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Jul 21, 2024
May 22, 2007
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Kingdom Keeper, from Let's see what you can do.

I have returned. Who wants the first stab? B | Mar 18, 2014

Deathsight44 was last seen:
Jul 21, 2024
    1. Firekeyblade
    2. Firekeyblade
      What the hell did I just watch? >_>
    3. Firekeyblade
      Really? What about.....uh....that one guy.....and those...other people...umm..Zabuto or something? And his little helper Haku? Who's actually a guy...>_> Well...i suppose so. kind of like Pokemon and Team Rocket I guess. Yeah...I see your point. (Those guys should really quit...>_>...)
    4. Firekeyblade
      Firekeyblade seems to happen to Zolo a lot....:D....but I'm glad he's not dead. Well...if you really feel that way....I suppose you should go with the flow and watch Naruto. I heard lots of people die. >_> My friend seemed very excited when she first told me about it.
    5. Firekeyblade
      Really? I don't know. I kind of like it that no one dies...except maybe for the villains. But they're all at Impel I guess that's about the same. >_>
    6. Firekeyblade
      Yeah. I saw the look in his eye and everyone was just like"He's not seriously going to do that is he?" Hell yeah he did! And when Zolo was about to slash the guy before he got tackled by that lady. I was anticipating him giving him a smackdown. HOW DARE HE "RIDE" THAT POOR MAN!
    7. Dexnail
      sorry well i as waiting for Hell Kitten to reply to my last post so the next one i could do an Luxord and an Xeol post at the same time :)
    8. Firekeyblade
      nah....but thanks anyway. Besides the fact that One piece is kind of weird at times, I really like it. I think it's the only manga to ever get me pissed at some enemy and want to shout at the top of my lungs, "PUNCH HIM LUFFY! KICK HIS ARSE ZOLO!" because seriously...>_>...those people that look ridiculous breathing air that's different from the common people...need to wake up and smell the oranges.
    9. Firekeyblade
      Well....I kind of tried that, but...I always can't think of anything to put.
    10. Firekeyblade
      .....I have actually seen one....but it was a long time ago.
    11. Firekeyblade
      I doubt it. XD I'm a thread killer.
    12. Firekeyblade
      .....really? >_> freaking far are you? And...I think I'll pass. i still haven't really gotten used to be able to decently paragraph post.
    13. Firekeyblade
      .....>_>.....I still find it amazing how he's a skeleton....but he's able to eat stuff. is technically kind of like HellKitten's.....
    14. Firekeyblade
      I suppose so....but he was supposedly an awesome swordsman.....(even if his weapon is a cane..) And he reminds me a lot of Jack Skellington. And I saw. i was confused at first because it seemed a lot like HellKitten's.
    15. Firekeyblade
      finally caught up on One Piece. Brooke is a very funny guy....skeleton....thing....
    16. Akua WaterDragonKing
      Akua WaterDragonKing
      I have a question, do they already now of Org. XIII?
    17. water mage
      water mage
      Characters accepted in Organization XIII' s Revenge. Welcome. ^_^ When you have the time could you do a profile page for yourself? *Just a thought*
    18. fire mage
      fire mage
      That's good to hear. Just be sure that you don't forget about it
    19. fire mage
      fire mage
      Yeah I know I talked to her a little bit.

      Oh I am sorry to hear that. Yeah I know you are in Thirteeth or something like that or was it Rivals? Feh I wouldn't give a damn about Rivals with me being ignored since I haven't even gotten a response back from the thread owner because I was waiting for character acceptance. *sighs*
      Byakura hasn't posted though. You shouldn't let that stop you. War is still alive though.

      Oh I know KhI a little bit, but they can be mean and treat people like crap. Though I heard that the users there are more mature and stuff. Can be snobby. *shrugs* though there are noobies there as well as any forum that you join. I have an account there as well, but I still go here. I don't know. I am sorry to hear that. It seems more confusing with the rpg s lay out as it seems that keep them all in one thread.

      Guess I'll see you around then.
    20. Firekeyblade
      Firekeyblade's a separate thread.....for the RP.....where you talk?
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  • About

    Looking for change and people of interest. I like seeing what's beneath the mask. I'm disappointed by people that can't take theirs off.

