Tutorial N00b Photoshop Tutorial

Discussion in 'Help' started by Mr. BuBBLeS, Oct 17, 2006.

  1. Mr. BuBBLeS Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 13, 2006
    Within my Thoughts

    This I promise you is gonna be the easiest photoshop tutorial ever!!

    If you have Photoshop, Image ready, or any other type of layer picture maker you can do this...

    All it will require is :

    A pack that will be attached to this post which contains:
    - 2 Main Pics
    - 1 BG Pic
    - The final product
    - other really easy sigs I made

    An open mind to learn

    and 20 min!!
    only 20 min!!
    Lets start!!

    For starters you will be making this :


    I know this is not the best sig ever made, but it was quick, easy, and looks good.
    Also remember, this tutorial is not for making this sig, but for learning new techniuqes, and learning from others...

    To start out, you need to make a Canvas for the sig...
    I made mine 600 x 150.
    you can make yours any size you want but I wouldnt go smaller than 300x100. This biggest width this forum can handel without a scroll bar on the bottom appearing (or the pic not fitting in the window) is 750 (that is the closest rounded #), width can be anything, but I recceommend nothing more than 250 if you dont want a mod getting it out of your sig... :(

    Next you want a nice background...
    Do you see all the nice cut lines, and designs in my bg?
    i did some google image search the other day and came out with this :


    Now this had some color, but I desaturated it (or made it black annd wite) and it turned out great, now this is bigger than most sigs will be, but you can pretty much take any slice of this pic, and use it as a bg for your sig...

    So first find a peice of it and cut it out...
    Like so:

    I picked this peice for several reasons, you dont want too much white, or too much black, or it will turn out funny later in the procces... I felt this had a 50/50 of black to white...

    next you want to give your BG color... i found an easy way to do this, i make a square the size of my sig a certain color i like, in this case a light blue...


    I made this as my first layer...
    I then put the BG as my second layer with a 75% opacity...


    Finally to make the perfect shade of blue I copied the BG color layer (the blue) and made a duplicate layer or that exact same shade and put it as the 3rd layer, on top of everything... To keep the BG visable, i lowered the top layer of blue all the way down to 20% opacity...

    Now that may seem not that much of a change, but remember, you can toggle with the % depending if you want a stornger or weaker blue color...

    Now it is time to work with the real images...
    A nice place to find images for your sig is on google images, my theme was halo, so i googled "Halo" and I came up with the 2 pics you see in my sig...

    They both had fancy background that I had to get rid of, so it wouldnt interfere with my sig, but when I was done they turned out great...


    Now if you notice, on my first pic not everything from the BG was taken out. THAT IS OK!! Only worry about erasing the stuff around the place you are working with, erasing by hand can be tedius, and time consuming, but as for the first pic, I was only using the face, so i only erased the face...

    I placed those 2 images in convenent places, the 2 ends... and i had this :


    looks nice dosent it?

    now if you notice, just for an extra effect (not needed) I added a shadow... this is really easy to do... Make a new blank transparent layer, and place it under our 2 pics, but over everything elese... Then get a BLACK paint brush, and "outline" the pics on the transparent layer... When you outline you should have th paint brush circle, half way into the pic so that half looks as if it were drwing on the pic, and the other half, drawing on the transparent. Dont worry abput drawing on the pic, because you are doing this on a layer underneath the pics, only the "shadow" will show.


    now black it not a great shadow, and since all shadows are transparent, you lower the opacity to 35...

    Now you have this big ol space to do with as you choose... You can put a Halo logo, your name, somthin funny, or somthin meaning ful... I put my name. Find a cool font, a reasonable font size, and a good color...
    and there you go, you got your easy, but good looking sig!!
    wasn't that easy?
  2. Tallian Banned

    Sep 30, 2006
    The Darkness
    Not to get up in your grillz or nuttin but......This is basically advertising and I suggest you remove the link before a mod comes. Just copy and paste the text or something.

  3. Kuroudo King's Apprentice

    Sep 30, 2006
    South Park
    I think Tallian is right, that's advertisement. And to you Tallian, that was absolute spam. And also, that's great tut. I'm also a newb at this, but it didn't really help me though. :confused:
  4. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    Yeah, I have to edit that.

    Edit it again with JUST the pic. Or the link to the pic location. Sorry I didn't notice this earlier, guys.
  5. Mr. BuBBLeS Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 13, 2006
    Within my Thoughts
    Ok so here is my Animated Tutorial...

    To do this, you need:
    A pack that was included as an attachment in my first post.
    Image Ready (you need this, photoshop deosnt do animations, but you can still use photo shop to edit pics)
    or Fireworks
    or GIMP
    or any other type of Animated GIF Creator...

    30 - 40 min (depending on what kind of animation you want to make)

    and a open mind, to learn new things, and to play around with things...

    Ok, to start you will be making this:

    As you can see we are taking the sig from the last tutorial, so if you need to learn how to make it look at my first post...

    Now as you can see there are 3 basic animated effects happening in the sig:
    - A fade in and out (Deturbanator)
    - A flashing word (Terminator of N00bs)
    - and a scroll (Photoshop Tutorial)

    These are the 3 basic effects used in sigs... they all look nice if used right, so learn and use all 3...

    Lets start making:

    Before i make any animation, i build the basic sig, as if I were to make a still pic. then I start playing with all the layers...

    So you after the first tutorial you have this:

    i reduce all the opacity from all the things I am working with (all the fonts).
    so now I have this:

    Ok, first i will do the Fade:

    To make the fade:

    You first have to open the animation box in image ready, or what ever else you are using:
    To get this in image ready go to WINDOW then check ANIMATION. The box will then appear.
    you then with the blank sig (or everything you are animating with 0 opacity), you click the dulicate button (Which will create a new frame)

    with that new frame increase the opacity to 10%...
    Then with this new frame, duplicate is the edit the opacity to 20%
    repeat this for the opacities of all the following:
    0% -> 10% -> 20% -> 40% -> 60% -> 80% -> 100% -> 80% -> 60% -> 40% -> 20% -> 10%

    the reason you dont want to do 0% again is because the image will reapeat it self, and is already has a 0% frame...

    The following frames will give the effect of the fade in and out, which is very cool for many sigs.

    To make the flashing/blinking:

    You first have to open the animation box in image ready, or what ever else you are using:
    To get this in image ready go to WINDOW then check ANIMATION. The box will then appear.
    you then with the blank sig (or everything you are animating with 0 opacity), you click the dulicate button (Which will create a new frame)
    now you will have 2 frames... make one frame with the object at 0 opacity, and the other at 100 opacity... then let it repeat... You will have that blinking effect...

    To make the scrolling effect:

    You first have to open the animation box in image ready, or what ever else you are using:
    To get this in image ready go to WINDOW then check ANIMATION. The box will then appear.
    you then with the object you are moving invisable (either off the screen or behind an object) you click the dulicate button (Which will create a new frame)
    then move the object, by selecting with the movement mouse, and clicking on the keyboard "<-" or "->" or "^" or "V" anywhere between 5 - 25 times which will make the object move 5 - 25 pixles in that direction... repeat untill the object entirely dissappears again.

    with this you will be able to make any basic animated sig...
    remember, im not telling you how to do it, but giving you instructions to work off, to make your own type of animation.

    If you found this helpful, put it in your sig, and thank me...


    When you make any animated GIF, you loose a lot of quality, so what you make may not turn out to what you get.

    More will be added later.

    next to put up, how to put a vid in your sig

    with this you will be able to make any basic animated sig...
    remember, im not telling you how to do it, but giving you instructions to work off, to make your own type of animation. :)

    If you found this helpful, put it in your sig, and thank me... :)

    next to put up, how to put a vid in your sig :)
  6. Mr. BuBBLeS Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 13, 2006
    Within my Thoughts
    Ok, to start out, you need a AVI video...
    If the file has another extension, you need a video converter... I will not say how to get a converter, but there are cheap or five finger free programs out there... If you are lucky, you can find a good free one, but that is not my concern... Make sure you have a small clip... Nothing like a movie. I would stay anywhere from 2 - 10 seconds... 10 seconds being a very big file... If you need to you might have to cut the video... Find a video splitter, or cutter, and cut out the file you want...

    From here you need to get the video to GIF... There are 2 ways to do this. If you have Image Ready, I know it will automatically convert a few types of files like : AVI, MOV, and i think MPEg, but I am not sure... Another way is to get a avi to gif converter. One AVI -> GIF converter called Movies is free.

    Download it here.

    Once installed, run it, and go to "tools", then click "avi to gif converter".
    Should look like this:

    From there it is easy, just click "Open Avi" find your 2 - 10 second movie clip, and open it. Then click "Convert", then click "Save File". Reopen the new gif file in you photo editing program, mine is Image Ready. As you can see the canvas to work on is only as big as the pic, so change the canvas size found under "Image" in my program. Make sure you do not change the Image size for this purpose. Then adjust the video to your sig size, and work from there...

    If your video is too big, go change the image size to a reasonable size. If your video sig file size at the end is too big, cut everyother frame, and double the time each frame is shown...

    EX, if there is 100 frames, and each frame is shown for .07 of a second, delete every other frame, and increase the frame display time to .14 seconds. Trying to add more effects along with a movie can be tricky, so I would avoid that, but if you try, remember to be calm, and take your time. An undo button is there for a reason. It is also hard to make your video blend in with your sig... Try to place your video at the end of your sig, or try to fade the edges of the vid, or put a layer on top of it, and erase so you can see only the parts of your vid that you need to be seen.

    I hope you found this guide helpful, and if you need any clarification ask me. i made this for someone more familiar with the programs they are using, so i didnt go into great detail. Remember, i did not make this so you folow me step by step, but you need to explore all the options you have.

    Enjoy, and dont make sigs too big, we dont want a bandwith hog.
  7. Mr. BuBBLeS Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 13, 2006
    Within my Thoughts
    Here is a tut on how to make ur BG have the blast effect.

    1. Start out with a new 250x250 image. Choose a white background. Then press D on your keyboard to reset the colors.

    2. Go to filter > render > clouds


    3. Now go to Filter > Pixelate > Mezzotint. Select long lines from the drop down menu.


    4. Next go to Filter > Blur > Radial Blur. Choose 100, zoom, and best.


    5. Finally, to add some color, go to Image > Adjust > Hue/Saturation. You can do this quickly by pressing Ctrl+U. You can adjust the colors there. Make sure you check "colorize".

  8. Mr. BuBBLeS Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 13, 2006
    Within my Thoughts
    In this tutorial, you will make a "3d sig". Pretty much this means it looks as if the picture is poping out of the sig...

    This is what you will be making:

    As you can see, it seems as if the 2 images are coming off the sig.

    To start out, you need to make a Canvas for the sig...
    I made mine 600 x 150.
    you can make yours any size you want but I wouldnt go smaller than 300x100. This biggest width this forum can handel without a scroll bar on the bottom appearing (or the pic not fitting in the window) is 750 (that is the closest rounded #), width can be anything, but I recceommend nothing more than 250 if you dont want a mod getting it out of your sig... :(

    Next you want a nice background...
    Do you see all the nice cut lines, and designs in my bg?
    i did some google image search the other day and came out with this :

    Now this had some color, but I desaturated it (or made it black annd wite) and it turned out great, now this is bigger than most sigs will be, but you can pretty much take any slice of this pic, and use it as a bg for your sig...

    So first find a peice of it and cut it out...
    Like so:
    I picked this peice for several reasons, you dont want too much white, or too much black, or it will turn out funny later in the procces... I felt this had a 50/50 of black to white...

    next you want to give your BG color... i found an easy way to do this, i make a square the size of my sig a certain color i like, in this case orange...

    I made this as my first layer...
    I then put the BG as my second layer with a 70% opacity...

    Finally to make the perfect shade of orange I copied the BG color layer (the orange) and made a duplicate layer or that exact same shade and put it as the 3rd layer, on top of everything... To keep the BG visable, i lowered the top layer of blue all the way down to 30% opacity...

    Now that may seem not that much of a change, but remember, you can toggle with the % depending if you want a stornger or weaker orange color...

    this when you are done is going to look like your sig the pics or "popping" out of. Now increase the canvas size to 100 + pixles in both hight and width. This will give room for your pics to pop out. Do this in Photoshop by going to Image/Canvas Size...

    now all you have to do is find some good pics and totally remove everything around it except the pic itself, I edited these 2 pics:

    I placed them on the pic, so it is off the color, but on the white, I also did a little erasing on the first pic so that only the top would pop out.

    Add some text, and the Coded Arms Logo and you get this:

    Now all you have to do is remove the white layer at the very beggining (if you already havent done that) so everything in the BG is totally transparent. this will give the effect of jumping out...(although it looks as if it did not change, there is a white BG in the other pic, if you look at this one, the BG is transparent)

    and there you go!! here is your new sig!!

    Remember you can do this with any pic, so feel free to try your own theme.

    This attachment will have the PSD, and all the image you found in this tutorial...

    say thanks there too if you liked my tutorial.
  9. Mr. BuBBLeS Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 13, 2006
    Within my Thoughts
    A little gif animation tutorial!

    what you need: ImageReady

    Start ImageReady. Make sure the Animation palette is visible. If it is not, choose Window > Show Animation to make it visible.


    Create basic image (or open an existing multilayered image)
    We will construct a simple image, a sign that says "WELCOME", using the Toolbox.
    First, select File>New

    In the dialog box that opens set: Name: Welcome, Image size: Width 200, Height 40, and Content: transparent


    Click "OK"

    Select the Text Tool in the Toolbox and click the blank transparent image. Type "WELCOME" at the cursor on the image. We want to use a 30 px Bold Arial font so enter the values below in the Type Tool palette and change the foreground color to green.


    After achieving the desired font and color the Move tool can be used to center the text in the image. This is the basic image we will use to form the animation.


    Add animation frames
    A thumbnail of the basic image should be located in the Animation palette. The initial frame needs to be duplicated several times. This is done by clicking the "Duplicate Current Frame" icon . The result should look like


    Make changes in frames using Layer palette
    Changes will be made in the first and third frames to create the animation. In the third frame we will change the opacity so the "WELCOME" message fades away. We will change the first frame so that the message will move "onstage" from the left side to the center.

    Select the third frame. Then in the Layer palette move the opacity slider to 0%.


    The message in the third frame should now be invisible.


    Now select the first frame. Using the Marquee tool (from the toolbox) select the text "WELCOME". Then, using the Move tool, move the selection just off the left edge of the image. The image below shows the text partly moved.


    Add frames with Tween
    We now have three frames where the message is visible in the 2nd frame, but invisible in the 1st and 3rd. We will use the Tween Command to fill in frames to create the desired actions.

    First we will add frames between the 2nd and 3rd frames that will cause the message to fade away. Select the 2nd frame. Open the Animation palette menu (by clicking the small triangle in the upper right of the Animation palette) and select Tween.


    In the Tween dialog box select to add 6 frames, Tween with Next Frame, and select Opacity to vary.


    Clicking "OK" should add 6 more frames.


    Now we want to use tweening to move the message from offstage to the center. Select the 1st frame and select Tween from the Animation menu as before. Use 6 new frames again, but this time check Position and uncheck Opacity as the feature to vary. Clicking "OK" adds 6 more frames as indicated.


    It only remains to set the delay between frames.

    Add delays between frames
    Go to the Animation menu and choose Select All Frames. This will highlight all the frames. Alternately, the (number on the) first frame can be clicked and the last frame can be shift+clicked. With all the frames selected click the small down triangle to the right of sec at the bottom of one frame. Choose a delay, for example, 0.1 seconds. This is applied to all the selected frames. To set the delay for a single frame, for example Number 7, select it alone and change its delay.

    Preview animation
    To view the animation go to File>Preview File>Netscape (or whatever browser is listed). It is good to check what the animation looks like in all the popular browsers.

    Save animation
    The layered animation is saved as a .psd file using File>Save Original.
    To save it as a gif animation use File>Save Optimized.
    An HTML file which includes the code for placing the animation on a web page can also be generated by going to File>Export>Save HTML.

    Hope youl make some sexy animated sigs and avis with this as a help! :)
  10. Mr. BuBBLeS Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 13, 2006
    Within my Thoughts
    Um, so this is my Non-Ripped Grunge Sig Tutorial.
    Please everyone remember this is actually my first grunge sig that I have ever made, so I am actually learning as you are too.. :D

    For starters you will be making this :

    Ok, grunge style requires grunge brushes, which you can download for free. You can google, but somewhere on this forum I found a good link for free brushes.

    Ok, first you open a blank white document. Take one of the "square" brushes
    (not the cool GFX one) and click (not drag) on the canvas. you can Play around with this effect. Use multiple brushes, put corner strokes, and other things. You really cant go wrong. Here, I used on big square brush, and clicked 3 times. It mainly covered the sig.


    Ok, now you make another layer (transparent) over the main BG. With this you should take som of the GFX brushes,
    and do some nice effects. GFX brushes will have lots of lines and curves. Make sure you have the opacity pretty low.
    We dont too dark of a sig. Ok, this is what mine turned out like (seperated)


    when placed on top of each other:

    ok, now you need a pic to give it a theme. I will use halo, and its most powerful alien the hunter.


    Ok, now you place this pic somewhere on the canvas. Once you have that, select the second layer (or the GFX layer) and use a grunge brush as a eraser, and erase around the pic. Like the shadow effect I showed, but like a inverted shadow.


    Notice how I lightened up the canvas, but going over the sig with a low opacity grunge eraser brush. You will also notice that I am adding the 3d effect (that can be discribed in my 3d sig tutorial). Looks pretty nice eh?

    ok, now, all you do is click the 1st layer (the square brush layer), in the layer selection. Click "Ctrl + U". then check colorize, and change the color (with the bar) to what you like. Add some text, with a nice font, and you are set!


    If you need any clarification on any of my tutorials, please ask in the disscusion thread. Your questions will be answered by me or others.

    Remeber that the max size for sigs now is 200kb, but links can be as big as you want.

    If you found this tutoiral helpful, say thanks :D!!
  11. Mr. BuBBLeS Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 13, 2006
    Within my Thoughts
    Ok, this is my first shot at making a userbar so if you dont
    like it, wait, and ill make a better tut. This Will help you
    make a VERY basic userbar that doesnt look half bad. Also
    For those who are super photoshop noobz, i made a PSD that
    has most of the stuff already put together, so you only have
    to change the text, add a picture, and make a bg (if you
    want a different color bg).

    I will tech you how to:
    Make a user bar that has:
    -- A BG with scanlines
    -- The reflection/bubble effect
    -- A Border
    -- Your name
    -- A picture of your choice

    You will be making somthing similar to this:

    Ok, lets start!
    First start with a 350x20 pxl blank white document (that is
    the QJ max size).


    Then fill in the white with the "Paint Bucket Tool, by
    clicking and holding your left mouse button on the "Gradient
    Tool" and selecting the "Paint Bucket Tool"


    If you already have the "Paint Bucket Tool" selected ignore
    that step :D
    So fill in the white with a color of your choice. I chose


    [For More Advance Noobs] You can also use the "Gradient
    Tool" and not the "Paint Bucket Tool", to give your BG a
    color fade effect. But in my tutorial, we will stick with 1

    Now we will add scanlines. Open a 3x3 or 5x5 (depending on
    the scanline size, 3x3 being smaller scanlines, 5x5 being
    bigger. I use 5x5) transparent new document. (You can make
    the document transparent with this option:


    Then zoom in as far as possible (1600%), and make a diagonal
    black (or any other color you want) line across the pic with the pencil tool.
    (you can select the pencil tool the same way as the bucket
    tool, but with the paint brush square instead of the
    gradient tool).


    Then go to:
    Edit > Define Pattern
    Name it "Scanline", and click OK.

    Now on the BG Layer, Right click it and go to:
    Right Click > Blending Options
    Then click on the WORDS "Pattern Overlay", then the box will
    be checked, and you will go to the pattern overlay options.
    On the pattern box select the Scanline pattern you just made
    then lower the opacity to whatever you like (I left it to
    100%) and click OK.


    Now to add the bubble/reflection effect. Open a new White
    Document, 350x50, and using the "Eliptical Marquee Tool"
    (you can select it the same way as the Paint Bucket Tool,
    execpt instead of the Gradient tool, you click the
    Rectangluar Marquee Box.)
    Make a oval using the "+" pointer
    from top left corner, to bottom right corner.


    Then click "CTRL + X" to cut out the white oval. then back
    to your user bar window click "CTRL + V" to paste the oval.
    Now place the white oval to an appropriate place.


    Then lower the opacity of the oval so it looks good. I made
    mine at 40%.


    Now we will add your name. Using a nice Bitmap font write
    your name in a color of your choice.
    I used the Bitmap font 04b08 which can be downloaded here:
    Also remember make your text small, my is size 8.


    Now add a picture on the other side of the userbar than
    where your text was. It is best to use renders or pics with
    1 BG color so you can easily render it yourself.

    Find renders at:


    Now finall we will add a 1 pxl border.
    Make a new layer:
    Layer > New > Layer
    make sure it is on top of all the other layers, and then
    "CTRL + A"
    Then go to:
    Edit > Stroke
    and set it to:

    Width : 1 px
    Color : Black (or your choice)
    Location : Inside
    Blending Mode: Normal
    Blending Opacity : 100%
    Preserve Transparency : Unchecked

    Click OK. You now are done!!


    Wasnt that hard was it?

    Remeber to add your own effect. If all you do is copy a
    tutorial, you would have made a userbar that looks just like
    everyone. Add a drop shadow, outer glow, more effect w/e to
    make yours unique. Even try different styles for the BG.
    This tutorial is not ment to make you a userbar, but to
    teach you the basic steps, that allow you to express your
    own indivduality through more steps, or variations of the
    steps. I hope you found this tutorial somewhat helpful.

    ~ Deturbanator

    If you are having a hard time with the steps, or when you do
    it, it just doesnt turn out right, i will provide a PSD that
    has the border, bubble, text and a blue BG with scanlines in
    the ideal places. All you have to do is:
    Change the NAME TEXT to what you want. Delete the PICTURE
    TEXT Picture and place your own picture. And If you dont
    like the Blue BG, follow the tutorial to make your own BG.
    But the Bubble and Border steps are already done for you.
    (you will still need to install the font if you want to keep
    the same font text)


    ~ Deturbanator
  12. Mr. BuBBLeS Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 13, 2006
    Within my Thoughts
    If possible, could a mod delete all the posts between the posts of the tutorial?

    I kept it as minimal as possible, some links are for brushes and such that are required in programs such as Photoshop.

    Big thanks to MaDSouL and Deturbanator over at QJ. (Must write this... not as a form of advertisement, but you need to understand that it is required to give credit to those who originally created this tutorial)

    I hope everyone enjoys.
  13. Tallian Banned

    Sep 30, 2006
    The Darkness

    What the crap, dude? I was helping out. Fine, I'll go back to spam anyways.:cool: xD

    Nice turtorial......Can I have one of those siggys?:D