da johnstir
Last Activity:
Jun 20, 2012
Mar 3, 2012
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Local Time:
1:04 AM
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Following 1

Jan 29, 1998 (Age: 26)
7923, sierra altos place, nw
near high school student

da johnstir

Moogle Assistant, 26, from 7923, sierra altos place, nw

da johnstir was last seen:
Jun 20, 2012
    1. Da Johnstir2
      Da Johnstir2
      Sorry Guys this is Da Johnstir talking and well.............the reason why i wasint online for a while is becuz i forgot my password and i didint set up a email for it............so yeah sorry
    2. da johnstir
      da johnstir
      oh guys , just asking WHERE THE HEARTLESS ARE ALL THE HIDDEN BOSSES IN KINGDOM HEARTS BIRTH BY SLEEP!!! i try as hard as posssible2 find em but i just cant i looked for unknown guy in land of departure , stuck at rank 8 in mirage arena , & i cant find the place where the in-game ventus & vanitas duked it out for the first time some1 help me plz
    3. da johnstir
      da johnstir
      guess my mind blinked out when i did it ( happens every single time i do something stuipid )
    4. da johnstir
      da johnstir
      whoops sorry
    5. Hiro ✩
      Hiro ✩
      Hey, you can't just randomly post stuff in Roleplays. There's a process you have to go through to be approved and able to Role play with us
    6. da johnstir
      da johnstir
      btw whats this future thing?(Da colored dots under title)
    7. da johnstir
      da johnstir
      i finaaaaaaaallllllllllllllllllllly got pics for 2 use YES:offtopic:!
    8. da johnstir
      da johnstir
      also i kinda have 2 choose between sora or harry potter as my fav character deadpool
    9. da johnstir
      da johnstir
      yes i am albit of
      a new member but thanx- oh i also accept freind requests (depending on my mood & the person)
    10. Lite
      Everyone's got their own favorite. Mine is Sonic, mainly because he's the first character I've ever played as in the games.
    11. Tifa L.
      Tifa L.
      ......uhm, This is Tifa, but you can message him if you want, sorry for the confusion, are you a new member?
    12. da johnstir
      da johnstir
      meh pretty good BUT IM NOT A SPAMBOT!!!!!!!!!!!!
    13. Accalia
      Hi spambot! :D
    14. Sabby
      Hello. How are you?
    15. da johnstir
      da johnstir
      im also a roblox player my screen name johnstir 2000
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  • About

    Jan 29, 1998 (Age: 26)
    7923, sierra altos place, nw
    near high school student
    im am i gamer slightly crazy do to my dad in PA nice guy no girlfreind but i am willing 2 help people

    gameing, makeing freindsstuff like dat