A Kingdom Hearts Story --- After KH2!! "THE ADDICTION"

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Juicy, May 31, 2008.

  1. Juicy Chaser

    May 29, 2008

    aw thanks :)
  2. P E A N U T ~*~Never Surrender~*~

    Apr 25, 2008
    That chapter was excellent! The best one yet =)
  3. Juicy Chaser

    May 29, 2008

    yay! *highfivesmyselfbecausenobodyelseishere*
  4. ♥AL90♥ Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 21, 2007
    Why is it about where I live? Where do you live?
    Sora Kairi...boyfriend girlfriend...? Are they? Or are they just friends? Or are they secretly or something? just wondering ^_^
  5. Juicy Chaser

    May 29, 2008
    i assume you're refering to the real game
    in which i would say yes they are an item in there

    I think it wasn't really expressed much because a lot of kingdom hearts fans are quite young due to the whole part disney plays in the games

    erm... thats my view anyway..

    ObsessedWithSora Out!

    yay! but the happiness won't last....

    *cackles evily*

    Next chapter!!!!

    Chapter 7​

    The friends walked up the main road together on their way home. Sora and Kairi were holding hands, as were Tidus and Shell. Wakka looked slightly lonely, looking aside whenever one of the couples had an affectionate moment.

    “Oh,†Kairi said, turning to Sora, “I almost forgot. I found this at the bottom of the sea.â€

    She reached into her pocket and pulled out a small locket on a silver chain. It was very beautiful, and the metal reflected the sun’s setting rays so it appeared almost orange.

    “It’s lovely.†said Sora.

    “Help me put it on.â€

    Sora took it from her and she turned her back to him and lifted up her hair. He lifted it over her head and gently fastened it. When he was done, he softly kissed the back of her neck. Her scarlet hair tickled his face.

    She turned to him and smiled. “Does it suit me?â€

    Sora nodded and held the locket in one hand and tried to open it. He frowned as he realised it was locked.

    “Could you use the Keyblade?†she asked.

    “I doubt it. Actually I’ll try. It’s been a while since I summoned it.â€

    Sora closed his eyes and commanded the Keyblade to appear in his right hand. There was a flash and once again his trusty weapon was his to wield. Sora felt a flush of excitement as it weighed down his arm. Sometimes it was hard to control his fighting spirit.

    He held the key blade up to the locket and expected a beam of light to shoot out from the end, but nothing happened. He frowned. Perhaps the lock was too small. The Keyblade was not designed for something so little. Or maybe… it wasn’t a lock. Maybe it needed something else to open it.

    “Never mind,†Kairi shook her head, “Its still pretty. I can wear it to the ball, right?

    “Yeah. Erm.. Wait. Ball?“

    “The ball? Clara’s masked ball? It’s tonight remember!â€

    The truth dawned on Sora. The ball was tonight! He had completely forgotten. Now he would have to quickly rustle up some kind of outfit. Damn. Why did he always forget stuff like this?

    Sora looked for the others but realised they had walked on without them. The path to Kairi’s home was on the left and the path to Sora’s was on the right. They said goodbye (In more ways than one) and went their separate ways. Sora found himself taking a shortcut through an alley. It was dark but he didn’t mind; he had grown used to darkness in the past years.

    I’d better start getting ready as soon as I get home, he thought. I need to look my best.

    He couldn’t quite remember what time the party started so he wracked his brains back to when Clara had approached him with the invitation.

    “Sora. Hey!†A girl called out to him. Sora looked to the left to see a familiar face walking in his direction. She smiled, revealing dazzling white teeth.

    “Hi, erm… Clara.†he managed to remember his fellow classmates name.

    “Look, I haven’t got much time,†she began, “But I’m throwing a party on Friday. It’s a masked ball, so remember to dress up, okay?â€

    “Okay.. I’ll be there.†he replied.

    “Good.†she started to move away, but turned at the last second. “Oh, it’s at my place, and it starts at nine!â€

    Right. Nine, the Sora in the present thought to himself. He hummed as he strolled through the ever darkening valley. All the stars were out above, and it was a wonderful sight.

    Suddenly something charged into him and pushed him into the brick wall at his side. The wind was knocked out of him instantly. Utter confusion. He was being held against the wall by a dark figure. Fingers clamped around his throat and he stiffened. Blood pumped rapidly through his head and seemed to roar in his ears. He attempted to summon the Keyblade but his hands were twisted and squashed behind him, being pressed against the brick.

    A cold voice came from the dark figure. It was a familiar voice, but at the same time Sora knew it was different.

    “Where is she!?†the voice growled. Sora tried to answer but his windpipe was being crushed and he desperately needed oxygen soon. The person saw this and released his vice grip a little. Air flooded into Sora’s lungs.

    “Who?†he choked.

    A shaft of moonlight flooded the alley suddenly and the dark figure was visible. Not that it was any good. The person was wearing a long length black robe with a hood that concealed the face, not unlike that of the Organization. But Sora guessed they were male because of their powerful build and stance.

    “Her.†the voice whispered evilly in his ear. “Kairi.â€

    Sora’s eyes widened and the hand gripped his neck a little tighter when the man realised he wasn’t going to answer.

    “Tell me!†he hissed, his nails digging into the soft skin of Sora’s throat.

    Sora’s mind was beginning to go foggy and his brain was a dizzy mess. The alley and the man began to spin.

    Please forgive me Kairi…

    “That… way…†he managed to squeeze out. The man let him go and Sora slumped to the floor, almost unconscious. Footsteps echoed away down the alley in the direction Sora had pointed. Sora gathered his remaining strength and hastened to his feet. The world spun but it was counter-balanced by Sora’s natural instinct to defend Kairi. He needed to find her, before the hooded man did.

    He summoned the Keyblade and stumbled back the way he had come. He came to the junction where he and Kairi had parted. Pushing back hair from his eyes, he tripped and fell flat on his face. Dirt flew into his mouth. He coughed and hurriedly got up again. The fall had cut open his leg and blood streamed down his calf into his shoes.

    Sora ignored the sting and continued to run. He turned a corner and finally found the hooded stranger. But he was with Kairi, Sora noticed with despair. Sora tried to rush towards them but again, he fell flat on his face. Why was he cursed with being so clumsy? He attempted to get back on his feet but his body was out of oxygen after being winded and choked and refused to move.

    He could only raise his head and watch the scene unravel before him.

    Kairi had her back to the stranger and was walking up the path, unaware of the company. Suddenly the stranger made his move and grabbed her from behind. She screamed and tried to wriggle out of his grasp. He restrained her and locked her arms behind her back, almost dislocating her shoulder joint. Kairi screamed again and tried to turn around to face her captive.

    The man obviously decided this was what he wanted and let her turn around. But he continued to restrain her, only this time from the front. He wrapped his arms around her and squished her close to him. Kairi gasped and struggled, but she was small and weak beside him.

    “What do you.. Want!?†Kairi moaned. The cloaked man laughed.

    “What is it?†Kairi steamed, “Money? Food? Take it, take it all, just please let me go!†Tears streaked down her cheeks. Sora’s heart filled with despair as he saw this; he tried to get up again but failed miserably.

    “I don’t want that..†the man snarled, pushing Kairi closer to him so that they were touching, He leaned forward and whispered in her ear, but it was loud enough for Sora to pick up. “I want… You!â€

    Kairi eyes widened and she bit down on her tongue. The man laughed again and lent forward to try to kiss her. Kairi turned her face to the side so he only brushed her cheek.

    “No…†she sobbed. He forced her face to look at him.

    “Love me!†he roared, his bellow echoing around the whole street. Kairi closed her eyes and the man leaned in and pushed her face into his. It was a kiss painful to see, and Kairi’s tears continued to leak out from her closed eyes. She struggled to move away but he made it carry on, holding her even tightly towards him.

    Sora couldn’t stand it any longer. Summoning his might, he hauled himself onto his legs and raised the Keyblade above his head.

    “Let her GO!†he roared and rushed towards them. He slammed the Keyblade on his enemy’s head and the man grunted and released Kairi. She fell to the floor and stayed there. Sora wanted to help her but knew there were other matters at hand. He turned his attention to the hooded man and lashed out with all his power, anger his ally in this battle.

    The cloaked man retaliated and blocked with his own weapon which appeared in his hand. Sora frowned and pushed forward, trying to knock the man over. They fought hand in hand for a while, but suddenly the stranger stopped and backed away.

    “Come back here!†Sora yelled as the man ran off to be swallowed by the darkness. The hooded figure ignored him and disappeared into the night.

    Sora caught his breath and turned to Kairi who was still on the floor.

    “Kairi! Are you okay?â€

    Tears welled up once more in her eyes. Sora’s heart cracked to see her so upset. He crouched down and carefully put his arms around her. She collapsed into him, sobbing.

    “Kairi, c’mon. He wont hurt you again, I’m here now.†Sora soothed. Kairi’s tears turned to sniffles and she looked up at Sora with misty eyes.

    “That’s not the worst bit,†she croaked, “ Didn’t you notice his weapon?â€


    “It was… It was… It was Way To The Dawn!â€

    Realisation hit Sora and his jaw dropped. Way To The Dawn? But that only meant one thing. The evil dark figure had been…

    “Riku…†Sora murmured, wondering what on earth had happened to his best friend. What could have happened to make caring, quiet, considerate Riku change into a terrifying monster?

    Was this really happening or was it some kind of weird nightmare? What had become of his best friend, his second most favourite person in the world?

    He didn’t know, but he did know that he would never let something like this happen to Kairi again.

    He embraced Kairi and together they thought of Riku.


    “C’mon,†said Sora, “We cant let this ruin the rest of the night. We still have Clara’s party to go to, remember?â€

    Kairi shook her head. “I don’t think I want to go Sora.â€

    “No, we have to go. We shouldn’t let something like this ruin our lives.â€

    Kairi shrugged unhappily. “Okay.†she agreed. Only because you want to go Sora.

    Sora wanted to kiss her goodbye at her door( he had insisted on accompanying her to her house) but felt it would be inappropriate after what had just happened. Instead he just hugged her and told her he would see her later.

    “I’ll see you there.†she whispered to him. He nodded and walked home alone.


    Selphie hummed as she stepped out of the bath, a face pack plastered on her features. She wanted to look perfect tonight, so everything had to be exactly how she wanted it. Besides, she really wanted to impress the boy she liked tonight. Maybe he would finally notice her. Selphie smiled and walked into her bedroom, the towel wrapped tightly around her. Wiping off the face pack she regarded the dress that lay on her bed.

    She was still chuffed with the buy. It was a tight fitting cocktail dress of a pale blue colour. The material was barely there, and Selphie knew it revealed a little insight into what underwear she had on. She didn’t care. That was the idea.

    Next to the dress were two masked. She had gone to the trouble of making one for Kairi too; she knew her friend would forget. Hers was navy, covered with tiny silver bows and three large feathers spouting from the top. Kairi’s was the same but in different shades of colours.

    Selphie started to hum again as she got dressed. Carefully applying make-up in the mirror, she considered what the party would be like. Hopefully all glamorous. Mysterious. And full of cute boys. But Selphie knew that no matter how many cute boys were there, her eyes would be set on just one for the whole night.

    Oh, how she wished he would just look at her!


    Sora walked through the grand double doors of Clara’s house. Man, her house was HUGE. He was standing in an entrance hall, an enormous chandelier adorning the ceiling and marble floor stretching out across the room. The room was full of people, all in elaborate dresses and suits. And of course, all were wearing masks.

    Sora shifted his own mask further up his face. He had had a last minute panic over what to wear, but had finally settled on his only tuxedo. It felt stiff and horrible, but judging by the whistles he had received on the way here, he looked good. His mask was another matter though. He had rushed into the mask store on the way and grabbed the last available mask. It was plain black and boring.

    “Sora! Welcome!†Clara appeared out of the crowd. She looked fabulous, in a huge black gown to the floor and a necklace made up of atleast fifty diamonds strung around her bare neck. She winked as she gazed down at Sora’s outfit. “Nice,†she commented, “here, have something to drink.â€

    She handed him a glass of champagne. Sora looked at it hesitantly. He had never drunk alcohol before in his life. It was tempting, but he decided he should just have one glass all night. He put the glass down on a table as soon as Clara went off to greet somebody else.

    Sora noticed with alarm that people were handing her gifts. How could he have forgotten a present? Then again, he always had been clumsy.

    He looked around for somebody he knew and spotted some of the boys in his class at the top of the huge marble staircase. He began to walk towards them but then stopped as he heard people murmuring a name. Kairi’s name.

    She had arrived at last. Sora turned around to see Kairi just step through the door. All eyes were on her.

    Woo cant you just feel the anticipation? Yes, I would have made the ball all in one huge chapter but I decided it would be too big. Ah well. The next update will be soon. Voila!

    ObsessedWithSora Out!
  6. ♦Demon♥Angel♦ Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 26, 2008
    <<insert witty comment here>>
    HOLY MUSHROOMS!! I can't read anymore, but i want to! Why he bad guy?
  7. Juicy Chaser

    May 29, 2008
    Chapter 8!!! :)

    Chapter 8​

    Kairi stepped through the wide entrance to Clara’s house. When she saw that all eyes were on her, her face blushed slightly. Taking care to balance in her extra-high heels, she walked onto the vast marble floor. The only person she looked at was Sora. He looked smart in a black tuxedo. Kairi had to stifle a giggle. It was so unlike him to dress smartly. His eyes were on stalks, probably due to the fact that her dress was very tight fitting at the top. He grinned sheepishly at her and it was the most adorable smile in the world.

    “You look… amazing,†Sora stuttered. He couldn’t stop smiling.

    “You too.†she giggled. He held out his arm and they linked arms. Sora laughed as Kairi raised her mask over her face. The feathers stuck out high into the air.

    Everyone had turned away to start talking again. Next to arrive was Selphie. Half the men in the building turned to gape. She looked stunning in her pale blue outfit. Sora managed to keep his mouth closed. Behind her came Tidus with Shell on his arm. Shell was wearing some kind of weird mini dress with an open back. The weird thing about it was that it appeared to change colour as she moved.

    There was a few giggles as people surveyed Tidus’ attire. He was wearing a tuxedo also, but it was ridiculously tight and had some sort of frilly bow on the front. Kairi pulled an alarmed face and had to turn away.

    “Hi,†said Shell, wiggling her way towards them. She seemed to be having trouble walking. Looking down, Kairi saw that she had heels on of atleast 8 inches. They were strappy and didn’t look comfortable at all.

    “Howdy,†said Sora, winking at Tidus, “Nice tux Tidus.â€

    Tidus blushed furiously. “It was the only one in my house!â€

    The group laughed and turned to see Wakka entering the building. He too was in formal clothes, but his suit was dark blue. It looked odd but the group decided not to mention it.

    “How you all doing?†he greeted. The group answered in their own ways and the friends settled in a corner of the room on soft chairs.

    “I’ve never drunk alcohol before..†Selphie murmured uncertainly. Wakka, who had placed himself next to her, laughed.

    “Don’t worry,†he said, “me neither. Guess there’s a first time for everything..â€

    “yeah… everything…†said Tidus, licking his lips.

    “Hey!†said Shell, “Don’t be rude!†she nudged him in the ribs and they all laughed. Selphie decided to take a sip of her wine at last.

    “Ew. I don’t see what all the fuss is about. Its not that nice.†she screwed up her face in disgust.

    While the others talked Sora turned to Kairi and put his arms around her shoulders. They were sitting on a white leather sofa.

    “Man, this tuxedo is so itchy,†Sora complained.

    “Still. It looks good on you.†Kairi winked and Sora decided maybe it wasn’t too bad after all.

    Clara suddenly stood on a chair in the middle of the room and called for attention. The room fell silent.

    “Hey everyone! Thanks for coming to my party and thanks for all the lovely gifts you’ve given me. In a few minutes we will be starting the first dance so everyone must pair up and…â€

    “Dance?†Tidus muttered. Wakka shook his head.

    “Time to show us your dancing skills, ya?â€

    The girls looked around in anticipation as Clara continued to talk.

    “.. so that’s the plans for tonight I hope everyone enjoys themselves! Right, everyone pair up!â€

    There was a moment of silence as Clara stepped down then a huge scramble as everyone tried to find a partner. Sora took hold of Kairi’s arm and Shell gently stood up holding onto Tidus. Selphie, meanwhile, reached out to Wakka, who she wanted to dance with, but a pretty red haired girl with a black dress on had snatched him up. Selphie frowned and looked around in dismay. Everyone had paired up except a few. Somebody tapped her on the shoulder and she turned around to see a boy much shorter than her with curly blonde hair and glasses. His face was a mess of spots and he smelled terrible.

    “Do you wanna dance with me?†he slurred, spit flecked around his mouth. Selphie was utterly disgusted but it seemed he was the only option left so she reluctantly wrapped her arms around him. Soft music began to play.

    Here goes thought Sora to himself. He had never danced before. Kairi took his arms and put them on her hips which he had no objection to of course. She took the lead and slowly they turned in time to the music.

    Im so lucky Sora thought as Kairi’s face reached close to his. There noses were almost touching as they danced across the marble surface.

    Meanwhile Tidus was having trouble controlling his feet. Everytime Shell stepped forward he stepped back with the wrong foot. His coordination was terrible.

    “Oh Tidus your so clumsy!†Shell said, wrinkling her nose up, “But I love you for it..†she whispered in his ear as they carried on.

    On the other side of the room Wakka and his partner were making steady progress. Wakka decided he liked dancing, but he would never admit that to the other boys.

    “I’m Suki.†the girl said to him, “And you’re Wakka right?â€

    “Ya.†he nodded. She smiled and they danced smoothly across the room. Passing Sora and Kairi, Wakka smirked at how obsessed with each other they were. Sora’s eyes were almost glazed over.

    Suki drew his attention back to her. “Come on, dance with me!â€

    She quickened the pace and Wakka managed to keep up. He seemed to have a natural flair for dancing.

    The music stopped and Selphie sighed with relief. Her dance had been torture. The boy she was with had breathed all over her face and it had smelt of onions. She broke away from him and made her way back to her friends.

    “Okay.. Sora, Kairi. You can let go of each other now.†laughed Tidus. The couple finally broke apart, their smiles matching.

    Wakka wriggled uncomfortably. “I hate this suit.†he moaned. “I’m going to sit down for a bit.†He walked over to some chairs and flopped down. Selphie decided to follow and they began to talk.

    Kairi separated from Sora and went over to Clara, who was standing alone.

    “Are you okay Clara?†she asked the glamorous girl. Clara shook her head. Her face was quite pale.

    “I feel.. A bit sick.. I think somebody has put something in my drink..†as she said this her cheeks went green and she retched. Kairi’s eyes widened and she took her by the arm.

    “C’mon we need to get you upstairs.†Kairi said firmly. Clara shook her head.

    “Who will manage the party?â€

    “Erm…†Kairi looked around. “Emma!â€

    Emma, a girl a year older than Kairi, turned to face the two girls. Kairi had chosen her because she knew she was mature and sensible when she wanted to be.

    “Look after the party guests for a while.†Kairi said. Emma nodded her head of long wavy hair.

    “No problem,†she said. Kairi began to lead Clara up the marble staircase. When they reached the corridor at the top all was silent. Clara began to cry. Kairi bit her lip, wondering how she could comfort her.

    “Here, come in this room,†she led Clara into a dimly lit bedroom with a four poster bed in the centre. Clara collapsed on the bed then began to be violently sick all over the covers. Kairi covered her eyes at the sight then ran into the bathroom to get a glass of water and a cloth.

    “Don’t worry I’ll get you cleaned up.†Kairi soothed. Clara’s eyes filled with tears.

    “I feel awful.†she sighed. Once again she vomited all down her beautiful black ball gown. Kairi was now concerned that she might be seriously ill. The girl sat side by side on the bed.


    Downstairs, Wakka and Selphie were still talking. The subject had turned to dating couples.

    “You have anyone in your life?†Selphie got the guts to ask.

    Wakka shrugged and looked down. “No. Nobody would ever want me…†his voice was unhappy and down.

    “That’s not true,†Selphie whispered. She hesitated.

    Wakka looked up at her bright green eyes.

    “I do.†she finished. Wakka looked at her in shock.


    Sora and Tidus were chatting as Shell had gone off to get drinks. He had seen Kairi go upstairs with Clara, who had looked unwell, but he didn’t know what had happened to the two girls.

    “… so this girl says to me, ‘hey Tidus, why don’t we go collect sea weed together sometime’ I swear Sora, I almost wet myself so I went…â€

    Sora wasn’t really paying attention to what Tidus was saying. There was something wrong but he couldn’t work out what. Something in the air. It was like the calm before the storm.

    “Sora?†Tidus interrupted his thoughts. “Aren’t you listening?â€

    “Shhhh.†Sora put a hand up to his friend. Tidus was insulted but kept quiet all the same. Sora looked around, his eyes wide. He was sure something was wrong, and it wasn’t just his dodgy rumbling stomach.

    And that’s when the lights went out.

    The room was put into complete darkness. Screams of girls echoed around the room and boys roared as people bashed into them. Everyone was attempting to get out of the exit but it wasn’t that big and people were getting crushed. Sora yelped as somebody trod heavily on his foot. Tidus had done something completely odd and grabbed onto Sora’s arm. His grip was tight in the darkness.

    “Sora! What’s going on?†His friend asked.

    “I don’t know!†Sora replied in dismay.

    Across the room Selphie and Wakka had stood up together when the lights had gone. Selphie tried to move towards the exit but unexpectedly Wakka had stopped her.

    “Don’t.†he whispered in her ear. “You’ll get hurt. Stay with me.†With that he held her close to protect her as everyone else bashed around.

    “I love you.†Selphie murmured so quietly that nobody could hear her. To her surprise Wakka’s mouth tickled her ear.

    “I love you too.†he whispered, and the room seemed a little brighter than before. Which made sense. Because the lights had flickered on again.

    All the guests were blinded by the sudden brightness and they all blinked. Then eyes turned to Sora and Tidus. Because standing in front of them, impossibly, was the evil figure of their old friend, Riku.

    Girls screamed at the sight of Way To The Dawn in Riku’s hand. Riku’s eyes were glazed over and they were a scary red colour. He gritted his teeth and stared at Sora in the eye.

    “Hand… her….over.†He snarled. Sora narrowed his eyes at his old friend.

    “Not on your life!†Sora snapped. Riku stepped closer, brandishing his weapon. Sora hastily summoned the Keyblade. There were gasps as it appeared from nowhere in his arms. He brought it up to defend himself.

    “OI! Weapons aren’t allowed here! Put them away now!†Emma screamed, finding her courage to talk.

    Riku turned to face her. “What are you going to do about it?†he sneered. Then he turned to Sora and the look in his eyes was hatred. “How dare you,†he snarled, “how dare you steal my Kairi!!!â€

    He charged towards his best friend, Way To The Dawn raised to attack. Sora bought up the Keyblade to defend and was surprised by Riku’s strength. It was almost overbearing.

    “Don’t fight!†Emma yelled, her voice stretching. A boy of seventeen atleast stepped forward.

    “Ill break it up!†he said stupidly and drew a sword out from his belt. Somehow he had hidden it there all along without anybody noticing.

    The boy charged forward to hit Sora but before he knew it he was whacked on the head by a hard sword. Wakka had appeared out of nowhere, brandishing his second favourite weapon after a blitz ball. Suddenly a girl with two long plaits stepped forward and slapped Wakka across the face.

    “Don’t you dare hit my boyfriend!†she shriekedWakka coiled back from her hand.

    “And don’t you dare hit mine!†Somebody retorted and Selphie stepped forward, pulling out her nunchuck which she had hidden down her top. She whipped at the girl with plaits and they started a vicious fight.

    “STOP!!!†bellowed Emma, but nobody paid attention. Everywhere guests were bringing out weapons from unexpected places to join in the fight. Within minutes the whole place was a battlefield, everyone attacking each other. It was a state of utter chaos. Now what would happen?

    aha another chapter finished! You like?
  8. Ralor Twilight Town Denizen

    Oct 18, 2007
    In my own fantasies
    all I can really say about this chapter is 'wtf?'
  9. P E A N U T ~*~Never Surrender~*~

    Apr 25, 2008
    Hmm...interesting indeed. Chapter 7 was awesome. Chapter 8 was alright...kind of weird. But I still can't wait for chapter 9!
  10. Juicy Chaser

    May 29, 2008
    why whats wrong with it? :S
  11. lolermee Traverse Town Homebody

    nice, can't wait to the next chapter

    funny, 4 day's ago i din't like fanart now i got 3 favo writers: Destiny's Force, kairi2011 and ObsessedWithSora
  12. Juicy Chaser

    May 29, 2008

    glad im in ur favourites!!

    *cheesy grin*

    okay heres another chapter.. sorry for those of you who think this is getting wierd...

    i kind of rushed this before school starts again...
    comment plz!

    Chapter 9 ​

    Kairi was gently patting Clara on the back when she heard screaming and loud noises coming from downstairs.

    “What the…?†she muttered, getting to her feet. She crossed to the door and opened it carefully. Peering down the stairs her eyes widened and she rushed back into the bedroom.


    “What’s going on down there?†Clara asked.

    “There’s some sort of… fight?†Kairi said, trying to break it to her gently.

    “What! But they can’t!†Clara tried to get up but she swayed on her feet and fell back on the four poster bed.

    “It’s okay, we can stay here until it stops.†Kairi gave Clara a serious look and the girl agreed, nodding. For safety measures, Kairi went over to the door and turned the key in the lock.

    “Let’s hope it finishes soon then.†Clara sighed.


    Sora gasped as Way To The Dawn slashed into his shoulder. He felt blood seep out of the gash down his tux. Riku laughed harshly and taunted Sora.

    “What’s the matter Sora?†he said. “Can’t keep up?â€

    Sora glared at Riku. “What’s wrong with you Riku?â€

    “There’s nothing wrong with me!†he spat.

    “What are you trying to achieve?!†Sora said exasperatedly.

    “I want…. Kairi! I have to have her Sora! I don’t care what gets in my way!â€

    “Why… do you want her?†Sora breathed.

    “I.. Need…Her!†Riku roared, lashing out with all his might. Suddenly the Keyblade buckled in Sora arms and Riku had him defenceless. Sora stared up at him in dismay as he brought Way To The Dawn above his head.

    “And you’ll hurt your friends for her?†Sora said, searching for any trace of compassion in Riku’s eyes.

    Riku stared at him coldly before replying. “Yes.â€

    With that Way To The Dawn came slamming down and before he knew it Sora had been taken by the darkness. The world of unconsciousness came sweeping towards him.


    There was a loud knock at the door to the bedroom. The girls jumped out of their skins. Somebody began to rattle on the handle. Clara grabbed Kairi’s arm and began to whimper. Kairi had slightly more guts but was still scared, biting down on her tongue.

    “Let me in!†a voice yelled. Riku’s voice. Kairi stiffened and the room seemed to spin. Clara turned to her.

    “Kairi….†the girl mumbled uncertainly. Kairi started to shiver at the memories of earlier.

    “Kairi let me in!†Riku shouted. “Kairi!â€

    Kairi got up and began to back away. The door began to rattle on its hinges. Clara got up too and the two girls backed into the corner holding hands. The door was buckling under the pressure and its hinges wouldn’t last much longer. Kairi was tempted to cover her eyes but decided it was better to be able to see.

    Sora, she thought, Where are you?

    She needed him now more than ever. She would give the world to have him here with her.

    Suddenly the door was blasted off its hinges and Riku stood there, his silhouette giving off a scary shadow. Kairi gripped onto Clara as he walked into the room.

    “Kairi.†he said softly, and every word he said sent shivers down Kairi’s spine.


    “Wakka!†Tidus called across the room. He had just avoided being bowled over by one of the leather sofa’s thrown by a heavily built boy. Wakka was bending over. He looked injured. Tidus rushed over to him, pushing the people still fighting to the side.

    “Are you okay?†Tidus asked. Wakka slowly nodded.

    “Just… Winded.†he said breathlessly. Then suddenly he frowned. “Isn’t that.. Riku?†he pointed up the stairs where Riku was walking down the corridor. Riku was striding along, an evil look in his eyes.

    “Lets go!†Tidus said. Wakka nodded again and the boys set off up the stairs, weapons in hand readily.


    Kairi managed to look Riku in the face. “Riku… please..†she begged.

    Riku panted from exertion. “ I want you Kairi!†he stated. “I love you!â€

    “If you really loved me,†she began, “You’d leave me alone.â€

    Riku shook his head, getting ever closer to the girls. Clara had remained silent, leaning even more on Kairi by the second.

    “I can’t Kairi!†he shouted. “Please! Give me your love! Give me your heart!â€

    Kairi stood and stared him in the eye. “I can’t…â€

    Riku scowled, and Kairi was worried to see him get angry. Rage seemed to fill him. His fists clenching, he moved even closer.

    “We’ll see about that!†he roared, diving towards her. Kairi dodged out of the way, and Riku landed on Clara instead. Clara squealed and tried to squirm away. This seemed to infuriate Riku more.

    “Stupid girl!†he bellowed, and smacked her across the face. Clara burst into tears. He hit her again more brutally. And again. Kairi couldn’t believe her eyes.

    “Riku!†she screamed at him. He stopped and stood up, then kicked Clara in the head, knocking her out. Kairi screamed and looked towards the door. She could escape, but the bed blocked the way.

    “Now, Kairi.†Riku said, getting nearer, “Now we can finally be alone…†He reached out his arms to her.

    “No!†she half-moaned, half-screamed. She backed into the corner, shaking. Riku came up close to her, smiling, his arms out. Kairi covered her eyes in fear. This isn’t happening, she thought. Sora will arrive any minute and save me…

    “Stop!†somebody bellowed. Kairi looked out from behind her hands, almost certain it was Sora. But instead the figures of Wakka and Tidus appeared in the doorway, weapons raised above their heads.

    “Let her go, ya?†Wakka said to Riku.

    Riku laughed maliciously. “Oh really? And how are you going to make me do that?â€

    Tidus searched for words. “We’ll….â€

    “Exactly.†Riku said and once again turned to Kairi. The evil red in his eyes was a terrible sight. Kairi squeezed her eyes shut.

    Tidus and Wakka roared and charged full force into Riku. Riku stepped back and summoned Way To The Dawn. Lashing out, Wakka and Tidus were knocked to the ground immediately. The hope that had been welling up in Kairi’s heart faded away to nothing. There was no chance of escape now.

    Somehow Tidus got to his feet again. He swayed on his toes.

    “Riku… Don’t..†he grunted. He tried to attack him again but had no strength after all the fighting and collapsed on the floor. Wakka stood up and seemed to have more energy than his fallen friend.

    “You wont have her!†Wakka cried and smashed Riku on the back of his head with a blitzball. Riku grunted in pain and keeled forward. But still he was conscious.

    Wakka whacked him a second time on the head. Riku fell to his knees. He crawled over to Kairi and seemed almost to kiss her feet. Kairi realised with shock that he was going to beg to her.

    “Kairi… Please..†Riku seemed to crumple before her eyes. Kairi almost began to feel sorry for him, but then remembered what he had done to her.

    “Love me…†he cried out.

    Kairi straightened her back and looked at his sorrowful eyes.

    “Never.†she said softly.

    All was silent. Then Riku started growling softly, which turned into a full on bellow. He roared to the sky and the room seemed to shake with his screams. Wakka had collapsed on the floor but was still awake. Kairi stood motionless, terrified.

    “NOOOOOOOO!†Riku cried. Then suddenly he seemed to calm, and stood up on his feet. He faced Kairi in the corner and made no move towards her.

    “Fine. Don’t give me your love.†he said simply. Kairi was utterly confused. Riku turned around slowly to face the other way. His back was hunched up.

    “I know I cant have it…†Riku began, and he turned to face Kairi again. Way To The Dawn was raised in his arms. “But I can have your heart!!!â€

    Kairi screamed and Riku brought Way To The Dawn back. He thrust it forward and plunged his weapon straight into Kairi’s heart.

    Kairi’s eyes widened in disbelief. She looked down at the blade stuck in her chest, not quite comprehending what had happened. There was no pain. Just.. Blankness. Kairi watched as blood seeped down out of the wound and stained her dress. She watched as Riku’s face stretched into a wicked smile and the gleam in his eyes became brighter. She watched as Way To The Dawn was pulled out of her body, and her heart was ripped out of her chest. The last things she saw before the shadows swallowed her up was Riku’s face filled with ecstatic joy and her fingers twitching on the carpet as blood oozed over them. Her last thought, weirdly, was how mad Clara would be when she saw the state of her carpet.

    Then the darkness came.


    Riku laughed like a maniac, Kairi’s heart still warm in his hand. Blood dripped between his fingers, but he didn’t care. He found it fascinating. Finally he would have Kairi’s heart. He could claim it as his. He cackled and unsummoned Way To The Dawn. Covering the heart with both hands, he sat down on the floor.

    Clara stirred on the soft carpet of the bedroom. Her head throbbed painfully. What was happening? Why could she hear evil laughter? Slowly she opened her eyes to survey the world.

    That’s funny, she thought, Since when has my carpet been red?


    Clara sat up horrified, She took in Kairi lying dead on the floor, the motionless bodies of Wakka and Tidus and the laughing form of Riku all in one. A furious rage filled her body. Unable to control herself, she picked up Wakka’s blitzball off the floor.

    “SON OF A….†she screamed, raising the ball above her head. Riku turned around to see Clara standing above him screeching like an insane person. He looked up in shock.


    Clara bought the blitzball down heavily on Riku’s head. There was a dull thud and Riku slumped on the floor, motionless. Clara’s eyes filled with tears at the scene around her. She realised she was going to be sick again and rushed into the bathroom.

    Retching in the sink, she looked up at the mirror. Her face was heavily bruised and sore. Blood leaked out from behind her ear. She touched the wound and felt the red stuff still pumping out. She reached for some tissues to clog it but she was so weak that she fell to the floor, unconscious once more. The world became black.


    Sora licked his lips slowly. Something salty was in his mouth. Something hot and salty. It tasted odd but in a way nice. Slowly Sora’s other senses returned. There was no noise at all, silence was all around. He could feel the heaviness in all his limbs and aches and pains all over his body. He could smell a kind of rotting smell, and a faint whiff of burning. Finally he decided it was time to open his eyes.

    Raising his head off the floor Sora was confused by his surroundings. He was lying on Clara’s marble floor, bodies all around him. He didn’t know if they were dead or alive. He realised with shock that the salty taste in his mouth was blood. It was dribbling from the side of his head.

    He gazed around the room. Nobody was fighting anymore. Some people were stood up, others on the ground in pain. Sora looked around in vain for his friends. He was alarmed to see one of Wakka’s blitzballs rolling around on the floor - but no sign of its owner. He looked for Tidus, Selphie, anyone. Nobody familiar was around. The he spotted Shell walking towards him.

    “Sora!†she said gladly, “Have you seen Tidus?†her face was screwed up in concern. Sora shook his head and Shell was dismayed.

    “Have you seen anyone else?†Sora asked hopefully.

    “No…†she replied. “I was kinda hoping you would know.â€

    Sora stared around the room again, shaking his head.

    “Maybe… Maybe they’ve just gone home.†Shell murmured. Sora doubted it but didn’t want to rule it out. “Maybe I’ll just go home, Sora. If you see Tidus, tell him I was looking for him.†She began to head for the main door.

    “Okay will do.†Sora said. Shell had gone now and he was beginning to get worried. Summoning the Keyblade he carefully trod over the bodies closest to him and kicked debris out of the way. With relief he saw that the people below him were still breathing.

    I hope they’re all okay, he thought, If anything has happened to Kairi……

    Of course.

    She had been upstairs while the fighting took place!

    Sora felt stupid for not remembering and rushed up the stairs in a hurry. On the fifth step he tripped and fell flat on his face. He cracked his teeth on the marble surface. Ignoring the pain and the rush of blood he scrambled to his feet, tearing his tuxedo in the hurry. His stomach muscles were clear now through the torn material.

    Reaching a door at the top, Sora slammed it open. It was an empty room, filled with boxes. Sighing, he closed the door again and moved on. The next room was a study, complete with computer and miniature library. Sora was annoyed and quickly opened another door. This time it opened on a large bedroom with a four poster bed.

    With horror he saw the motionless forms of Tidus and Wakka sprawled on the carpet. To his dismay he saw a trail of blood leading to the bathroom and the pale body of Clara inside. This isn’t happening, he told himself, This cant be happening…

    Suddenly he noticed a small pale hand resting limply on the edge of the bed. Somebody was behind the bed. Sora carefully walked around to the other side of the room. He heard a squelching noise and to his disgust found he was stepping in blood. He had arrived at the other side of the bed but suddenly found he couldn’t look up for fear of what he might see. Eventually he forced himself to glance up at the person lying still on the floor, surrounded by a puddle of blood and one hand clutching their chest.


    Whats going to happen now, I hear you ask?
  13. ♥AL90♥ Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 21, 2007
    Why is it about where I live? Where do you live?
    OMG!!! THAT WAS GROSS! blood is stained all over this chapter!

    It was such a cliffhanger!!! Can't wait for the next one!

    Oh yeah...Riku...went Light Yagami on us...
  14. P E A N U T ~*~Never Surrender~*~

    Apr 25, 2008
    Wow, that chapter was GREAT! The best one yet. I can't find anything to insult! Great descriptions, great action, great cliffhangar. Keep it up!
  15. lolermee Traverse Town Homebody

    this is a great story and funny that there is blood in it, never seen that before in kingdom hearts
  16. ♥AL90♥ Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 21, 2007
    Why is it about where I live? Where do you live?
    that statements deserves an lol

    and a rep

  17. Juicy Chaser

    May 29, 2008
    new chapter!!!

    Thanks for all the kind comments youve left.
    Onward to the next chapter! Hope this doesnt upset you too much.. be warned its quite sad.
    Oh and btw I am making this story up as I go along, I'm that type of writer, so if you spot any mistakes in the plan please please tell me!

    Chapter 10

    Sora’s heart stopped.

    “K-Kairi?†he mumbled, his heart breaking. “Kairi!!!†he screamed, rushing forward. He knelt by her side, tears already welling up in his eyes. He gently lifted up her head in his arms.

    “Kairi! Kairi please! You can’t leave me!†he sobbed, his body shaking. “Please! Please don’t go!â€

    His tears fell onto her face. He grasped her hand. It was deathly cold. Frantically he searched for a pulse, but found none.

    “No…†he shook, “Please, you can’t go. Kairi, please wake up. Wake up. I’m here. I wont let anybody hurt you. Please don’t leave me here.â€

    His body rocked with anguish. He cradled Kairi in his arms, close to his body, and rocked her back and forth as if soothing her to sleep. To see her so limp in his hands made him even more upset.

    He sat in the dark bedroom, holding the only girl he had ever loved in his arms. He looked at her lifeless eyes and pale skin. His heart tore to see the wound in her chest, blood no longer pumping out.

    No longer pumping out?

    No heart?

    Then he noticed Riku lying unconscious against the bed. With horror he glimpsed his closed hand, and blood oozing between his fingers. And inside… his face screwed up with emotion as he realised the thing grasped in his fingers was a human heart. Kairi’s heart!

    Sora jumped to his feet, sobbing his heart out. He summoned the Keyblade and raised it above Riku’s head. He brought it slamming down on Riku’s skull, again and again. Anger burned through him. Riku, his old best friend, had killed Kairi! Sora panted, so angry he couldn’t contain it. He smashed Riku’s face up, tears falling as he hit his friend.

    “How.. Could you… Riku…†he cried, “How could you…kill her..â€

    Blood spurted from Riku’s head, but Sora didn’t stop. Finally he collapsed with exhaustion, the Keyblade slumped in his hands. He crawled over to Kairi’s body, holding onto her hand.

    He stared into her lifeless pupils.

    “We were going to do so much, Kairi,†he said to her, “We could have grown up together. We could have lived together. We could have got marr.. We could’ve got married…†his teeth chattered. A single tear sloped down his cheek and fell onto Kairi’s forehead.

    “We could’ve… we could’ve.. I wanted to be with you for all my life…â€

    He gave her one final hug and lowered her to the ground, then crawled onto the bed, put his head on a pillow and wept.


    It took Tidus and Wakka three hours to convince Sora to leave Kairi’s side. He had held onto her, saying she would be lonely if he wasn’t there when she woke up. The boys had looked at each other and shaken their heads; Sora still hadn’t quite come to terms with her death. Finally they had half dragged him out of the room, now he was downstairs in one of the living rooms. He hadn’t stopped crying.

    Wakka had tied Riku up and stuffed him into a cupboard. They couldn’t be sure if he was still a danger. They had also gagged him.

    Wakka turned to Tidus. “I think we should take the body now.†he said sadly. Tidus nodded. They returned to the dark bedroom, to take Kairi away.


    Shell was worried about Tidus. She hadn’t seen him since the chaos at the party. After leaving Clara’s house she had gone home and rung his house but there had been no reply. She had decided to head back to Clara’s house again, but this time she took a long knife she had incase she was endangered. Walking up the path, she spotted a familiar face in the distance.

    “Selphie!†the girl looked up and walked towards Shell. Selphie looked confused.

    “Hello…†she mumbled.

    “What’s the matter?†Shell asked her. Selphie sighed.

    “I’m worried about Wakka.†she sighed. “In all the fighting I lost him and when it was over he had gone. Now I cant find him anywhere!â€

    “The same for me! Tidus has gone..†Shell said glumly.

    “Well… They’re bound to turn up sometime.â€

    “Yeah…†Shell replied. “Should we go up to Clara’s you think?â€

    “No point.†said Selphie. “I’m going home. I need to chase my fears away with a big bowl of sea salt ice cream.â€

    “Works every time.†Shell smiled.

    The two girls headed back home.


    Sora sat with his head in his arms.

    Someone may aswell put a gun to my head. He thought. Because inside I’m dead already.

    His heart felt dead. His very soul felt hollow. He was surprised that his heart still managed to beat in the state he was in.

    Sora was sitting in the dark, his body sitting on a chair but his mind drifting away. A shaft of moonlight came through the window as the clouds parted in front of the moon. The room lit up spookily, Sora’s face cast in white light. The haunting images of Kairi’s pale face came to mind. He tried to shake it away, but the memory of her unblinking eyes seem to beg to him. Please don’t let me go, they seemed to say in his head.

    A dull anger came when he remembered Riku, but he had decided it was not worth it to get mad. He wanted to cherish his final memory of Kairi without his hatred of Riku getting in the way. Riku was in the past now. He wanted nothing more to do with him.

    Another tear dropped onto the wooden floor boards below.


    “Wakka?†Tidus said uncertainly as they entered the bedroom.


    “There’s somebody else in here! In the bathroom come and look!â€

    Wakka rushed in and stood by Tidus’ side. He recognised the person sprawled on the floor as the girl whose house this was.

    “Oh my…†exclaimed Wakka. “This is Clara, right?â€

    Tidus nodded. “She’s bleeding from the head. Wonder why…â€

    Wakka shrugged. “Lets get her onto the bed,†he directed, “come on, help me with her.â€

    They lifted Clara up and hauled her onto the four poster bed. Then the two boys turned to Kairi. Tidus bit nervously down on his lip. Wakka was alarmed to find a tear was trickling down his face. He hadn’t cried since he was young, even when his grandmother had died last year. But now looking at one of his best friends dead salty tears chased each other down his cheeks.

    Tidus had already gone over to Kairi and started picking her up. She was like a feather in his hands. But he put her down when he noticed the item around her neck.

    “Wakka…†he said, his face turned pale.

    “What’s the matter?†Wakka said.

    Tidus pointed to her neck. “That.†he gulped.

    “A locket?†Wakka shrugged. “So what?â€

    Tidus shook his head. “I.. I’ve seen it before. It’s…â€

    “It’s what?†Wakka said, confused.

    “It’s.. I’m trying to remembâ€

    Wakka grimaced. Tidus had that look on his face that meant he was going to spend a long time thinking about something pointless. His friend had gone white and he had a look of concentration on his features.

    “I know!†Tidus exclaimed. “I know where I’ve seen it before!â€

    His eyes had lit up like beacons.

    The end of another chapter. Sorry it's incredibly short. The next will be extra long to make up for it, I promise!
  18. P E A N U T ~*~Never Surrender~*~

    Apr 25, 2008
    :crybaby: That's so sad! Poor Sora....
  19. ♥AL90♥ Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 21, 2007
    Why is it about where I live? Where do you live?
    That's terrible! Is Kairi really dead though?

    And is Riku dead after all of the smackings in the head
  20. lolermee Traverse Town Homebody

    nice chapter ObsessedWithSora.
    i wanna see where the locket for and was it necessary that Wakka and Tidus tide rikku up.
    i mean after so manny hit with the keyblade his head should like a pancake