Justice League: Justice for All Discussion/OOC

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Boy Wonder, Dec 3, 2010.

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  1. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    Username: Maka

    Real Name: Amelia Summers

    Super Name:

    Rank: Justice Cadet

    Age: 16 Years Old

    Gender: Female

    Normal Appearance:

    Costume: Ties her hair back in a pony tail, hair tie has sun patterns on it. Wears fingerless orange/yellow gloves that can withstand the heat of her power and reaches halfway to her elbow (The top part of the glove closest to her elbow has a black circle going around it), wears a sleeveless black shirt made out of a special material, orangish-red combat boots that reach up to her knees, and short black shorts also made out of a durable material with an orangish-redish-yellowish belt around it. None of it is too bright, it's more like a darker tone. Wears a redish-orange mask, and a orange-red-yellowish leather sash that goes around her left shoulder and attaches to her belt on her right side.

    Bio: Amelia was one of those kids in the background, just carrying on a normal life; going to school, hanging out with a few friends, watched super heroes and heroines save the day, and doing what ever ten year old kids did. That was until her parents were killed in a car accident. Amelia instantly became an orphan, but she had one living relative to take her in... her uncle. At first, he was nice and caring to her, concerned with her school work, what she liked to do, and really helped her cope with her parents death. But when she was twelve years old, her uncle started to act distant and more secluded. Eventually, he pulled her out of school, and then the tables suddenly turned on Amelia. It turned out that her uncle was a scientist, and she was made into a science experiment. The experiment? To implant an artificial supernatural power within a human being. The element? Solar energy. As the experiments continued on Amelia, her body eventually changed the artificial element into the actual thing (along with a few other abilities as part of the "package"), and escaped the science lab. After that, she stayed in hiding in fear her uncle would come and find her. While in hiding she explored her new ability, finding what she could do and what she couldn't do. Eventually, she decided that it was time to stop hiding and it was time to step out and help people. After all, she was like the heroes and heroines she use to watch as a kid now. She stumbled across the Justice Academy, joined it, and here she is now. She never told anyone how she got her ability, or where she came from exactly. Amelia likes to keep certain things to herself because one, she doesn't like to bring it up. And two, because she wonders what would happen if everyone knew her past.

    Personality: The fun, sarcastic type. Always adds in her little sayings here and there (even though half of them don't make sense), but she can be serious when the situation requires it. She always tries to have a smile on her face, and tries to cheer people up if they're feeling blue. But if she's barely introduced to someone, she won't warm up to them right away because of what happened in her past. Give her time, and she could be your best friend later on. Even though she has trust issues, that doesn't stop her from working with another hero to get the job done. She just won't open up to them.

    Powers: Absorbs the sun's natural rays to use her powers. No, she can't melt whole buildings like the actual heat of the sun could do. It's more of a condensed heat, but it's still very hot. Since she's kind of new to her powers, this is all she has unlocked as of right now.

    • She can make her hands glow like fire, and uses it for when she goes into hand to hand combat. If you get punched with her hands on fire, be prepared to get burned.

    • Sun Spheres: She just brings her hands together, charges it, and uses that to fire shooting spheres of flames at an enemy. The longer it's charged, the bigger and deadlier it can get. The largest it can become is the size of a beach ball, but that takes about a minute and a half to get there so she rarely has time to get up to that stage.

    • Sun blast: Shoots flames from her hands at the target. Only needs a single hand to do this, but it's not as strong as the sun spheres.

    • Flight: This was part of her "package" from her uncle. She can fly, but she doesn't like to use this too often. She'd rather keep both of her feet on the ground.

    • Sun Aura: Her whole body is set on fire. Sometimes just uses that for show, other times she waits until it comes in handy.
    • (Kind of weakness, plus a strength though) If she's in a place without sun light or any artificial light, she can use the sun she absorbed earlier to last her a little over 24 hours. Leave her in the dark too long though, and she'll start to feel sick and drained. Keep her away from any light way passed her limit, she could be on the verge of dying. She can absorb artificial light, but her powers won't be as strong as they would be when she absorbs the sun light.

    Equipment: Her mask has special sunglasses hidden behind it when she uses her powers. Even though the sun is literally apart of her, her eyes are a bit sensitive. Just one of the side effects. The shades just over the eye part of the mask, behind the mask.

    Other: Favorite thing to do on break is to grab a cup of hot cocoa, or an orange soda. Depends on her mood.

    Oh yeah! It's finally done! XDDD Lol, that took me a while. If I need to change anything or if you have questions, let me know.
  2. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    You're good, Maka ^^ Do you still want Raven, too?
    So you'll be good to post after these couple of weeks? In that case it works. Since we need J'onn a couple of times for little things, I might post as him, but he's on reserve for you whenever you feel like posting until you officially and actively join.

    Here you go, guys

    I still have to edit this thread, so give me thirty or so minutes for that~

    EDIT: Also, guys, post here (don't edit your posts or I won't see it) who knows your characters' secret identities. I also edited the first post in both threads with some extra info so look it over.
    The Justice League: it varies depending on the member. Batman: only Superman, Wonder Woman, and Green Arrow know. Green Arrow: The entire League know. Black Canary and Wonder Woman: Their identities are public.
    Young Justice: That's up to you.
    Justice Cadets and Academy Heroes: The Academy (and by extension the government) know, plus anybody they want to tell.
    Villains: That's up to you.

    Everyone, the RP started~
    My post got doublemerged so it won't bump.
  3. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    Yeah! I told you I'd be the first one on. ;D

    Okay then. The whole League knows Sundra's identity but she won't pass it to anyone else. Raven's identity, only some of the League knows it (Mostly the ones in charge of Young Justice) and only a couple government officials know her too.

    Btw... *Reading over where Raven is at* Geeees! She's bound worse than everyone else! XD lol.

    Edit: I lied. Terra has it pretty bad too. XDX
  4. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    Let's see... The former Teen Titans know who Terra is; but I see her as the type of person to not tell anyone else that kind of info.

    Yeah, Terra does have it bad! But she is pretty dangerous so it makes sense.
  5. Beau Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 11, 2009
    Everyone in the League knows Sonic Boy's secret identity. He hasn't told anyone outside of the League in case they would tell other people; he doesn't want to go public with his identity until he knows it's the right time.
  6. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Although it's a little obvious from my OC Form on who knows Red X's identity...I'll just post here.

    Nobody. That's right. Nobody. I suppose I'll have to get creative once I decide to create his secret identity since only his costumed appearance has ever appeared.
  7. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    I'm kind of just wondering how you would hide green skin and everything, so I'm going to just say that they know his identity. >>​
  8. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Well, only Green Arrow and Batman have met with the Cadets, so the others won't know. However, Iguess Black Canary can now for Sonic Boy since it's her fault he got powers >>
    I don't know why, but this made me laugh pretty hard.
    Just putting this out here: The Robin in Teen Titans was all but confirmed to be Dick Grayson (the first Robin.) However, the Red X implications and the character I want to use goes against that timeline so I'll say the Robin in here (Tim Drake) is also the same Robin from the show >> I'm going to make him two years older though, to make it more realistic. (from 13 to 15)
    Well duh, she took out every Titan >>

    Jason Tod*shot*
    But we're not using that >>
    [quote="GO!" episode from Teen Titans]
    the Titans ask Beast Boy about his mask and he states it hides his true identity. Raven points out that he is green with pointed ears and fangs, he "has no secret to hide"[/quote]
    We'll just say they don't know his real name (except for the Titans).
  9. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    I only know of the cartoon not the comics (due to lack of a comic store near by) but in it I'm sure everyone in the Justice League knew The Martian Manhunter's name was like saying John in French, so I'd assume that means they all know his identity to the extent that he lets them, i.e. telling them where he comes from the the basics of his past and his origin as a Manhunter. Correct me if I'm wrong though since I've not seen the cartoon for a long time.
  10. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Actually, both Raven and Martian Manhunter are similar because they have no secret identity. But Raven (this is for you, Maka) adopted an alter ego of Rachel Roth (Roth is her mother's surname) to blend in at a high school.
    J'onn can shapeshift so he can be anybody >> But as far as I know, his favorite is Detective John Jones (although I don't know what police force he would work for >> Is that his day job? Night job? Only goes in when he's bored?)
    Funny story, my aunt got engaged to a guy named Jon Jones and she called us from his place one day.
    I read his name on the caller ID and freaked out because I really thought Martians were coming to get me.
  11. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    So, everyone usually refers to him as John or J'onn anyway? It is quicker to say than his super hero title xD
    And the Martians are coming to get you, but by the time they get here it'll be a good hundred years *shot*
  12. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    Haha! That's my girl! >D I'd probably have done it too.

    I'm working on an OC now. Should be done soon.
  13. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    For which team?
    Villain, Cadets, Hero?

    Btw, to everyone, depending on how some things work out, I might end up switching 1 or 2 Young Justices to the Cadets.
  14. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    Thinking eventual Cadet (starting at the academy). Still kinda getting that sorted out. I can make changes to have her as a Cadet (it won't be that big a deal).
  15. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    That's fine, then~.
    That reminds me, I'm in the process of making a section in the first post under Headquarters for the Academy.
  16. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    Okay, awesome. I'll send you what I've got so far when I've finished typing it. I'll probably need your help to sort things out.
  17. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    That works. I'll help anyway I can.
  18. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    *Read the last few posts on Cadets' side* Spidey tongue! Spidey tongue! Does what ever spidey tongues can! Sticks to planes, saves the day! Watch out, here comes Spidey tongue.

    XDX Couldn't resist that one. X3

    In all seriousness, I'll make some villain layouts for ya soon since they're the lowest in number right now. ><
  19. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Guys, I hate to do this, but after tonight (as in after this post), I won't be back on for a bit. I'm going to try to get on at least once tomorrow to post again and I will try to post during the weekend, but chances are I won't be able to until next week. Starting tomorrow, I'll be on Christmas break and will be without internet service. However, there is internet available to me somewhere else, but I won't be able to use it everyday of the week (just three or four days tops) or for several hours (just a couple a day on the days I can get on). I'm trying to remedy the situation so I will have internet over the break, but so far, it's not looking good. I'll be back between the ninth and eleventh of January. Like I said, I will still be getting on, so don't forget about the RP ; ; it just won't be as much. So...keep posting and be patient, please. Happy holidays~
    Also, I'm playing Kyle Rayner, not Hal Jordan >> Will explain next time I'm on.
  20. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    Username: Garxena
    Real Name: Elena Black
    Super Name: N/A (yet)
    Rank: N/A (yet)
    Age: 18
    Gender: Female
    Normal Appearance: Elena wears grey pants (slightly baggy with six pockets -- two in front, two in back, one on each side of each leg), a purple t-shirt with a red design on it, black shoes with purple laces, grey fingerless gloves with same red design; her hair is almost always in a high horse-tail with a red elastic.
    Costume: Light blue tank-top, grey skin-tight elbow-length fingerless gloves, black leggings, grey and light blue belt that hangs off her hip (not in belt loops), grey buckled knee-high boots, black mask; her hair is worn down.
    Bio: Elena has a twin brother named Elijah. He is her driving force and also created her costume. Elena used to use her powers for unlawful reasons, and was caught by her brother one night. The two talked for a long while – Elijah had no powers and was surprised that his twin did. After that, Elijah made Elena her “super-hero outfit” (as he called it). Elijah wanted to see his sister on the news for saving someone not for committing a crime. Elena left home with her brother’s best wishes. She travels aimlessly, stopping any wrong-doing that she comes across. In her journeys, she’s been rewarded, but she never tells anyone her name. While stopped in one city, she fell in love. Being fragile to begin with, Elena was devastated when the boy she loved used her for her powers. In the ensuing fight she was badly cut from her elbow to her wrist, resulting in a long, curved scar (covered by her gloves when she is in costume). From that day forth she decided to keep to herself even more than she was already. Newspapers soon wrote of a mysterious vigilante who flew through towns, stopping crime and leaving only whispers of her presence. Some people try to track her down, but even she doesn’t know where she’ll end up next. Now her wandering has landed her within the Justice League’s head-quarter’s city. She has heard about other costumed heroes (from her brother and the news) but has never given thought to joining a team.
    Personality: Shy but tough, loner (doesn’t let people in due to trust issues)
    Powers: Can control air (some uses and limitations listed below under “other”)
    Equipment: Just a backpack that holds money, pictures, and her clothes.
    – Can only use the air around her (using the air inside her lungs or anyone else’s would result in suffocation)
    – If in an enclosed or small area: using the air would deplete the oxygen available
    – Air can be made “sharp” enough to cut through things but only if used quickly
    – After using air with her lungs (holding her breath or blowing a wind), Elena will need a moment to catch her breath
    – Air is pretty much useless against earth or stone (basically very hard objects/materials)
    – Any “wall” of air serving as protection can only last a maximum of five minutes
    – Elena can fly but she must keep concentration; any distraction and she will lose control
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