Recent Content by Claryssa

  1. Claryssa
    @Bueno: lol I see that. The site has changed a lot since I last logged in. More to explore now. xD

    @Amaury: Thanks! :D
    Post by: Claryssa, Aug 22, 2011 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  2. Claryssa
    0.0 I got a email from the site on my birthday. Looking at my sig and avi, I know just how long it's been since I was here. I doubt there is anyone around who would remember me. xD

    Anyway, I'm Claryssa. Just turned 24. Working college student and avid reader, writer, and roleplayer. Good to be back!
    Thread by: Claryssa, Aug 22, 2011, 12 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures
  3. Claryssa


    I apologize if I seem hostile... though I am uhsure how. I have been very polite.

    There were terrorists in Iraq that had a hand in the planning the attack on 9/11, does that explain it better? ANd this has been labeled as a 'War on Terror'. We did not choose to go to war on the terrorists the terrorists that we are fight declared war against us.

    You realize that your statement seemed quite hostile as well.
    Post by: Claryssa, Dec 8, 2006 in forum: Discussion
  4. Claryssa
    Go Jack! I knew there men out there like that, just hadn't found many. Okay so I've found one... now two... three... four, I think and three on this thread.

    I do agree that you need to be choosy in who you lose your virginity to.

    >.< I almost lost mine to a guy who turned to be... well... not who I thought he was. I thought I wanted to... I thought I loved him enough and that he loved me. I was way off. I took my time deciding whether or not I was really ready for that step and well, for one he kept trying to talk me into it. Then he turned and took money from the anime club we were both in and left for California. Haven't seen him again and not sure I want to. If he actually goes back to school next semester... the entire anime club will be after him.

    The lesson I learned from that, you better really spend time talking to agetting to know the person and listen to your friends, they notice thing you might not.

    Kinda random, but, I know earlier people were asked for their ages. I'm 19.

    And twilightsown, you rock! ^^ Just thought I'd share that little opinion.

    On the topic of drugs and alcohol... I have had two sips of alcohol in my entire life and one was in church. I don't really intend to drink much, as I'd rather not do anything potentially stupid, so I avoid parties or I accompany my friend and try to remind her that she is a minor and should not be drinking at all. As for cigarettes... they make me sick, I am serious. My throat literally closes up now in reaction to one breath of second-hand smoke, if I don't stop breathing I'd probably vomit... I'd hate to think what actually smoking would do to me.

    Anyway, that's my two-cents. Yeah...
    Post by: Claryssa, Dec 8, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Claryssa


    I have yet to say that Bush has no blame, I am saying however that you are wrong in putting ALL the blame on the Bush administration. There is still the clear fact that previous presidents have tried to negotiate with these people before and they took it as a sign of weakness, thus their their preparation (which took much more than the time that Bush was in office) for the attack on 9/11.

    I've said it before and I'll say it again. Iraq WAS housing terrorists that were involved the planning for the attack. So, it had something to do with the attack. :D
    Post by: Claryssa, Dec 7, 2006 in forum: Discussion
  6. Claryssa
    My morals say no. And I have to say that if sex is the most important part of your relationship, they are going to be very difficult. There has to be more than that. Sex, is essentially a form of reproduction. The form for most mammals.

    For a relationship to last takes more than understanding and "love"... a lot more. There is the maturity factor, many people are much to immature to take in the gravity of the act of sexual intercourse. It saddens me to see such a sacred act to me being minimized into something "to do" with your romantic partner.

    To me having sex with a boyfriend or girlfriend... I can't understand it.

    Yes, I am quite religious and to me sex is a very sacred. It is, as I said before a form of reproduction, but also the gift God gives us to share with our husband/wife only. I don't believe that not having sex before marriage ruins it. Actually, in my observations, most marriages that I have seen break up were ones in which the couples were sexually active before marriage. Sexual frustrations can be caused because the couple has had experience with other people and they end up comparing eachother to past partners.
    Post by: Claryssa, Dec 7, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Claryssa


    Oh yes, our technology is sooo far. Not that far hon. We don't have sattelites that can track anyone, we have to know WHERE they are before we can track them, can you give someone the current coordinates for Osama?

    Second, they did find materials to make WMDs and there were reports of trucks leaving the area soon after Bush announced we were going in to check for WMDs. ^^ On top of that there are terrorist bases in Iraq, so of course we had to go in.

    When did Bush say the war would be quick? Give me a quote, better yet, find an audio/video clip. I'm almost positive that he said just the opposite. War costs, politicians have other agendas, I won't argue that. However, we would not be losing as much if Clinton had not cut defenses down to the bare bones when he was in office. >.<

    I believe that everyone's opinion clouds them, even yours, even mine... There is no political opinion without a bias. My beliefs and interpretations of the happenings lead me to the Republican side yours lead you to the Democrats.

    Fighting terrorists without care for their people? How so? What do you say that they are fighting for then? Or is the lack of care because they are sending soldiers who freely signed up for the military to war?

    By the way, our casualties are still quite low for having been in this war for over five years.
    Post by: Claryssa, Dec 6, 2006 in forum: Discussion
  8. Claryssa
    o.o;;; *almosted clicked on boy* I am a girl! DX Even though I roleplay as guys more poften than I do as girls. Hehe...
    Post by: Claryssa, Dec 6, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Claryssa
    >.< I find it difficult to use the word love when speaking of romantic love. The friend love is how I use it most of the time. I tell my closest friends that I love them all the time, becuase I really do.

    Romantic love... *sighs* I wish that was all that was needed to keep a relationship going, but it's not. To try to build a relationship on something flimsy as an emotion is dangerous and can result in extreme pain. That is my warning to you all. Do not use love as the sole reason to get married. Chances are, it won't last.

    That is my opinion at least.
    Post by: Claryssa, Dec 6, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Claryssa
    I love scary movies... The Grudge was pretty creepy. Exorcist and Exorcist the Beginninjg were good movies. ^^; Final Destination... the first one was good, not the scariest film I've seen definately, but okay. The second and third... especially the third had me on the floor in tears of laughter at the utter ridiculousness of it all. It was so gory, it was funny. o.0

    I used to watch Barney everyday. He taught me how to share and clean up after myself. *nodnod*
    Post by: Claryssa, Dec 6, 2006 in forum: Movies & Media
  11. Claryssa


    Tell me, Roxas, what do you think would have been a better choice in reaction to 9/11? We lost more than money, we lost many innocent American citizens.

    The terrorists decided a long time ago that Americans have no right to live, that we are infidels and must die. The American soldiers are fighting terrorists right now to protect our right to live. If we had done anything but fight back, I'd've lost respect for America. I say it's about time we fought back.

    And I still fail to see how Bush is such a bad president. :p

    And don't worry, Democrats can piss me off.
    Post by: Claryssa, Dec 6, 2006 in forum: Discussion
  12. Claryssa


    It makes me very sad. I am religious, as many of you already know. As a tradition started by my baby sister, we sit around the navity scene that is the center of our Christmas decorations, set out the baby Jesus and sing to Him. That is our first priority on Christmas morning.

    Personally, I think the reason that the true meaning of Christmas is becoming more and more hidden is, yes, the commercialization, but also the fact that any potential religious reminder of the true meaning is being forced from public places, because people are turning 'Freedom of religion' into 'Freedom from religion' to the point that some people can't even have crosses in their own front yards and the pledge of allegiance cannot be said in some schools.

    But that is going onto a tangent. I'll stop before I get off topic.
    Post by: Claryssa, Dec 6, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Claryssa
    0.0 Roleplaying legend, huh? Elze is the only roleplaying legend I acknowlege. XP

    Anyway, nice to see a roleplayer with some skills. All the atsericks were getting rather annoying. Mind working on your spacing though?
    Post by: Claryssa, Dec 5, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Claryssa
    I was... Claryssa, yay! A crazy girl who seemed to only appear on the Intelligent Discussion. *nodnod* I'm pretty sure I had less than 100 posts...>.>;;; XD
    Post by: Claryssa, Dec 5, 2006 in forum: Discussion