Tutorial How to re-draw your drawing into a pixel drawing.

Discussion in 'Help' started by Radiusro, Sep 18, 2008.

  1. Radiusro Gummi Ship Junkie

    Apr 21, 2007
    City 17
    Hello guys , this tutorial is similiar to Naughty-kittykitty's pixel tut (Click here for Naughty-kittykitty's pixel tut).

    But mine is just the basics.

    Ok , now start photoshop cs2.

    Now open up your drawing.

    Ok , once you have opened your drawing. You have to right click the brush tool icon and select "Pencil tool" and make the brush size to 1 px or any size you want.

    Now let's start!

    First make a new layer from background , then make a new layer.

    Now go to your original drawing and set the opacity to 52%.

    Then select your empty layer.

    Now draw it in the line art (Don't forget to zoom!)

    Once you are done , delete the original drawing layer and your drawing should look like a pixel art (well...kinda..but oh well) !

    Finished pixel drawing (I can't show it full because some ******s from dA would steal my drawing!) : [​IMG]

    Have fun~! and don't forget to say Thanks!