^Hiya^ Last year my class had to write a Japanese folk Tale and I decided to post mine here.....ENJOY! Remember tell me what you think!!!!
ty cya round
Thanks guys hope to see u around....thanks for the tips :stupid:
Boo! lol Hi...I'm kinda new cause well I'm attached to Kh-Vids then I'm not....It's Phases I guess. HI!
This was done a long time ago.....ask someone before you start a thread
If u have a credit card you can buy stuf
I Lurv the new get smart movie...it's the best, what do u think...wanna recomend movies COME ON HERE!
U don't need an itunes card 2 buy music....just an itunes account
That's My cookie RRMS!!!!!! *GRRRRRRRR*[/COLOR]
R: I KNOW THAT!! L: *Diez* R: HolyCow, Me and Resa are lying on the floor because theres no other way to share the laptop....And She just sat up, then fell flat on her face onto a pillow x3
R: Yea, We're besties<3 L: BESTIES FOR LIFE!!!