Recent Content by hahannuh

  1. hahannuh

    just wanted to see if kh-vids was still around and i'm soo thrilled to see it alive & well <3
    Thread by: hahannuh, Sep 2, 2014, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. hahannuh
  3. hahannuh
  4. hahannuh
    of course!! i miss the old crew too.. glad to see a few kh-kids still around (:

    @makaze: i'll let you put your cursor on other things too.
    Post by: hahannuh, Nov 17, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. hahannuh
    20. is that old for this forum? if not.. i'm sticking around. hah i kid. or am i? ...

    and i'm friends with darky on facebook so it's all good. just wondered if he was still active.
    Post by: hahannuh, Nov 17, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. hahannuh
    yeaaaah. do you ever get those days where you just want to watch old kingdom hearts videos and listen to the soundtrack and stuff? that was me today. i haven't kept up with it lately... i miss this forum though. very funny people on here.

    @mr. bob: aaah yes yes i remember. can't believe i'm talking to you guys again after all this time (:

    @makaze: i made kh-vids awesome.
    Post by: hahannuh, Nov 17, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. hahannuh
    <3 <3 <3 omg!!!

    who is the genius sex poet??

    and where is darky?!?!
    Post by: hahannuh, Nov 17, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. hahannuh


    oh my.. i guess i decided to log in on a good day. happy birthday misty! long time no see (: <3
    Post by: hahannuh, Nov 17, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. hahannuh
    i was looking up videos of kingdom hearts today and became reminiscent of this old forum. i was incredibly surprised and happy to see it going strong.. i was more surprised i remembered my username and password. i'm guessing everyone on this forum is really young.. i feel so old thinking about it. T^T but ANYWAYS i just felt like stopping by and leaving a little message.


    mer mer mer spam spam spam
    Thread by: hahannuh, Nov 17, 2011, 39 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. hahannuh
    nelly makes me want to drop my panties.
    chris brown makes me want to shake my booty.
    ester makes me want to lose weight.
    Post by: hahannuh, Jan 17, 2010 in forum: Music
  11. hahannuh


    hehe haha hohoho

    ding dong
    who's there
    pikachu who
    i like to smex you

    i want big snowman in my backyard
    too bad i life in california
    and there is no snow here

    spam is good with rice and eggs.
    i will teach you how to make it korean style because i am korean.
    and koreans make the best food.

    okay bye bye! <3
    Thread by: hahannuh, Jan 17, 2010, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. hahannuh
    lol. legend.

    four words?
    Post by: hahannuh, Oct 14, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone