well i dont kno about his brother, but he knos him. this is what i think, Ven saw Sora and merged with him somehow, and he is possibly the voice that only Sora can hear, u kno "so much to do......so little time....take your time....the door is still shut....keep your light burning strong....keyblade....keyblade.....dont forget, you are the one who will open the door to light"
when Sora made the self-sacrifice and killed himself, Ven was....released in a way, and.....somewhat became his nobody, retaining his previous appearence, but netherless a nobody. but he has a heart, Ven's heart. and roxas has 2 keyblades b/c of the two memories/hearts. sora's and ven's. notice that sora needs to merge with his friends to have 2 keyblades.
i think nobodies can feel like they have a heart if they died in a self sacrifice. i think i read somewhere that Axel's somebody did. maybe thats why when he was friends with roxas (someone who has a heart, ven's sorta) he felt like he had a heart.
and yes, roxas has a heart, he can wield keyblades, and DiZ himself said it "kairi's connection with roxas's heart put him in contact with sora's heart" something like that, but he said it.
why not? they look IDENTICAL, and theres a special connection between them, rite? i already have a guess on what it is, judging by the fact that Ven was on destiny island's saw Sora and Riku, at some point, was a keyblade wielder, and sora's nobody looks/sounds like him. perhaps it was Ven's voice all along in KH1 that only Sora could hear "keyblade...keyblade....so much to do....so little time....take ur time...the door is still shut....dont forget, u are the one who will open the door to light" and he did. perhaps Ven sensed that or something.
i first got there, got all depressed that i lost the keyblade. got lost, opened the front door. got very lost. finally made it to the front door and beat up riku easily with the help of tinkerbell & donald & goofy. i laughed cuz i was all powerful now and at the beginning he kicked my ***. so then the entire puzzle thing took like a week, but it was worth it and fun! it made the game longer and immersive. maleficent was SO easy to kill, probly cuz i got lost and levelled up XD. and the dragon was easy. i was at the edge of my seat at the riku/ansem fight, i almost died, but i made it. all in all hollow bastion was so much fun. fighting, getting lost, music, magic, the story. i think hollow bastion is what really made me love KH so much. and ofcourse the last world & the funness of the other worlds. but hollow bastion is an original world that felt like the perfect combination of the disney magic and excellent game design/story. the music is absolutly mystifying. and yes getting lost on the way to castle chapel was fun, i like the freedom to roam around. :)
hey, didnt he die TWICE? roxas fought him, then he disapears. then he reappears later, kamikaze's, then disapears in the same way......weird. were they just data copies? did he actually die? last time i checked nobodies dont die twice.
wow, it makes so much sense now. and yea, Riku was the true keyblade master so he could materialize Kairi's memories/heart into a keyblade and hand it to her (or something).
but u kno whats funny, in KH2, when Sora gets his new clothes, he transforms into the valor outfit and has 2 keyblades, but goofy's still there! probly someone's elses memories.
the Organization's robes are cool, but Sora's clothes are so complicated and cool to look at. all the lines, belts, zippers, and X's. the gloves are cool too. its mostly black but its colorful. not to mention the white, blue, red, and yellow versions of it when he Drives. i especially love how the pockets are practically holistered by the X's.
at the end of KH1, Pluto has a letter in his mouth with the king's seal. then sora, donald, goofy chase after him. but do they ever actually get the letter? the events of KH:CoM and KH2 take place, but they never opened the letter. then at the end of KH2 sora gets A letter, so is it the same one? Nomura said he was going to show the 3 of them packing for a trip, what was it about. perhaps KH:BBS? thats why we're getting 3 games that tell about the past.
still, is it the same letter?
kairi is the princess of Radient Garden. Ansem the Wise was the ruler of Radient Garden (known as Hollow Bastion before KH2). so does that make him her dad? all the other princess's fathers ruled that world/kingdom. or is he just a ruler b/c he's 'wise' and kairi is just a 'special girl' who happens to be a princess?
it may all be a dream, but dreams arent fake! if u have an IM with a stranger, but never go back to them, was the IM fake? no! it happened! still, that was suck big time. he cant be dreaming!!! its real >:P