Awarded Pins

  1. Awarded: Dec 26, 2016

    Question Timed

    Wow, you really like being questioned, huh? Or did it feel like a police interrogation? (Must be selected for a Question Time)
    Reason: For surviving an intense interrogation (being a recipient of Question Time)!

  2. Awarded: Dec 24, 2016

    User Awards Winner「Complessivo」

    The best of the best (and sometimes the worst) battle it out to become the reigning champions of! (Must have won Best, Worst, or General Nominations Categories.)
    Reason: Winner of a category in Cycle 3 of the 2015 KH-Vids User Awards!

  3. Awarded: Jan 2, 2013

    Castle Survivor

    You made it to the Final Floor AND you remember everything!? That's pretty brave of you! (Must Partake in the Castle Oblivion Event. Happens Once a Year)