Recent Content by Maora

  1. Maora
    Can I be Hibari?

    If not I'll bite you to death.

    [Edit] Oops didn't realise this thread was old, sorry!
    Post by: Maora, Jun 30, 2011 in forum: Forum Families
  2. Maora
    Heart and Souls is one of my favourite movies of all time.

    I watched Kung Fu Panda 2 last :) Good film. I saw Cars 2 before that and KFP2 stomped all over it.
    Post by: Maora, Jun 30, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  3. Maora

    Dream Jobs

    All you guys who want to work in games get together and make an indie game, it will look great on a demo reel. I noticed you got someone that wants to programmer, designer, animator, voice actor and artist. You guys are set :D haha.

    I feel weird saying it but I actually work for a videogame company >.> I won't mention who (in case I get in trouble ?.?) but we are a part of one of the top 10 publishers in the world. I'm a game tester but I want to move into the art field. I started off as an art intern and then applied for a job as soon as something came up haha. Well you know what they say, it's all about who you know. So I'm in a good place now me thinks.

    I know I want to move overseas and travel. I kind of used to want to work in the videogame industry but now I think the film industry would be awesome. My dream is Disney, I'll fetch coffee if I really need to haha, I just want to work there. Or I'll work in 3d modelling. Go work for Weta Digital or something.
    Post by: Maora, Jun 30, 2011 in forum: Discussion
  4. Maora
    My first boyfriend stalked me for 6 months after we broke up. We were only together for 3 months. During that time I was scared to answer the phone, open the door... he would just show up at my house randomly. I was quite scared. He called me on my birthday and I told him look please don't contact me anymore and he agreed. He sent me a message saying "I'll leave you alone, we'll be friends" etc. etc. and then 2 minutes later sent a scathing message calling me all sorts of explicits. I never replied and he didn't contact me again. Good times.

    Now my second boyfriend and I were together 4 years. We pretty much argued constantly for the last year of our relationship and when it ended it was a relief. I have nothing against him but like Ienzo I get pissed off with me super easy. Just drives me mental. It's weird, I'm happy we aren't together, I've moved on in fact but I have no want or need to be his friend.
    Post by: Maora, Jun 30, 2011 in forum: Discussion
  5. Maora
    I get it all the time. In fact I have it right now. I've been to the doctors about it, even had x-rays, but it never returned anything. I find that to get rid of the uncomfortable-ness I put my leg in the most uncomfortable position i.e crossing it like a pretzel around the other. Or I sit in that meditating position. Anything that sort of puts it in a not normal position helps :) And definitely do not become focussed on it, it just makes the feeling worse and you get more frustrated.

    I wish you the best of luck.
    Post by: Maora, Jun 30, 2011 in forum: Discussion
  6. Maora
    I love the Wild Arms series! Especially the first. I was saddened in 3 because everyone had an ARM (I thought they were meant to be rare). I liked how you played 3 different stories until they intertwined.

    I did enjoy 3 though, I loved the setting and the story. I renamed my characters because I didn't like Virginia and Jet's name >.> So I used my name and renamed Jet to Zephyr :D

    I haven't played Wild Arms 2 I couldn't get my hands on it. Same goes for 4 and 5. I have Wild Arms XF on my PSP though. I like tactics games so it's not too bad but it's nothing compared to its other counterparts.

    I hold Wild Arms close to my heart. One of the only PSOne games I finished. I wish Alter Code F had an English release I would have been a happy camper.
    Post by: Maora, Jun 29, 2011 in forum: Gaming
  7. Maora
    Wow I can't say I've ever received such a warm welcome. Thanks everyone <3 You'll all be pleased to know I've read the rules and will abide by them to the best of my ability *nods*

    мσησ¢няσмє that's a very cool name you've got there.

    Day~Dream I checked out your artwork, it's very pretty :3 (love the colours (I'm a big colour person)), and it's against my nature to be super mean haha so you needn't worry ^.^

    -dinamplified I really like your avatar where is it from? And as soon as I finish anything I am proud of I'll be sure to share it with everyone!

    ЅкyCɑт Oh believe me I will +.+ And haha yeah 3DS are expensive, but I really wanted to play Ocarina of Time >.> You should totally cosplay then if you want to XD Is that a really young Robert Downey Jr in your signature? (I love RDJ <3)

    Roxas&Sora4E *looks around* These are some pretty sweet digs we got here, I approve.

    Bushy-Brow-1992 I hope those are dairy-free, wheat free, fructose friendly cookies! (long story lol) Thank you <3

    Feenie I've got a bottle of deodrant and I'm not afraid to use it! I'm probably on the older side of "kid" but I'll take it as a compliment I do look quite young X3 (I'm not oddly old though, just older >.> ... I'll stop)

    Saxima Thanks, I ramble but I like to be understandable haha. It's a pleasure to be here, and hopefully I can be helpful to others as well.

    Aqua101 Thank you for the welcome ^.^

    Daxa You like KH too!? OMG! Haha. I like your sig banner.

    Britishism A Scott Pilgrim fan? I have all of Paul Robertson's SP gifs, they are awesome. I hope your senses are correct! Your sig makes me laugh in an oddly creeped out way.
    Post by: Maora, Jun 29, 2011 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  8. Maora

    Oh hai thar!

    Hi everyone,

    My name's Maora, or Mao-chan, whatever you feel like calling me. Just not hey you, because that could mean anybody really and it will get confusing.

    I loved Kingdom Hearts, everything about it. I'm a huge Disney fanatic and I like Square Enix games, put the two together and well... it's a match made in heaven right? The story is wonderful, the character design is superb. It's a great gameplay all-rounder. I really liked the voice cast too. I love how they attempted to bring all the disney casts back, awesome!

    My favourite character from the KH series is actually Sora haha, I dunno. I guess I just really liked his character. HJO did a great job.

    I have yet to play Birth by Sleep though I really want to, I saw it at the game store last week for cheap. I should have bought it! But I bought a 3DS instead >.>

    Anyway all you need to know about me is that I'll talk your ear off (clearly) I like green, drawing, and I havent tried my hand at video editing yet but I'd love to attempt to model or do a 2D animation of KH. Modelling Sora is a distant dream that I will accomplish one day.

    Oh my now I feel like going back and playing KH1, darn it!!
    Thread by: Maora, Jun 29, 2011, 13 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures