Xoralc were wainting for them in the Castle. When they arrived, he speaked to them: "Welcome again in Castle Oblivion, Rexejon. And you, wolvius. I'm one of Master of this place. Feel like in your own home." he said with smile.
After fun with Dragons and other monsters, Xoralc back for a moment to Castle Oblivion. At least, he was Master of the Castle, but not only one master. He was looking for other members, before that he found at last Rexejon. But where were the others?
"Yeaah...time for fun." he smiled cheerfull. When he came threw, he saw a big dragon, maybe it's height was 10 meters. "Not a problem." said Xoralc and he created two energy balls. When they unite, a magical sword, with similar view to sign of Organzation, were born. "What? It's my new physical weapon. It's called...hmm...have any ideas for name?" he asked.
Xoralc appeared next to them. "I can go with you? Really? Thank you drake, you're too kind. The name's Xoralc. I'm Master of Human mind and I control also people If I want to. It's a honour to meet you."
In the meantime, Xoralc was playing cards with Dusks Nobodies. One of the Dusks were cheating, because it was looking at cards of other player. "Hey, that's not far, Jim! I know that you are using cheats every time when you are playing computer games, but now- STOP CHEATING!" he shouted in angry. "Rexejon, when you will back? I'm 'dying' here..." he said sadly.
"Whoa..I have a great idea. Maybe I'll look for members? Let's start at Rexejon." he teleportated himself to jungle, where Rexejon were. With his mind power, he can locate when are other members. "Rexejon!" he shouted.