Recent Content by blazeknight

  1. blazeknight
    are we gonna start soon?
    Post by: blazeknight, Jun 29, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. blazeknight
    Hey Evilman. How about everytime a new codes comes you post ti on the first page so that we don't have to look through 161 pages for one code.
    Post by: blazeknight, May 26, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  3. blazeknight

    RPG clash!

    Name: xanad
    Friends [if any]: none yet
    Sex [Don't even say it]: male
    Weapons: retractable bo-staff, and an unlimited supply of thunder grenades
    Attire: blue t-shirt with a silver vest and sweatpants
    Hair colour [if you want]: black
    Any other things: knows a lot about computers, but can be very hyper and wacked out. :D

    xanad had crashed his ship in hallowweentown, and was wandering around in a mummy costume. "well this sucks. how do i get outta here without a ship?"
    Post by: blazeknight, May 21, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. blazeknight
    Template Keybearer


    Keyblade:Warp needle

    Catch phrase : Running Execution!

    Personality: a bit wacked out, and a bit geeky, but always willing to help others.

    Likes: computers, video games, SUGAR, animals, SUGAR, and SUGAR.:D

    Dislikes: homework, chores, jerks, critics, broken tech.

    Origin: one of the new generation keyblade masters

    Where come from: twilight town

    Battle Name: the hyper hardrive
    Post by: blazeknight, May 21, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. blazeknight
    I'm in! goofy and twilight thorn for me
    Post by: blazeknight, May 21, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. blazeknight
    kickass! kay lemme think...

    name: phen
    keyblade: warp needle
    looks: normal body with short black hair and silver eyes.
    side: light

    it was a normal day. I was at home reading a good book when a dark cloud started to hover in the sky. "rain? oh crap! mom told me to bring the laundry in! it'll get all wet!" I dropped my book and dashed out the door to the back yard. suddenly, gigantic blobs began falling from the cloud and landed next to me, and took on the form of somthing that resembelled a big ant. (i'm talking about the shadow heartless.) they began to slowly walk towards me. I started to panic. I tried to run, but tripped. the sky turned pitch black. these creatures would murder me if I didn't do somthing. Then there was a bright flash of light. I was in a white room with a strange man holding what looked like a key covered in spikes. "time to start your training..." the giant key disapeered from his hand and reapeared in my own, and the white room disapeered and i was back in the yard with the creatures standing over me. I heard the man's voice again: "this is the power of the warp needle keyblade..." I felt my body vanish and reapear behiend the creatures. "whoa, teleporty. keyblade huh? this things a weapon? worth a try." I accepted the power, and knowlage of the keyblade began to flood my mind. I focused and began to teleport next to the monster, and unleashed a giant slash. with each teleport came another slash, and soon the monsters were no more. the strange man reapeered in a portal of light. "well done. come, it is time to begin." I thought to myself and said: "i
    don't know... will there be snacks?" "of course" "sweet. i'm in." i followed him into the
    portal, and thats when my adventure began...

    i had a pic of my keyblade, but i couldn't attach it.:(
    Post by: blazeknight, May 21, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. blazeknight
    sup. Im metruzero's friend. he submited xanad for me. i got a profile and wanted to just let u no.
    Post by: blazeknight, May 21, 2007 in forum: Archives