Recent Content by ILoveOrganizationXIII

  1. ILoveOrganizationXIII
    Kyary is pretty cool. I'm not a hardcore fan, but I do like PONPONPON, Cherry Bon Bon, and Tsukema Tuskeru.
    Post by: ILoveOrganizationXIII, Jan 28, 2012 in forum: Music
  2. ILoveOrganizationXIII
    Avi - 6/10 sorry, bit too small for me lol
    Siig - 8! Ichigo was sooo funny in that part!
    Post by: ILoveOrganizationXIII, Aug 21, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  3. ILoveOrganizationXIII
    I've been playing the .Hack// G.U. Trilogy lately, but i'm about to switch to Zelda for a little bit. Twilight Princess, Wind Waker, Majora's Mask, and Ocarina of Time. ^_^
    Post by: ILoveOrganizationXIII, Aug 10, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  4. ILoveOrganizationXIII
    Kyary pamyu pamyu - PONPON

    Not my usual kind of music, but it's pretty catchy lol
    Post by: ILoveOrganizationXIII, Aug 10, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  5. ILoveOrganizationXIII
    is this still the password? It won't take it in the chat room.....
  6. ILoveOrganizationXIII
  7. ILoveOrganizationXIII
    Despicable Me
    Such a cute and sweet movie! It made me tear up, and trust me, it has to be a good movie to do that to me!
    Post by: ILoveOrganizationXIII, Dec 21, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  8. ILoveOrganizationXIII
  9. ILoveOrganizationXIII
    You know that's not true!! Harry Potter is an amazing, creative, and original story that got the recognition it deserves! Saying people who like Harry Potter are pedophiles is really mean and immature!
    I'm sorry you're going alone...I'm going with my mom...who is not a harry potter fan'm still going to see it lol
    Post by: ILoveOrganizationXIII, Nov 13, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. ILoveOrganizationXIII
    I'm going to see it on the 24th because midnight premieres suck!!
    OH and seriously people? What's with all the "Harry potter sex" talk? I'm a very big fan and I fins this kind of talk insulting....or something like that.....please stop it....
    Post by: ILoveOrganizationXIII, Nov 13, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. ILoveOrganizationXIII

    San Japan

    It's been awhile so I'm not sure if this topic is where it should be so if it isn't someone please move it to where it should be.

    I'm going to San Japan(Anime Convention in case no one knows -_-') in San Antonio Texas this summer, is there anyone else from here that is going to be there?

    I was just wondering because this is going to be the FIRST convention that I have EVER been to and would like it VERY much if I could maybe meet up with some people.....

    So yeah....anyone going?
    Thread by: ILoveOrganizationXIII, Jun 6, 2010, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. ILoveOrganizationXIII
  13. ILoveOrganizationXIII
    Xemnas´ Japanese voice actor is 65-year-old!!?
    OK MY GOD!!! I CANNOT believe that!
    Post by: ILoveOrganizationXIII, Feb 27, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  14. ILoveOrganizationXIII
    Hey all! I just thought that I would put some of my videos links on here because they aren't getting very much views *sigh* Anyway! Here you go! These are also great if you like Organization XIII! Also...most of them are betas so...yeah...just thought I'd tell you guys that! (this is my most popular one)
    Thread by: ILoveOrganizationXIII, Feb 24, 2009, 1 replies, in forum: Production Studio