A Kingdom Hearts Story --- After KH2!! "THE ADDICTION"

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Juicy, May 31, 2008.

  1. lolermee Traverse Town Homebody

    this is a good chapter.
    it's not the best chapter but it isn't terrible.
    if you don't like it yourself see it as background info for the next chapter.
  2. Bond of Flame I'm an alien

    May 25, 2008
    Looking for my pants
    Amazing. Really great, I liked the story very much.
    And good use of pragraphs, and grammar:D
    Can you critisize my fic as well?
  3. ♥AL90♥ Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 21, 2007
    Why is it about where I live? Where do you live?
    lulz he didn't go to the bathroom!
  4. Juicy Chaser

    May 29, 2008

    Hey People, fans (if I have any)
    Sorry but the next update won't be for atleast a week... I'm off on holiday this Saturday. I will probably post as soon as I am back. For now, thanks for all the kind comments and watch this space!

    Till next time ;)
  5. Forever Love Life Without Limits

    Jul 18, 2007
    Shaping my life.
    Omfg. I can't believe how much I missed while I was gone.

    You....You made me bawl!!! :cryinganime: Sora, crying. Kairi, dying. Gah! Don't ever do it again! Please.

    Chapters nine and ten made me bawl my flippin' eyes out. Omg. When Sora cried, I just freakin' died. Ugh.

    You just...I don't know. You did an excellent job as far as emotions go. Nobody's actually made me bawl my eyes out before. Tears, yes. Sobbing, no.
  6. Juicy Chaser

    May 29, 2008
    omg i hope i didnt upset u too much!

    well lets hope they have a happy ending then... and see u after my holiday! ^_^
  7. xanthae Merlin's Housekeeper

    May 24, 2008
    I just finished reading this and I have to say that you are a fantastic writer and I can't wait for the next chapter.
  8. ♥AL90♥ Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 21, 2007
    Why is it about where I live? Where do you live?
    me too! ^_^

  9. lolermee Traverse Town Homebody

    this is a nice story but it almost comes to a end :cryinganime:

    what's goin on on the forum almost nobuddy updates there story???
    i blame the heartless go get them sora :ff10sora:
  10. ♥AL90♥ Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 21, 2007
    Why is it about where I live? Where do you live?

    Because summer is in school is out and the spamzone is loaded with spammy threads
  11. lolermee Traverse Town Homebody

    oh, so thats why.
    oke now i now that i still blame the heartless and now the spammers to
  12. Juicy Chaser

    May 29, 2008
    woo im back! And more wierd than ever!

    Okay guys,
    im back from my holiday (and man was it wierd)
    and right now im hopefully posting the next update tomorrow
    even though i havent even started it yet lolz


    keep watching this space *winks mysteriously*
  13. Forever Love Life Without Limits

    Jul 18, 2007
    Shaping my life.
    That's great! Just post whenever you're ready!
  14. Juicy Chaser

    May 29, 2008

    Chapter 13​

    “Hello dear. What can I do for you?â€

    Selphie hovered warily on the doorstep. So this was Shell’s mother. They looked eerily alike. They even had the same facial expressions.

    Like mother like daughter, Selphie thought.

    “Erm.. Is Shell there?†Selphie asked shyly. The woman’s lips curled upwards.

    “I’m afraid not. She left about… ten minutes ago.â€

    “Do you know where she went?â€

    The woman pondered the question for a while. “I believe she said she was going to the island for a bit. She said she needed some fresh air. Shell seems a bit down recently, perhaps because she’s seeing this new boy of hers…â€

    Shell’s mother went on and on for about ten minutes. Selphie waited patiently for her to finish.

    “Okay, thanks!†she began to back away. She was undecided as to whether she should join the boys in their search on the island and meet Shell there or just keep out of it and go home. But in the end she found her feet leading her way to the seashore and her boat.

    “Damn it Riku.†she mumbled to herself as she climbed into her boat.


    “Uhhh. Chocolate. See? No way. Not true.â€

    Kairi bit down her giggles that were dying to leap off her tongue. With watery eyes she watched Sora talk to himself in his sleep. His eyelids were fluttering and his mouth formed the words he mumbled slowly.

    “Kairi? Don’t Riku. I didn’t. Why would I do that to her. Yes. Of course not.â€

    Kairi’s eyes widened and she almost snorted. What could he be dreaming about?

    “She’d never like me. She’s too good. But I can keep loving her, Riku. No matter. Yeah.â€

    “Awww.†Kairi whispered to herself. Sora may try to be upbeat and tough when awake but when asleep he was soft and sensitive like all boys. They were just too proud to admit it.

    “Kairi. No. Please. I’ll come back for you. I promise. I love. You.â€

    Kairi couldn’t help it. She jumped on Sora in his sleep and he woke with a start.

    “Mffuu?†Sora’s voice was muffled by Kairi’s t-shirt. Kairi held him tight. Sora managed to break free to breathe.

    “You okay?†Kairi said softly. Sora nodded.

    “I’m fine Kairi. I feel much better.†he relaxed, his warm breath heating her hands. Kairi untensed her body and fell onto the bed. They gazed up at the curtains above them.

    Silence filled the room. Sora was aware that his heart was beating like it never had before. Suddenly the room was too hot. He found himself turning on his side to gaze at Kairi. He watched her chest rise and fall and his mouth began to water suddenly.

    Blood roared through his head and his heart seemed to burst with passion. He could barely take it any longer.

    Kairi turned to him. Her eyes were filled with a wild look. Sora’s heart stopped and jumped up into his throat. They stared at each other for minutes, then Kairi finally moved. Her hand moved to the buttons on her shirt.


    Clara stirred in her bed. Heavy blankets covered her body and her head was nestled between many pillows. And worse, it felt as though an egg sized lump was swelling on her head.

    “Hello?†she murmured weakly. The room was silent. The weakened taste of vomit filled her throat. When she tried to move, her head spun and the wallpaper blurred. She dimly recognised the room as one of the spare bedrooms.

    Rising slowly, she felt her feet touch cold wooden floor. She desperately needed a drink. Her lips were parched and her throat raw. Stumbling over the floorboards she reached the door. The corridor was silent and empty. Somebody must be here. Somebody must have put her in bed after her struggle. Moving over the carpet, Clara froze when she heard a squeak.

    “Hello?†she ventured. The noise had gone. Lifting her foot up Clara froze when she heard it again. A squeak. Like the squeak of floorboards. Or bedsprings.

    Clara’s eyes widened when she thought that. Moving cautiously she turned the corner. The noises were happening more frequently now, and were louder. Clara stopped outside the door where it was loudest, the dizziness gone from here head. She hardly dared to breathe for fear she would be discovered.

    Suddenly the squeaking stopped. Clara froze and stepped away from the door.

    “Kairi…†he heard somebody say softly. Clara almost snorted. It was Sora and Kairi in there!

    Laughing quietly to herself Clara walked to the stairs and marched down. Surprisingly, the main room was spotless. No sign of a fight at all. Somebody must have been to clean it up. Thanks god. Otherwise her parents would have got back from their holiday to find an atrocity of a house.

    Entering the kitchen, Clara poured herself some orange juice. But she dropped the glass when she saw the microwave. The glass shattered as it struck the floor and some sliced into her foot. Horror filled her heart and she grasped her face in terror.

    The microwave door served as a mirror. A ghoulish face stared at her from puffy dark eyes. Dry blood caked her cheeks. A yellow bruise had swelled up on her forehead, in the shape of a boot mark. A tear streaked down Clara’s face. She dug her fingernails into her fleshy cheek, hoping somehow to find the face she had lost. All her life, people had always commented on how pretty she was. It was something she was proud of, something she could cling to when times were tough. Her good looks could help her get through anything, and they were always there for her to rely on.

    But they were gone.

    Sobbing, she pulled glass out of her ankle. Crimson blood welled up and spilled onto the kitchen tiles. Tears fell onto her feet.

    With blotchy eyes she filled another cup to drink.


    “Wakka! Tidus!â€

    The boys heads snapped around. Wakka was pleasantly surprised but alarmed to see Selphie running towards him across the sand. Why had she come to the island?

    Selphie hurriedly explained her story to them. Tidus nodded, and Wakka soon agreed. They set off to find Shell, and hopefully then the mystery of Riku would be solved.


    Sora and Kairi stumbled out of the bedroom holding hands. Almost immediately they bumped into Clara, who was walking down the corridor with a glass of water in her hands and tears running down her face.

    “Clara!†Kairi squealed and Sora’s heart lurched with sadness as Kairi’s hand left his as she rushed to see Clara.

    The purple haired girl’s body began to shake with sobs. Sora noticed her foot was bleeding and so took it upon himself to go to her side and lift here off her feet. She was alarmingly light and Sora carried her with ease into a room and sat her on a chair.

    Kairi comforted her friend in a soothing voice.

    “Sora, leave us for a minute okay?†Kairi’s eyes looked into his. They were a cool blue. Sora wanted to stay with them but did as he was told and closed the door behind him.


    The boys and Selphie stumbled upon a small cave around the east side of the island. They had never noticed it before. The sound of giggling came from within. Creeping gingerly into the semi darkness they found the source of the noise; two young girls and an older girl, curled up near the corner.

    Tidus instantly recognised her as Shell. Crying out, he reached forward with his arms. She recoiled and curled into a tight ball.

    “Huh…?†Tidus spoke to himself. He couldn’t understand why Shell didn’t want to talk to him.

    Meanwhile Selphie had approached the laughing children.

    “Hey,†she said, smiling, “my name’s Selphie. Who are you guys?â€

    The oldest child frowned up at her. Suddenly the other girl’s hand reached out and pulled at the other girls hair. To Selphie’s alarm the hair fell off. It was a wig! The “girl†was infact a boy. Selphie’s eyes widened but she said nothing.

    “I’m Shell’s sister.†the girl said. “My name’s Sally!â€

    The boy nudged her out of the way. He was probably around two years younger than Selphie. “My name’s Jack. Me and Sally are friends. You’re hot!â€

    Selphie laughed. “Thanks!â€

    The children grinned cheesily and started to dance with each other.

    “Erm… Jack?†the boy stopped. Selphie beckoned to him. He ran to her side. She noticed orange juice stained the outside of his mouth.

    “Yeah?†he said boldly.

    “What’s wrong with Shell?â€

    Jack considered her. Sally had gone to Shell’s side and put her arm around her older sisters shoulders. Shell was still. Tidus and Wakka stood against the cave wall frowning.

    “I don’t know.†Jack muttered. Selphie tried and failed to hide her disappointment.

    Wakka walked over to them and tried a different approach while Tidus stayed with Shell.

    “Jack right?†Wakka said to him. The boy nodded. “Have you seen a boy called Riku come here recently?â€

    Jack frowned. “What he look like?

    Selphie held up her arms to her head and mimed spiky hair. “Silver.†she stated.

    “Blue eyes. Our age.†Wakka continued. Finally the boys eyes widened in recognition.

    “Ohhh! I know! He came in here the other day, when we were making a potion!â€

    Wakka and Selphie looked at each other excitedly. This could be the information they were looking for. Wakka held onto the boys arm.

    “What did you do to him, Jack?â€

    Jack frowned. “We got him to try our potion.â€

    “What type of potion?†Selphie asked.

    “A love potion.†he replied. Wakka gasped quietly and nodded to Selphie.

    Jack frowned. “But it didn’t work. The potion book was lame!â€

    Selphie shook her head. She felt there was no need to tell Jack the potion did work. It would only lead him to do similar things in the future.

    “Okay,†Wakka said, “Where is this book?â€

    Sally walked over to join them, leaving Tidus hovering nervously by Shell’s curled up figure. She plonked herself down next to Jack.

    “We left it here. Right, Sally?â€

    The girl nodded. “It has to be here somewhere with all the junk.â€

    For the first time Wakka and Selphie noticed a huge pile of objects in the corner of the cave. In it was everything from bikes to burgers, planks of wood to a lawnmower. Selphie spotted a pair of red high heels at the top, and Wakka thought he saw a blitzball stuffed behind a set of teddy bears.

    “Lets look for it!†Wakka said and began to search. The others joined him.


    “Shell?†Tidus ventured. “Shell?â€

    The figure of Shell remained still. Tidus would have thought her dead if not for the steady rise and fall of her back. The cave felt so quiet he was surprised that she could not hear his thudding heart. Every bone in his body wanted to caress her but she wouldn’t go near him.

    “Please…†Tidus’ voice shook. Shell was right in the corner now, and she couldn’t back away any further. Tidus reached right out and finally his arm came to a stop on the soft fabric of her violet halter neck top.

    The material was soft and Shell’s skin warm. Tidus was relieved as he felt Shell’s body go limp and no longer uptight.

    Suddenly she collapsed into his arms.

    “Oh Tidus.†she cried. “Why? Why did you leave me? Where have you been?â€

    Tidus was alarmed to fell tears falling onto his sleeves. In soothing tones he told her what had happened. Eventually she stopped crying and held onto him tightly. Tidus let her bury her head in his shoulders and chest.

    A harsh wind whipped through the cave. It was like the wail of a banshee.


    Wakka picked up a battered blitzball. It was covered in dust but could just be made out to have a slivery blue color to it. Spinning it on his hand, Wakka went to put it back in its place but froze when he saw the dark writing scrawled on the bottom.

    His jaw dropped as he read it and his eyes filled with wonder. “Jecht…†he murmured. “Hey guys! This blitzball is signed by Sir Jecht!â€

    “Who?†Jack said.
    Wakka dropped the ball in surprise. “What do you mean!? Sir Jecht is like the best Blitzball player of all time, ya?â€

    Sally shrugged. “Never heard of him.â€

    Wakka shook his head at the injustice. He took one last look at the blitzball then carried on searching. They had a lot of work to do.

    Okay guys, to me that chapter was a filler, im trying to fit everything nescessary in before the big finale! Wooo! Okay anyway, hope you liked it and please comment what you thought! :)
  15. ♥AL90♥ Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 21, 2007
    Why is it about where I live? Where do you live?
    Yay! A story was updated!!! Poor Clara thought... T_T
  16. lolermee Traverse Town Homebody

    nice chapter, but the next chapter is the final chapter?
    anybody know some good KH fanart?
    i already read wedding, switched and the addiction
  17. Juicy Chaser

    May 29, 2008
    Aww I know but she must learn looks arent everything...
    No, the next chapter won't be the last... not by far *smiles wickedly*. And there are loads of other fanfics out there besides DF's and my own, you just have to look ;)
  18. ♥AL90♥ Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 21, 2007
    Why is it about where I live? Where do you live?
    And you can't rely on them either...
  19. Juicy Chaser

    May 29, 2008

    Rely on what? I don't get it

    sorry having a dumb moment lol
  20. ♥AL90♥ Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 21, 2007
    Why is it about where I live? Where do you live?
    good looks ^_^

    For some people they get one pimple and the world ends