This was a request from someone on TestYourMight. Here's the Images they wanted used:
They preferred an orange and black theme with the word "Vortex" in there somewhere. Here's my attempt:
He requested brighter, red text. I also tried to blend Kenshi a little more and added some purple to the shadows and midtones.
I feel I did a decent job. Not my best work but not bad considering the request.
Any comments are welcome.
The first, like you said, seems like an experiment and thus unfinished. I'd probably just smudge the right side and far left with a few different brushes, strengths, and settings then move on. It's neat though.
Second one is nearly perfect as is but could do with a few blurred artifacts strewn around in the FG for some fun little depth. Great peice.
This is awesome but I think it would be perfect if you took the time to turn the stock into a vector graphic! It would likely make the pentooling add to the piece rather than steal the spotlight from the great effects on the top and to the right.
I usually don't like c4d's for personal reasons but I feel one would actually fit here.
And play with the dodge and burn tools they're pretty useful.
these would be much better if you used muddier/earthy colors. the colors are too bright and vibrant for the effects used imo.
also, there are other ways to add depth without blurring the hell out of things such as the dodge and burn tools to bring things forward and push things back. playing with composition and size of things can also aid in achieving depth. blurring/sharpening is a staple for depth in tags but over-blurring/sharpening can do more harm than good. though both can create really cool effects if you base your piece around them so take what i say here with discretion.
otherwise i do like your work here. the text could be played with a little more but I've never grasped typography myself so I can't add much there.
great concept and execution here; more than can be said about the source material.
perhaps the shadows could be more intense to match the lighting of the scene. i'd also cut the distorted stars at head level of the stocks and above since I don't feel they add much but to cover empty space that would probably be better empty but that's just me. again, fantastic piece.