haha well i ventured. and looked at random threads but i didn't see anything that immediately caught my eye. plus i was never awesome at this in...
what are you requesting I do?
hola cousin.
Alrighty, fine how are you doing?
Um.. =) It's alright. Uniforms definately aren't the best tho... Marching is pretty decent. 2nd Class man me. So I can boss around some of the...
ooc: good to see posts don't slow down at all during the summer.... (I'm at military camp and I still seem able to do it once in a while)
Hm. It was good. I caough alot of fish. And I went to the zoo...
They arrived on the ballroom floor and Fortune admitted smiling, "I forgot I didn't particularly want to dance again"
hm.. *thinks about cheese cake* IT sounds okay normally it sounds better but right now I'm inlike banana cream pie mood...
*Gets all awkward and changes conversation* I'm making rhubarb cake again!!!
No probs, *hugs back* lol exept in my mind we do more than tht *wink*
ll your inbetween... your a sexy mysterious creature-of-the-night thing going
Yeah but I don't want to look... I want to be able to imagine you anyway I want.
way to be creative and find something new and fresh..