KH One-Shot: How Aerith and Yuffie Met Saïx

Discussion in 'Archives' started by MadDoctorMaddie, Dec 7, 2009.

  1. MadDoctorMaddie I'm a doctor, not a custom title!

    Apr 19, 2008
    Med Bay
    TITLE: How Aerith and Yuffie Met Saïx
    AUTHORESS: To9o/Divy
    GENRE: Humor, parodyish
    A/N: Oh God, I wrote this about a year ago, forgot to post it >.< Probably for a good reason too, it's rather stupid and very short. Only a bit over a page... But a few seemed to think it was funny, so let's just go with that xD
    WARNING: Yeah, the usual OOC:ness. ;_; Why is making character traits parodied beyond recognition so damn easy?
    SUMMARY: Like the name says, Yuffie and Aerith meet Saïx, during Sora's fifth visit to Hollow Bastion. What good can this result to?
    Yes, I know,it's short...
    DISCLAIMER: Don't own KH, but that's given.


    Yuffie landed quite ungracefully on her rear, right after catching her Shuriken. Trying to get up, she stifled a moan. She was just so tired, and there was just so many Heartless... She gasped in surprise as a healing green glow surrounded her. Getting up, Yuffie brushed herself as Aerith rushed to her side.
    "Are you alright?" the concerned brunette asked her friend. The ninja smiled:
    "Yup, never been better! Okay, I have been better, but, yeah, I'm fine now. Thanks. For healing me, and asking about it."
    Aerith shook her head at Yuffie's babbling, before glancing at the ridge where Leon and Cloud were fighting back-to-back. Yuffie grinned playfully as she too looked up.
    "Bet they're having a real guy-talk up there!"
    "I suppose you're right... Come on, we better get out of here!
    The two rushed off to The Dark Depths, where they expected to be alone. Well, they were wrong. A man of average height, dressed in a black trench coat, turned at the two females, long blue hair flicking in the air. Yuffie smiled confidently.
    "Just one guy? Oh puh-lease, this is gonna be too easy!"
    Aerith looked a bit clueless, as Yuffie drew out her Shuriken, and the man brandished his huge blue sword-like weapon.
    "Umm, do we really have to fight?"
    Then something strange happened. The clouds parted, to reveal a pale full moon. The man 'Hmph'ed, turned his gaze towards it, and let a rather malevolent smile creep on to his lips. Yuffie stopped dead in her tracks.
    "Aery? You notice something... different about him?"
    That was all she could say, before her jaw dropped in horror a split second after her companions as the man lunged at them at speed completely unnatural for an average human.
    Aerith dropped to her knees, screaming, while Yuffie acted purely by instinct, kicking at the attacker, with her eyes closed shut. For her fortune, not the males, her random hit landed in a very sensitive part. Three pairs of eyes widened, two in surprise and hope, one in agony. Yuffie clapped her hands on her mouth as she screeched;
    She grabbed Aerith by her arm, and rushed off, like the devil was after her. The man hadn't even had time to fall on his knees.


    N/A: ;_; I'm sorry Saïx!!!
    Anyways, reviews are appreciated, especially constructive criticism, so please, review, and I hope you enjoyed this!
  2. Juicy Chaser

    May 29, 2008
    This made me chuckle. xD

    It's amusing, your work is very easy to read and there are no major spelling or grammar complaints I can make. Yuffie didn't seem OOC to me at all to be honest, she seems like a chatty and bouncy character to me.

    The "her and her companions" sounds a bit awkward on the tongue, this could have been reworded.

    This is fussy of me, but where you have the words "sword like weapon", it's better to have a hyphen between sword and like. "Sword-like" is easier to read and doesn't need a double take. ^^

    Short and amusing, I liked it.
  3. MadDoctorMaddie I'm a doctor, not a custom title!

    Apr 19, 2008
    Med Bay
    Thanks ^^
    Blah, my ever-so-brilliant proof-reading had failed me yet again! Now I'm off to edit xDx

    But thanks for the comments and help, I'm glad you liked it 8D

    EDIT: There, hope corrections that sound better ^^''