Recent Content by clarkeyboy

  1. clarkeyboy
    Huzzah! Found the skateboard game now thanks to the post above :D Now im onto levelling my forms. Not fun.
    Post by: clarkeyboy, Oct 12, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  2. clarkeyboy
    Ok so I just beat Sephiroth!!!! Was really easy now im level 99. Got to 99 in about 2 hours of grinding on top of Pride Rock. Found a much faster trick than Thundaga though, use Magnega a few times and it kills every single one in a few seconds. Pick up the MP orbs and the Lightning things that drop, zone, repeat. Roughly 15k per zone. (Thanks for the Thundaga tip though ^^ very much appreciated).

    As for Sephiroth, I attempted him at lvl 99 this time, got killed the first time and then second time I took 0 damage and killed him in about 2 minutes. Having Ultima Weapon, MP Rage and lvl 99 really does make a huge difference. I equipped Berserk and Trinity and just pummeled him with both. Opened fight by mashing triangle, then once I avoided his initial I went into an aerial combo, then a ground combo (both with infinite hits - have to decide when to stop) and then hit him with Trinity and Break. Once that was over I went back into Berserk, and then (5 life bars down) Sephy warped and went into that angel move where he floats up and takes all your HP and MP, luckily I hit him out the sky and dodged his Slash move, and by that point I had chugged an Ether and went back into my Aerial > Ground > Trinity combo. During Trinity (well right at the end of it) I chugged another Ether and hit him with another Trinity. He started using that fire column move after the first one so my second one caused him to be standing still while he was making the fire, and Trinity makes Sora invincible so I continued to hit him. He had 2 bars left now. Went into an Aerial, then a Ground, then finally a Trinity and his life stuck at 1HP, so I hit Break and sure enough, all went into slow motion and the cutscene began. I wooped and went on to collect my beautiful Fenrir!!! (Looks crappy to be honest, looks like a padlock key wrapped in string, but it kicks butt!

    Still cant find that skateboard minigame though, I found the skateboard in santas workshop but no minigame ; ;
    Post by: clarkeyboy, Oct 10, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  3. clarkeyboy
    Thank you. Much appreciated, and im over 40 attempts on Sephy now and still no Fenrir ; ;. Maybe I just dont have the skill needed to beat the bugger.
    Post by: clarkeyboy, Oct 10, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  4. clarkeyboy
    Thanks for the advice, im lvl 81 now and its a lot faster ^^. I have tried to kill Sephiroth loads (I have the Ultima Weapon) but I just cant get him past those last 3 life bars. Any tips there? Oh and another thing, where do I find the skateboard minigame in Haloween Town please?
    Post by: clarkeyboy, Oct 9, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  5. clarkeyboy
    I liked Aurons one alot cause it had cool effects. The Nightmare before xmas one had jingle bells noises which made me smile and for all around looks I would have to say Axels, cause it just looked painful.
    Post by: clarkeyboy, Oct 8, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  6. clarkeyboy
    another tip

    I did it all in Master Form. Blasted through the cup in minutes and killed Cerberus in 45 seconds. Just kept hammering the X and triangle for reaction commands. Im sure there are many ways but that is what worked for me :D
    Post by: clarkeyboy, Oct 8, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  7. clarkeyboy
    Best place to level to 99 fast?

    I just completed KHII (awesome game) and im trying to find the fastest way to grind up to 99. I have been going through the world that never was a tonne and that seems ok but its getting a little samey. Is there anywhere where I can level up faster as I just wanna fight Sephy and complete the cups to get Ultima Weapon. Any help will be much appreciated ^^:)
    Post by: clarkeyboy, Oct 8, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help