A Kingdom Hearts Story --- After KH2!! "THE ADDICTION"

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Juicy, May 31, 2008.

  1. lolermee Traverse Town Homebody

    i'm not always determined to be right only this time.
    and if your stuck go on hollyday or to the zoo. free your head NOT LITERALLY
    15 in a month lol than you have worked hard and lived on KH
  2. Juicy Chaser

    May 29, 2008
    Yay my head is free *head flies off into the distance* Lol no I know you didnt mean literally.

    no really I think I might have a break for a while. Saying that, the next chapter will probably be up tomorrow lol.

    Tee hee kh is the cherry on the cake that is my life. ^_^
  3. lolermee Traverse Town Homebody

    lol, and update tomorrow that's no break that's more like a little pause :laughing-smiley-004
    not that i mind because i love the story
    i like a little more mixed KH and FF
  4. Juicy Chaser

    May 29, 2008
    Ive almost finished FFX at the moment... I'm stuck battling Seymour.

    Hang on, this has nothing to do with my story lol why am I mentioning it.

    *Cough* Erm... yes... *looks around to see if anybody noticed spam* I have a sudden urge to start writing now, even though I have no ideas lol
  5. lolermee Traverse Town Homebody

    i send you some ideas hope you can use them.
    and i'm not spoiling anything for the odders
  6. Juicy Chaser

    May 29, 2008
    Okay, so much for me having a break (LOL)
    I couldn't resist writing the next chapter. Besides, I was finally on a roll. Rather than a sandwich. Get it? Oh, that was shocking. :P

    Chapter 16​

    “No.†Kairi said, shaking her head. “No, Riku. No!â€


    “No! I won’t do it!â€


    “Riku, no!†she shook her head furiously, tears falling onto her cheeks. Riku grabbed her hand.

    “Kairi! You promised me, remember?â€

    “But… But…â€

    “You promised me! You can’t break that!â€

    Kairi’s body was wracked with tears. This time Riku hugged her, her limp body lifeless in horror.

    “I can’t!†she cried.

    “You can do it for me. You promised me, Kairi.â€

    He looked her in the eyes with his cool gaze. Hours seemed to pass. Finally, in an unforgivable move, Kairi gave the slightest nod.

    “Only for you.†She said, her voice barely a whisper. They hugged, Kairi’s tears dropping on his shoulders.

    “C’mon now,†he said, a false attempt to be cheerful, “ Your getting my shirt wet. There’s no need to be sad. It’s what I want, right?â€

    She sniffed. “I guess.†He smiled at her, but she could see it was a mask. Underneath his grin Riku was quaking in his boots but he knew there was no other way.

    “Let’s do this then.†He said, and got to his feet. Helping Kairi up, Kairi was not surprised when a familiar white light engulfed her entirely. The image of Riku and the Other bathroom began to fade from view.

    “Wait!†she screamed, a sudden realisation creeping in on her. “I haven’t said….†Riku disappeared. “… Goodbye.†she murmured to herself. She expected to cry once more but no more tears came. Perhaps she was so sad, she couldn’t possibly get sadder.

    She turned around to see the real world returning. She went back into her own body, which was still holding a gun to evil Riku’s heart. Slowly sensation returned to her. The first thing she felt was the irregular thudding of her heart in her ribcage. The next was Riku’s red glare staring intently at her.

    It was time.


    “Wakka! What the hell are you doing, man?†Tidus yelled.

    “I’m doing my best!†was the reply.

    The gang were still crossing back to the mainland. The sea was calm, the skies clear, but Wakka seemed to be having trouble controlling the small boat they were all crammed into. The prow of the boat was headed in the opposite direction to the mainland, despite Wakka’s best attempt at rowing.

    “You’re useless!†Shell exclaimed. Selphie frowned at the harshness of her tone, but let it slide. Shell had been in a bad mood since she had snapped her nail on the edge of the boat when climbing in.

    “Let me have a go.†Tidus offered, taking the oar from Wakka. Dipping it into the water, he suddenly withdrew.

    “What the…†he said, nonplussed. There was a ridiculously strong current in the water. No wonder they had no control over the ship.

    “Why are the currents so freakishly strong?†Tidus said, turning to Wakka. “I see no storm or anything.â€

    Wakka shrugged, but was interrupted by Selphie.

    “Erm.. Guys..? I wouldn’t be so sure of that!†her voice shook with fear, her arm pointing behind them. The group turned in dismay.

    A vast, almost black thunder cloud was right behind them. The very air seemed to crackle. A deep, terrifying rumble filled the skies, making the girls squeal. There was going to be a terrible storm.

    “Oh SHI-†Wakka started to say.

    “MY HAIR!†Shell screamed. Every turned to her, confused.

    “What about it?†Tidus said.

    “The rain’ll ruin it!†she cried. The other three snorted and rolled their eyes.

    “That’s the least of our worries! We have to get home before the storm hits us!†Tidus said, raising his voice. As if taunting them, the wind suddenly began to pick up. The sleeves of Wakka’s top began to lift up. Selphie’s loose hair began to ruffle.

    “Quick!†Wakka said, grabbing the oar. In vain, he plunged it into the water, but to everyone’s horror the paddle broke off. He held up the remaining stick, his eyes creased.

    “Holy cow!†said Tidus, as the same happened to his oar. The girls screamed and jumped on each other.

    “Were gonna die!†Shell cried. Wakka held her hand.

    “Were not going to die,†he comforted, “its just a storm.â€

    Shell nodded but her face was screwed up in fear. Selphie put her arm around her friends shoulders.

    “It’s only a little storm as well.†she soothed. As if to prove her wrong, the sky boomed once more in a threatening way.

    Suddenly, in the blink of an eye, the storm was upon them.


    Buckets of rain poured onto their heads. Lightning flashed over them, and thunder deafened the gangs ears. A huge wave rose above the boat, causing it to spin. The girls shrieked. Within moments Wakka was at Selphie’s side, his arms wrapped around her.

    “Hold onto me!†he roared above the noise of the storm. Another booming crash as lightning struck the water nearby. Next thing they knew a massive body of water had crashed over the boat, drenching them all.

    Wakka held onto Selphie like a vice grip, not daring to let go. When the water tipped over them he held her even tighter. Salt water entered his eyes, blinding him. Selphie screamed and coughed up water. The boat was being tossed about by the waves, reminding him that it was just a piece of wood after all. A piece of wood in a sea of anger.

    The world spun around Wakka. He tried to get his bearings but every time he did the boat would revolve again. He tried to convince himself that the storm would be over soon. But he knew from knowledge that tropical storms had been known to last hours, even days.

    “Wakka!†Tidus shouted from somewhere. “Are you okay?!â€

    “Yeah!†Wakka replied. But he spoke too soon. Suddenly an incredibly large wave reared up in front of them and with horror Wakka watched it immerse the boat completely.

    He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He gripped Selphie as tight as ever. Opening his eyes a tiny bit, he saw that they were underwater. Bubbles were escaping from Selphie’s mouth. Crammed in the other side of the boat were Tidus and Shell, holding on for dear life with their eyes closed. Wakka would have sighed in despair, but he needed to keep all the oxygen he had.

    With a loud crash they broke the surface again. Wakka kept his stinging eyes closed and rubbed them quickly. But when he reached out for Selphie again, nobody was there.

    “Selphie?†he said, opening his eyes and searching furiously. “Selphie!?!â€

    There was no reply. The rain lashed at him, blinding him beyond two feet. He fell to his knees, crawling along the bottom of the boat.

    “Wakka!†came a weak reply. Wakka launched himself to the side of the boat. Selphie was holding onto the edge for her life, her knuckles white. Wakka threw himself across to her, and was about to grab her hand when there was a terrible lurch and the boat spun again.

    The white hands gripping the edge of the boat disappeared.


    Wakka saw with horror that she had gone. Looking into the murky waters, he saw no one. He waited in suspense, expecting her to appear any moment, treading water and asking him for help.

    But nobody resurfaced. Wakka gulped as he remembered that sharks sometimes swam in these waters. The boat was tossed even further away in the storm. Wakka realised they were getting further and further away from where Selphie would be.

    “I’m going in!†He roared at the other two. He pulled off his shoes for effect.

    “NO! You can’t!†Tidus shouted, his voice hoarse.

    “I have to save Selphie!†he yelled back. Without further ado, he stood shakily on the edge of the boat and dived gracefully in.

    As he plunged into the icy water, Wakka felt the alarming tug of the current. It was diabolically strong. Blinking rapidly, he focused on the underwater world around him. He guessed at a direction, then swam with all his might, inside calling Selphie’s name over and over in his head.


    Kairi stared into Riku’s red eyes. Perhaps this would be the last time she would see him, she thought.

    “Goodbye.†she said, her face a mess of salty tears.

    Riku looked at her, confusion etched on his features.

    “Goodbye?†He said to her mockingly. “Goodbye? Why? It’s not as if you’re going to shoot me. Why would this be-â€

    The crack of the pistol tore through the air. Riku’s body jolted then shot back with the impact of a closely fired bullet. He flew through the air like a rag doll, then landed ungracefully in the corner of the bathroom.

    The gun clattered to the floor as Kairi released her grip. Without hesitating she ran to Riku’s side. Slowly but surely the half-melted, evil, twisted face changed. The charred and ruined remains of hair changed. The injured body changed. The heart that she had destroyed changed.

    The old Riku lay dying in Kairi’s arms.


    Riku gulped, forcing oxygen into his battered lungs. Already his face was deathly pale. There wasn’t much time left for him on this world.

    He opened his mouth, trying to form words through the pain. He looked like a fish out of water, his mouth opening and closing almost comically. It would have been hilarious if it wasn’t so tragic.

    Kairi cradled him. “It’s okay. Take your time. You- You’ve got all the time in the world.†she lied to him.

    Riku tried desperately to smile but his face was so contorted with agony nothing happened.

    Finally he managed to speak. “T-T-Th-Thankyou.†he gasped. “T-T-Thankyou for freeing me.â€

    “Oh Riku.†she cried, more tears gently dropping onto his chest. They rolled into the wound over his heart. It was a miracle he was still alive.

    They sat in silence, Riku’s life slowly slipping away. Kairi tried in vain to think of something to say. Comforting last words. But nothing came. All she could feel was a big part of her life being torn away.

    Blue eyes stared quietly up at her. All the red evilness had gone. The innocence of blue was all that was left.

    Riku’s breathing became more ragged. Through the hole in his chest Kairi could see his heart struggling to keep beating. The grip on her hand was getting looser.


    He looked her in the eyes. “Suh-Suh-†he stuttered.

    “What is it?†she wept. “Don’t hurry. There’s plenty of time.†But both he and she knew that was a bare-faced lie.

    “Suh-Suh-Sorry for wha-what I-I-I did to you, K-Kairi.†he stammered. Suddenly his grip was loose, and his eyes rolled up to the heavens.

    “Suh-Suh-Suh…†he said, and those were his last words before his spirit moved on from the world.

    Kairi screamed aloud. “No!!! Riku, no!†tears fell thick and fast. She looked into his lifeless, unblinking eyes. She couldn’t bare the sight, but she had to see them one last time.

    She sat by his side for hours, stroking his hands, singing him lullabys. She recounted stories of when they were young, the games and laughter they had shared. She told him about all the things she had wanted to do with him as they grew up together. Finally she lent across, closed his eyelids, and lightly kissed his cold forehead.

    Then she wept.

    So erm...what did you think?

    And special thanks to Lolermee for a brilliant idea! I couldn't have done this chapter without you!Thanks!
  7. lolermee Traverse Town Homebody

    no problemo and nice update.
    take a break longer that 2 hours
    need a idea just say so, but i not saying that i know something
  8. Juicy Chaser

    May 29, 2008
    Thanks and dont worry, ill be forced to have a break because im busy for the next few nights.

    And plus my parents are threatening to take my laptop away again. So if I disappear without a trace... thats why.
  9. ♦Demon♥Angel♦ Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 26, 2008
    <<insert witty comment here>>
    I'm serously crying now. -sobs- NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! I WILL KILL YOU!!:guns:
    The reaper will get you:guiltygearXpc37:
    This guy will get you!:ff10sora:
  10. Juicy Chaser

    May 29, 2008
    Erm... *alarmed face*

    get who exactly...?

    why what did you think the saddest bit was?
  11. P E A N U T ~*~Never Surrender~*~

    Apr 25, 2008

    And I hated battling Seymour in FFX, he was so annoying!
  12. ♥AL90♥ Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 21, 2007
    Why is it about where I live? Where do you live?
    that was tragic! Very well done :cryinganime:
  13. Forever Love Life Without Limits

    Jul 18, 2007
    Shaping my life.
    I guess I was thinking differently.

    I thought he wasn't going to die...

    ..but at the same time that he would get killed off as well.


    Good job, but it was sad. I wonder what everyone's going to do now...
  14. Juicy Chaser

    May 29, 2008
    Oh, I know, I'm totally buggered on Seymour Flux he's ridiculously strong *grrr*

    Well, I like to be dramatic he he he did anybody think that it was sad when Riku was going "suh-suh-suh" or was that a dumb idea?

    All will be revealed.... DUN DUN DUN! Thanks everyone :)
  15. lolermee Traverse Town Homebody

    sounds like you got a plan for the next chapter
  16. Juicy Chaser

    May 29, 2008
    No but shhh i can pretend :P :)
  17. lolermee Traverse Town Homebody

    lol, didn't see that anwser coming
  18. ♥AL90♥ Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 21, 2007
    Why is it about where I live? Where do you live?
    I thought when Riku was stuttering that it was very dramatic. That was sooo sad. Also Riku wouldn't have been able to live with himself too! :cryinganime:
  19. Juicy Chaser

    May 29, 2008
    Yay my emotional writing finally works!

    Yeah when i write I can just like picture Riku lying there stuttering, his eyes wide and blood gurgling in his throat.

    No wonder my teachers say im gory lol.

    Next update = possibly tomorrow BUT Im going to London for two days starting thursday so there might be a little break ah well maybe london will inspire me even though london sucks no offense if you live there, but it really does suck.

    UPDATE - Oh what the heck ill just write the next chapter today lol i may as well ill be too busy packing tomorrow. And dancing. Actually i may skip dancing. But then the teacher will kill me, since im meant to be a professional now lol. Ah well.
  20. ♦Demon♥Angel♦ Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 26, 2008
    <<insert witty comment here>>
    I wouldn't have lived wiht my self. I would have drowned, shoot, have a shark eat me, etc, etc. If I was Kairi I wouldn't have don't it, but if I was Riku I would ahve had her shoot me....waht was the point of this again?