despite the pain and rage he still feels when thinking of the gunshot he heard, Issac is a generally friendly guy, but has a competitive attitude that tells you to watch yourself.He's not the ladies man type, though he may come off that way. His only interests so far include Zoid battling and acquiring new parts, little else.
    Zoid: Black Impact Blade Liger
    Zoid Image: http://smilykid.com/black impact blade liger.jpg
    Zoid other: Equipped with projection shield, standard thrusters, and two small laser cannons on the bottom.
    Team: Blitz Team
    Other: Van's stomach shirt
    Preview Post:

    "Cannon Tortoise and Command Wolf down ..now where is that Dibison?" muttered Issac of Blitz Team as he rested in the cockpit of his Black Impact Blade Liger, scanning the desert wasteland for the last member of Team IronHaul. As usual, the team talked big and thought of themselves as skilled warriors who went around nearby towns throwing their weight around.And that just pissed Issac off ..to the extent where he challenged all three, out loud, without any nearby partners.3 on 1 battle ..and he was winning with ease.His eyes checked the field and his motion sensor radar to find it. "..Don't tell me he ran."

    "Think again!" shouted the loud-mouthed leader of the Team as his Dibison stood half a mile off from Issac.His cannons were charged and, without so much as a final warning, they fired, heading right for Issac.

    Issac quickly hit his boosters and flew to his right, slowly turning around towards the Dibison.The shots it fired trailed behind him, and when the Bison finally lined up an accurate shot his shields popped up to deflect them.

    "A shield!?" the member exclaimed in shock, surprised to witness a Blade Liger like that.He kept his hands on the firing trigger, but his heart nearly stopped as the Liger drew closer.Around that time, his ammo capacity dropped ..he was out of ammo, and was helpless."Hey, wait a sec, I ..I surrender!"

    "Too late, punk!" the shield on the Liger lowered, being replaced by twin blades unfolding on both sides of the Zoid, glowing bright yellow.With the boosters still activated, Issac flew past the Dibison and sliced both of its right limbs off, having it turn over and crash on the ground, defeated.

    A loud siren rang from the referee of this match, a robotic individual who oversaw the entire thing."The battle is over, the battle is over!" he shouted in a robotic voice, raising both of his hands."The winner is ..the Blitz Team!" of course there was only one of Issac, but he represented the team regardless.

    Cutting off the boosters and folding its blades back, Issac returned towards the ruined Dibison as the leader climbed out, scoffing and frowning at the Blade Liger that defeated his entire team."I expect payment as soon as tomorrow afternoon .." he told the man before turning his Liger around and having it kick dirt all over the Dibison and the man who piloted it.

    Another Zoid Battle, another Victory ..
  3. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    Alright, nice OC, your in. Gotta wait for a few more.
  4. Shizzy Gummi Ship Junkie

    Apr 7, 2008
    Username: Shizzy
    Name: Jeff McDaniel
    Age: 18
    Appearance: Sleek Balck hair, open leather vest with numerous buttons on left side of collar, jeans, white T-Shirt under vest. 5' 11"
    History/Bio: Born as a outcast in a small village, Jeff wasn't the most confident boy there ever was. When he saw his first Zoid, he knew they were his calling. Ever since, he aquirred his own Zoid, A liger Zero Schneider model, and has been training in vast desserts. He joined the team to see how good he really can be.
    Personality: Calm & Collected, Jeff usually has a smile on his face.
    Zoid: Liger Zero Schneider
    Zoid Image:
    Zoid other: LZS can be ferocious in battle, but rather calm outside of it. Jeff has nicknamed it "Flash"
    Team: Strife Team (Captain of team)
    Other: Van’s Stomach Shirt

    Preview Post:

    "Alright, Flash, get that last one." Jeff felt a lurge foward as his bright yellow Liger Zero Schneider pounced on to a cardboard cut-out of an enemy Zoid. "Nice one, Flash! Just work on the smoothness of the jump, okay?" Flash, the bright Liger, let out a low growl, as if agreeing with Jeff. "Alright, let's head back to base." The Zoid turned around and ran off, with amazing speed, towards a building far out in the distance. In no longer than a minute, Jeff and flash had reached the hangar, where Jeff climbed out of Flash's cockpit, giving it a rub on it's nose. "Alright, I'll be back in a few hours for some night training. Okay?" Said Jeff, climbing down the ladder that led up to his Zoid. Flash let out a low growl, and jeff turned and walked into the main building. He flopped on the couch, and turned on the television. Alright, time for some peace...
  5. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    Ok, your in.

    Added two more characters from me and put your characters in the first post. Just gonna wait and see if a few pending people join then we'll start.
  6. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    Username: Dexnail
    Name: Vincent Vip
    Age: 18
    Appearance: brown shaggy hair and green eyes, wears light brown cargo pants and an black shirt that has NIN written on the front, an silver rope chain around his neck
    History/Bio: Vincent havnt been a pilot for Zoids untell 3 months ago. His dad was an pilot but Vincent's father quit 25 years ago. He always had an dull life so he hopes being an zoid pilot will spice up his life. When his father heard about his son's decision Vincent got given his dad's stealth viper.
    Personality: likes to relax and hates to rush things, always has an sleepy appearance, hates fighting up close to his opponet,calm
    Zoid: shadow Stealth Viper
    Zoid Image: http://lost-android.deviantart.com/art/Zoids-Stealth-Viper-112480284 but its black :)
    Zoid other: since Vincent hates fighting up close and like to relax he equiped an Camoflauge device that will let his Zoid blend into the environment, and he equiped an mine placer that sets remote mines underground. it still has the rapid fire guns like regular Stealth Vipers also since these zoids are normally used on sandy areas Vincent attached an drill to it so it could burrow through any surface
    Team: Ragnarok
    Other: always has an bag of skittles, "Vans stomach shirt"
    Preview Post:

    Vincent heard the robot he let out an sigh "they probally want me to hurry up" he said to himself. He made the stealth viper drill start to rotate as the zoid had its head up then it dived down. The shadow stealth viper managed to get underground Vincent looked at his radar see his companions dealing with 2 opponets while one was not being bugged. "well off to work" Vincent said as he yawned as the zoid continued tunneling underground when Vincent was below the other zoid he rubbed his left eye. With a few seconds later Vincent pushed an button on the tail of the viper zoid it laid an mine that blinked and made an small noise. The stealth viper tunneled foreward getting away from the mine when the distance was right Vincent pressed the green button that was below the one he pressed earlier. A few moments later the mine exploded an fiary burst came out of the ground beneth the other zoid. The opponet's zoid started to fall in as the dirt it stood on began to crumble making it hite the bottom of the hole.
  7. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    Your Stealth Viper's cammo can't both hide him in sight and from radar. Not many Zoids actually have a radar to use anyway. Also, you need to read the rules. Fix these and their won't be a problem but don't go over board with the mines in battle. I've seen some people milk mines in things.

    EDIT: Also, the last spot on Strife team is now in reserve due to request.
  8. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    OOC: alright i fixed it :) the cammo will only hide him in sight so thats fixed also i changed the team now he is in Ragnarok :), dont worry i wont go overboard with the mines
  9. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    Okay, but you do realise that Ragnarok is the evil group right? Theres still a spot for you to make your own team if your not wanting to be evil.
  10. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    i know Ragnarok is the evil group and i really dont feel like making an group then it ends up being only me in it so being evil is okay with me :)
  11. Xaale Sylph of Hope

    Nov 22, 2007
    Land of Autumn and Angels
    Username: Xaale
    Name: Acelius Ryder
    Age: 20
    Appearance: Pinkish brown hair (Like Marluxia's :'D) and sharp black eyes. She wears a white hat with black goggles on them and a white coat with black lining (Lol basing this off of what my Mabinogi character will eventually look like :v I'm uncreative)
    History/Bio: Acelius has been a Zoids pilot ever since she was around 15. She was very lonely and life wasn't very exciting, and she discovered the thrill of Zoids.
    Personality: She's quiet and usually will keep to herself, but around her few good friends, she acts lively and outgoing. Her view on a situation can be swayed pretty easily, making her easy to manipulate at times.
    Zoid: Konig Wolf
    Zoid Image: [​IMG]
    Zoid other: Nicknamed "Strike"
    Team: Strife Team

    Preview Post:

    Acelius grinned and threw four small targets in the air before the cockpit closed.

    "Are you fast enough, Strike? Too bad you don't have ranged weapons." Acelius controlled Strike, who ran forward swiftly and leaped, then slashed each target in half before landing on the ground.

    Acelius yawned and then stretched inside the cockpit. "Eh, your speed does make up for it. I think we're done training for today." She got out of the cockpit and closed down the Zoid in its hangar, giving a stiff wave before turning around and heading back to her house. Acelius locked the door and sat down in the kitchen, listening to the clock.

    Tick, tock.

    Tick, tock.

    After a few minutes, the woman said with a smile, "I'll make the team."
  12. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    Ok then.

    Ok, added.

    I'll check something then I might start tonight.
  13. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    I hope so, but don't we at least need two full teams?
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