Sep 25, 2006
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1:33 PM
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Cisgender Female
human with feelings


gimme kiss, Cisgender Female, from alderaan


i want you here as naked as a christmas tree left up until the second week of february Nov 1, 2015

    1. spikey_shiro
      hai thar 8D
    2. Amber
      Nah, 'sokay. I usually just say DF, but then people are like "lol whos dat?"
    3. Mike
      Thanks again. Any updates on your layout?
    4. Mike
      Yea, it's been fun.
    5. Amber
      Yeah... a
    6. Mike
      Are you serious? New York is amazing. I kiss the ground I'm walking on because I'm so thankful to be back. Don't take that seriously. It's half true. xD
    7. Mike
      It's sexy. OH YEA!
      Check out my profile. It resembles your layout.
    8. Mike
      What's going on Misty?
    9. Reisen
      Thanks xD, so is your riku avy. You pick the right colors
    10. Amber
      Really? I didn't think anyone would notice if I changed it. ^^;

      But yeah, I got bored, and I made the set, so I decided to wear it. It also has to do with how much I miss the guy who inspired the first set. I might switch back when he gets back. I dunno.
    11. Atlas
      I've got to be up in...

      lol i don't even have to get up tomorrow.

      Talk to you later.
    12. Atlas
      I don't download music. I have a terrible, irrational fear of cyberpolice or the FBI finding out and coming to get me.

      Most of my fears are terrible and irrational, though. So no biggie there.

      She only got to take summer gym because she did this "Project Lead the Way" engineering ****. My mom wanted me to do it but i don't want to be an engineer so why would i take that class.
    13. Atlas
      Smart choice. I got both my gym classes done this year, and they were easy as ****. Heard health was a bit gross, though. Not looking forward to the STD images.

      OH! I bought 25 dollars for Itunes today. I had actually stopped listening to my ipod because the music was just boring, i'd listened to it a million times. Not anymore! 25 new songs. **** yeah.
    14. Atlas
      I never understood the boatload. How big is the boat? How many people are on it? Is the whole thing filled with twizzlers or just the parts you put stuff in?

      Gilmore girls is a cool show, but don't tell anyone on here i said that. I'll lose my reputation as an E-Thug.

      What're taking at summer school?
    15. Atlas
      I'm considering it. My friends have seen it and they said it was good, if a bit odd.

      But good, if a bit odd things are my thing.

      So no problem there.

      I drank this stuff today. Pepsi Natural? All natural ingredients and ****. Cost a dollar per 12 oz bottle but it's good as ****.

      Was gonna go see Up today. Girl i was going with called and said she wasn't able to. Didn't go.

      For some reason thought KoTOR was available to download off of Xbox live, that's why i bought the points. Need to play that game. Got Sid Meier's Pirates! instead.

      Fun game.

      Dunno why i just told you my whole day. Also i've eaten 2 bowls of cocoa krispies today.
    16. Atlas
      So i remembered that that Wristcutters movie was on the xbox marketplace. I had bought some points today and i had like 400 left over anyway so i was like why the **** not and i went to go rent it and it wasn't there.

      And i went to the library today but there was some fat guy by the W's and he was taking up the whole aisle and i was like shitttttttttttttttttttttt so i went home.
    17. Amber
      And Avvy.

      I got bored. D=
    18. Kites
      You're welcome, and thank you for the links they help A LOT :3
    19. Kites
      Wow your icons are great, I think I'll save a few. I'll comment and credit of course :3

      That's a good idea, I'll look around for some of the bigger communities and do that.
    20. Kites
      If you make some you should let me know, I'd like to see some of your stuff. Right now I'm using the one from The Candy Stand. I always like discovering more.

      That'll most likely happen. Then I'll be writing about my injuries in my livejournal lol~.
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  • About

    Cisgender Female
    human with feelings
    She / Her
    i definitely want to be a rapper, but i'm just a northern girl from where nothing really happens


    sharing this image of my all time favorite feminist icon!!!! lightning died for our sins and i hope with bated breath for her embrace <3


    i laugh along but inside i know it's true
    being in love is totally punk rock
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