So I been playing devil may cry series getting infinate devil trigger all that good stuff, but for a while i realized i want a game were i am a demon sand box style like dmc but giant area of fun. Even maybe an mmorpg with customization with other races of course. Does anyone else have thoughts, maybe wanting the same?
Naruto would be so fun, but annoying as hell, for the fact theyd just keep using substitution jutsu....pissing me off......"Naruto- BELIEVE IT I WILL BEET YOU STRANGER" "Terra-(STAB!!!!!!!!)" "Kakashi- oh crap....somone stabed naruto again with a giant key. Sakura come heall naruto again..."
They should(just for fun) put devil may cry into it, and have dante as a helper. oo also you have to fight nero and vergil. or have nero the partner, and fight dante an vergil at same time.....that would suck.......OOOOOOO OR Fight Sparda!!!! an make him like Sephiroth crazy lol
sooooo, ive beaten both kh1 and 2. put in enough cheats to never want to type again. and 358/2 days dosnt come for a while. anyone got ideas for what i can do till then? oh an even better i beat boths sephiroths, so now i have no challengeing person to fight lol