Body Count, Spirit Count, Heart Count, Keyblade Count [Days, BBS, KH1, KH2 Spoilers]

Discussion in 'General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts' started by P, Nov 3, 2010.

  1. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Not 8ad at all. Nice ideas a8out the souls. It ties in with Roxas' dual wielding, as it accounts for Xion's soul. The only flaw I see is that the soul is a requisite of life, so to have people wandering around without a soul would cause pro8lems. I suppose we could proxy in some light-magic to make up for it, as we are doing with Sora throughout COM, 8ut overusing that seems to downplay the use of souls.
  2. Loxare Hollow Bastion Committee

    Feb 6, 2009
    Flower Field
    ok, i have a few things to point out and since im too lazy to try to describe their location, ill just be doing this, k? if anyone said any of this stuff previously, sorry for reiterating you. it was unintentional. lets get started!

    there, done. you have a problem with any of it, let me know.
  3. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Point taken. I will correct that.

    Quite possi8ly, yeah. I left them as unaccounted for, 8ecause we didn't have any confirm8ion. It was an interesting idea that Xeitr had a8out spirits 8eing in Key8lades. That could have something to do with it.

    It was strongly implied that Eraqus was also inside Terra at the end of BBS. I 8elieve Nomura may have confirmed this too. It happened when Eraqus was struck down, and fell into Terra. His heart entered him then.

    Yes, Aqua meets up with Ansem the Wise in the Realm of Darkness, on the shore.

    The pro8lem is, we need it to 8e a situ8ion in which there is am8guity on who the Key8lade actually goes to, as the Kingdom Key was torn 8etween Sora and Riku, eventually deciding upon Sora. (See Hollow 8astion visit in KH1.)

    Actually, yeah, you're right here. When I initially made the post, I assumed that there were a limited num8er of Key8lades, and the succession ceremony passed them on, or something like that. (past!Me is confusing me.)

    Also, as you've pointed out, past!Me seems dead set on keeping Ven's Key8lade with him, which is kinda weird, as he's not using it or anything. So I think I'll fix that up too.

    This works. When did Sora go to sleep in comparison to Xion arriving/o8taining a Key8lade? Perhaps if we give Roxas Ven's, then it works out without having two people using the same at once. Or did Nomura say something a8out this? I seem to remem8er something...

    I mentioned it earlier, 8ut I pro8a8ly didn't make the connection too clear.

    Yes, you're right on these, and I think I've covered them previously.

    Souls are required for life, as st8ed in the Secret Reports. The Lingering Sentiment is just residual emotion, AFAIK. (Also, it's hinted/hypothesised that Aqua's armour 8ecomes a Sentiment, which is what Xemnas is speaking to in some FM+ scenes, which can't work, since Aqua still has her soul.)

    I think I've responded to the non-repeated points you made. Now to go and fix it up. Thanks for the help!

    EDIT: Gone through and fixed it up with some stuff per your advice.
  4. Loxare Hollow Bastion Committee

    Feb 6, 2009
    Flower Field
    Xehanort says when the Lingering Spirit is created "Your body submits, your heart succumbs, so why does your mind resist" thus stating that his mind/soul (lots of trouble over which word to use, huh?) is in Lingering Sentiment.

    cutscene here. its right at the end

  5. ShibuyaGato Transformation

    May 1, 2009
    This makes plenty of sense though spirit and will could probably be considered the same thing.

    Nice job.
  6. AwkwardFailure Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 22, 2011
    Putting my face through a desk.
    I should use this for a guide when I'm pondering over Kingdom Hearts. We need KH3 to answer these questions.
  7. Xeitr The False Image Gummi Ship Junkie

    Oct 5, 2006
    your tummy
    in all actuality i'm thinking the soul in kingdom hearts isn't really required for life so much as just another part of it. with the way they speak in the games they seem to be hinting that the mind and the soul are the same thing. Sora in COM was just a heart with a body of light. without a soul/mind his heart was in full control of his actions with nothing else fighting for dominance.
  8. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    I really dislike trying to place the soul in the armour, because that causes all sorts of soul-based trouble later on. Also, Mind≠Soul.

    Aqua has her soul. There are hints that her armour became a Sentiment. This is problematic.

    Terra's we could work around by simply having Master Xehanort's soul replace his, and have his stick around in the armour.

    There's also the issue of why the sentiments behave as they do if they're a soul. Terra's Sentiment just hangs out in the Graveyard. Presumably, if it were a soul in armour, it'd behave similarly to Nobodies, which are souls in bodies.

    Overall, it's easier to put the Sentiments down as lingering emotions, as opposed to an actual soul, because then we can make up new rules for them, and don't have to try to fit them into the equations.
  9. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    I'm surprised I haven't posted here yet...

    But anyway, isn't the Sentiment Terra's lost mind? I mean, yeah, it would make sense if the armor was driven by emotion from Terra, since he has so much hate and bad will towards Master Xehanort, but it is his lost mind, isn't it?

    I believe that it's safe to say that MasterNort's soul is now inside Terranort, but I have come to find the stunning lack of his mind, because Terranort lost it when the Lingering Will kicked his butt in Birth By Sleep.

    I'm pretty sure that the LW has no soul, and P's right that they would behave in the same manner as a Nobody. But the one thing I disagree with, P, is that the Lingering Will has Terra's mind, not his emotions.