Recent Content by Gabriel535667
the below three codes are used to reverse the battle levels to the proper digits (assuming you're
at the end of the game and beaten Vanitas Remnant)
_C0 Battle LVL End Game (Aqua)
_L 0x21728704 0x04050D00
_L 0x21728708 0x00060506
_L 0x2172870C 0x08000706
_L 0x21728710 0x00000906
_C0 Battle LVL End Game (Ventus)
_L 0x21728704 0x05040D00
_L 0x21728708 0x00060706
_L 0x2172870C 0x08000706
_L 0x21728710 0x00000906
_C0 Battle LVL End Game (Terra)
_L 0x21728704 0x05060D00
_L 0x21728708 0x00060404
_L 0x2172870C 0x08000706
_L 0x21728710 0x00000906 -
Hey guys, is it possible to put a code where when I use a friend command (example: the Uniso Rush on the mirage arena) where I could attack as all three chars in the same group move?
So, as long as I did see many mods and codes for all Kingdom Hearts games, is it possible to mod Dirge of Cerberus as well? I wanted to play as Chaos through the game but haven't seen any code anywhere, is it possible guys? :)
Hey everyone, Is there any code for not turning into Anti-Form? 'Cause I want to train my forms ad I keep getting it :/
First time in this thread ^^ My doubt is: is there any code to fly as if you were in peter pan for KH1 or KH1FM? Cause I've just seen it working on Traverse Town ^^
Hey Guys, well I'm in a doubt about some codes for Fake Brothers (well I do play on emulator), the doubt is, I have my 6 fake brothers and I have the codes to change them, but I don't know where to put the codes for activate them, or to change their names, could someone help?
Here are the codes:
Fake brothers
94000130 FFFB0000
C0000000 00000005
220FC628 00000002
DC000000 0000001C
D2000000 00000000
94000130 FFFB0000
C0000000 00000005
220FA01A 00000082
DC000000 00000640
D2000000 00000000
Top Left Brother
220FA020 0000000X
220FA021 000000YY
120FA5F2 000000AA
120FA5F4 000000BB
120FA5F6 000000CC
Middle Left Brother
220FA660 0000000X
220FA661 000000YY
120FAC32 000000AA
120FAC34 000000BB
120FAC36 000000CC
Bottom Left Brother
220FACA0 0000000X
220FACA1 000000YY
120FB272 000000AA
120FB274 000000BB
120FB276 000000CC
Top Right Brother
220FB2E0 0000000X
220FB2E1 000000YY
120FB8B2 000000AA
120FB8B4 000000BB
120FB8B6 000000CC
Middle Right Brother
220FB920 0000000X
220FB921 000000YY
120FBEF2 000000AA
120FBEF4 000000BB
120FBEF6 000000CC
Bottom Right Brother
220FBF60 0000000X
220FBF61 000000YY
120FC532 000000AA
120FC534 000000BB
120FC536 000000CC
X - Brother's Noise
YY - Brother's White Card Set
AA/BB/CC - Mega's/Giga's in Roullete.97 = SpadMgnes
Card values
98 = SpadMgnesV2
99 = SpadMgnesV3
9A = DiamndIce
9B = DiamndIceV2
9C = DiamndIceV3
9D = ClubStrng
9E = ClubStrngV2
9F = ClubStrngV3
A0 = QueenVrgo
A1 = QueenVrgoV2
A2 = QueenVrgoV3
A3 = JackCorvs
A4 = JackCorvsV2
A5 = JackCorvsV3
A6 = DreadJokr
A7 = DreadJokrV2
A8 = DreadJokrV3
A9 = AcidAce
AA = AcidAceV2
AB = AcidAceV3
Ac = TaursFire
AD = TaursFireV2
AE = TaursFireV3
AF = CygnsWing
B0 = CygnsWingV2
B1 = CygnsWingV3
B2 = WolfWoods
B3 = WolfWoodsV2
B4 = WolfWoodsV3
B5 = DrkPhntm
B6 = DrkPhntmV2
B7 = DrkPhntmV3
B8 = Rogue
B9 = RogueV2
BA = RogueV3
BB = MoonDstry
BC = MoonDstryV2
BD = MoonDstryV3
BE = ApolloFlm
BF = ApolloFlmV2
C0 = ApolloFlmV3
C1 = Sirius
C2 = SiriusV2
C3 = SiriusV3
C4 = WingBlade
C5 = DrknssHole
C6 = MilliKick
C7 = BrkTmeBmb
C8 = MuBarrier
C9 = DreadLazer
CA = DestrMissl
CB = BusterMax
CC = OxTackle
CD = MirrorsEdg
CE = CrmsnMteor
CF = AcidArrest
144 = YetiBlzrd
145 = YetiBlzrdV2
146 = YetiBlzrdV3
147 = PlesioSrf
148 = PlesioSrfV2
149 = PlesioSrfV3
14A = TerraCndr
14B = TerraCndrV2
14C = TerraCndrV3
14D = QnOphiuca
14E = QnOphiucaV2
14F = QnOphiucaV3
150 = GeminSprk
151 = GeminSprkV2
152 = GeminSprkV3
153 = CancrBubl
154 = CancrBublV2
155 = CancrBublV3
156 = GenAuriga
157 = GenAurigaV2
158 = GenAurigaV3
159 = LibraScls
15A = LibraSclsV2
15B = LibraSclsV3
15C = CrwnThndr
15D = CrwnThndrV2
15E = CrwnThndrV3
15F = RocktLnch
160 = RocktLnchV2
161 = RocktLnchV3
162 = IceHammrB
163 = IceHammrBV2
164 = IceHammrBV3
165 = StrngSwng
166 = StrngSwngV2
167 = StrngSwngV3
168 = SpadMgnesX
169 = DiamndIceX
16A = ClubStrngX
16B = QueenVrgoX
16C = JackCorvsX
16D = DreadJokrX
16E = AcidAceX
16F = TaursFireX
170 = CygnsWingX
171 = WolfWoodsX
172 = DrkPhntmX
173 = RogueX
174 = MoonDstryX
175 = ApolloFlmX
176 = SiriusX
177 = YetiBlzrdX
178 = PlesioSrfX
179 = TerraCndrX
17A = QnOphiucaX
17B = GeminSprkX
17C = CancrBublX
17D = GenAurigaX
17E = LibraSclsX
17F = CrwnThndrX
180 = RocktLnchX
181 = IceHammrBX
182 = StrngSwngX
183 = PegasuMgcGX
184 = LeoKingdmGX
185 = DragonSkyGX
186 = GorgonEye
187 = GemniThndr
188 = RogueBreak
189 = Avalanche
18A = FlyngImpct
18B = TrrntWave
18C = HolyLight
18D = WickdFlame
White cards
01- plasma gun, Plasma gun, Air Spread 1, Beast Slap 1.
02- Wide Sword, Recover+30, GrandWave, Barrier
03- Mad Vulcan 1, Mini Grenade, Long sword, Canon
04- Plasma gun, invis, grand wave 1, beast slap 1
05- Divide line, long sword, mad vulcan 1, recover+30
06- Invis, grand wave 1, sword, mad vulcan 1
07- Beast slap 1, canon, plasma gun, gravity plus
08- Mini grenade, long sword, long sword, recover+30
09- Plasma gun, wide sword, grand wave 1, grand wave 1
0A- air spread 1, machine gun 1, beast slap 1, air spread 1
0B- flash strike 1, flash strike 1, machine gun 1, gravity plus
0C- beast slap 1, beast slap 1, air spread 1, attack+10
0D- grand wave 1, machine gun 1, attack+10, beast slap 1
0E- air spread 2, wide wave 1, gravity plus, divide line
0F- jet attack 1, jet attack 1, gravity plus, recover+50
10- Drill arm 1, drill arm 1, attack+10, jet attack 1
11- wide wave 1, shark attack 1, shark attack 1, wide wave 1
12- Grand wave 2, buzz saw 1, buzz saw 1, paralyze plus
13- Ice spin 1, attack+10, wide wave 1, wide wave 1
14- shark attack 1, paralyze plus, gravity plus, shark attack 1
15- air spread 3, plus cannon, buzz saw 2, buzz saw 2
16- bushido 1, bushido 1, buzz saw 2, paralyze plus
17- bubble hook 1, wide wave 2, paralyze plus, bubble hook 1
18- beast slap 2, beast slap 2, drill arm 1, plus cannon
19- mad fire 1, mad fire 1, heat upper 2, heat upper 2
1A- time bomb 1, heat upper 2, mad fire 1, attack+10
1B- pollon shot 1, shuriken 2, acorn bomb 1, arach attack 1
1C- acorn bomb 1, acorn bomb 1, pollon shot 1, pollon shot 1
1D- flash strike 3, flash strike 3, stealth lazer 2, thunder head 1
1E- stealth lazer 2, paralyze plus, thunder head 1, mummy hand 1
1F- drill arm 3, buki 1, heavy cannon, typhoon dance
20- time bomb 2, mech flame 1, heat upper 3, mad fire 2
21- beast slap 3, beast slap 2, double eater, great axe
22- wide wave 3, shark attack 3, wide wave 2, shark attack 3
23- time bomb 2, heat upper 3, mad fire 3, attack panel
24- pollon shot 3, shuriken 2, acorn bomb 3, arach attack 3
25- flash strike 3, thunder head 2, flash strike 3, stealth lazer 2
26- drill arm 3, drill arm 2, paralyze plus, buki 3
27- stealth lazer 3, paralyze plus, thunder head 2, mummy hand 3
28- mech flame 2, heat upper 3, time bomb 3, mad fire 3
29- bubble hook 3, bubble hook 3, paralyze plus, wide wave 3
2A- shuriken 3, arach attack 3, acorn bomb 3, wood slash
2B- flash strike 3, stealth lazer 3, thunder head 3, elec slash
2C- tornado dance, windy attack 3, drill arm 3, buki 3
2D- plasma gun, stealth lazer 2, mummy hand 2, thunder head 1
2E- green ink, arach attack 1, shuriken 1, pollon shot 2
2F- whistle, drill arm 1, drill arm 2, windy attack 1
30- bubble hook 1, bubble hook 1, flash strike 2, thunder head 2
31- black ink, flash strike 2, bubble hook 1, mummy hand 2
32- windy attack 1, windy attack 1, noise wizard 1, noise wizard 2
33- buzz saw 2, grand wave 2, shuriken 1, ice spin 1
34- heavy cannon, drill arm 2, heat upper 2, big drop 1
35- Mal wizard 1, bubble hook 1, elec slash, arach attack 1
36- barrier, cannon, cannon, cannon
37- double eater, whistle, beast slap 3, great axe
38- acorn bomb 2, acorn bomb 1, mech flame 1, time bomb 3
39- ice grenade, ice grenade, shark attack 2, wide wave 3
3A- bushido 3, bushido 3, bushido 2, bushido 1
3B- synch hook 1, freeze knuckle, heat upper 3, stun knuckle
3C- fire+30, mech flame 3, mad fire 3, Ox fire V2
3D- aqua+30, shark attack 3, bubble hook 3, diamond ice V2
3E- shuriken 3, wide wave 3, stealth lazer 3, smile coin 3
3F- mech flame 3, dance fire 3, mad fire 3, heat upper 3
40- ice spin 3, wide wave 2, shark attack 3, bubble hook 3
41- Skull arrow 3, skull arrow 3, jet attack 3, buki 3
42- beast slap 3, beast slap 3, mal wizard 3, scythe 1
43- tornado dance, air burst 3, vulcan seed 1, machine gun 3
44- panic cloud, panic cloud, flash strike 3, pollon shot 3
45- elec slash, mummy hand 3, arach attack 3, earth thunder 3
46- machine flame 3, white meteor, big drop 3, time bomb 3
47- mini grenade 1, sword, wide sword, long sword
48- windy attack 3, tornado dance, squall 3, scythe 3
49- sword fighter 3, elec slash, wood slash, spin blade 1
4A- ice grenade, wide wave 3, shark attack 3, heat axe
4B- great axe, buki 3, drill arm 3, break sabre
4C- mad fire 3, time bomb 3, kilo bomb 3, kilo bomb 3
4D- elec+30, flash strike 3, earth thunder 3, spade magnes V3
4E- wood+30, squall 3, vulcan seed 1, club strong V3
4F- break sabre, drill arm 3, sword fighter 3, acid ace V3
50- stun knuckle, freeze knuckle, poisen knuckle, destroy upper
51- flash strike 2, shuriken 2, heat upper 2, shark attack 2
52- wood slash, arach attack 2, stealth lazer 2, shuriken 2
53- meteorite barrage (Big bang), gravity plus, wide wave 1, beast slap 1
54- atomic blazer (Big bang), attack+10, heat upper 1, beast slap 1
55- beast slap 1, gravity plus, ice spin 1, buzz saw 1
56- heat upper 2, mad fire 1, time bomb 2, dance fire 1
57- wide wave 2, shark attack 2, blue ink, ice grenade
58- flash strike 3, elec slash, elec slash, thunder head 2
59- pollon shot 3, vulcan seed 1, shuriken 3, vulcan seed 2
5A- typhoon dance, tornado dance, windy attack 3, scythe 3
5B- heat upper 3, buki 3, break sabre, big drop 3
5C- grand wave 3, sword fighter 3, noise wizard 2, drill arm 3
5D- double eater, mal wizard 2, beast slap 3, jack corvus V1
5E- double eater, bubble hook 3, wide wave 3, queen virgo V1
5F- buki 3, heat upper 3, great axe, dread joker V1
60- break sabre, stealth lazer 3, buzz saw 3, acid ace
0 - None
1 - Libra Noise
2 - Corvus Noise
3 - Cancer Noise
4 - Gemini Noise
5 - Ophicus Noise
6 - Cygnus Noise
7 - Ox Noise
8 - Virgo Noise
9 - Crown Noise
A - Wolf Noise
B - Rogue Noise
Black Ace
220F995D 00000005 - slot 1 enable
220F9961 00000005 - slot 2 enable
220F9965 00000005 - slot 3 enable
220F9969 00000005 - slot 4 enable
220F996D 00000005 - slot 5 enable
220F9971 00000005 - slot 6 enable -
Hey, where's the fixed code to play as Tron Sora with the forms and no freeze?
and, can anyone shortnen this code?
Play as Christmas Town Sora w/ Drive Forms [Non-Freeze]
[Press L2 and walking into a new area]
E00EFEFF 0034D45C
01CBD016 00000001
11CE0B68 00000955
01CBD076 00000002
11CE0B70 00000956
01CBD0D6 00000003
11CE0B72 00000957
01CBD3D6 00000042
11CE0B74 0000095F
01CBD136 00000004
11CE0B76 00000958
21C95674 5F303031
21C95678 555F4D58
21C9567C 0046544C
01CBD1F6 00000006
11CE0B7A 0000095A
21C6C900 0A090964
01C6C93E 000000FF -
Tried everything with Reaction Command Modifier, but no results :(
Guys Remember when I asked about Roxas' Reaction Command "The End" (That Sora uses Roxas' Keyblades in his back)? Well, I used the Reaction Command Modifier to test but it was arrested to one of my Magic Buttons, like O. [], X and /_\, but when I try to use it, nothing happens, what did I do wrong?