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Dec 7, 2011
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This is a status. Jan 4, 2017

Mysty was last seen:
Oct 21, 2020
    1. Meilin Lee
      Meilin Lee
      you do realize that Altair and Roxas escaped from Tobi's group, right?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Meilin Lee
        Meilin Lee
        Thanks for clearing that up. Also, as for Ichigo, where does he appear? In the forest, where Altair is trying to help Roxas with his wound, or with Tobi's group (which is apparently in the Savannah), where a battle is currently happening?
        Nov 5, 2012
      3. Mysty
        I don't really know. I thought the battle was on the outskirts of the forest to begin with so I thought you just jumped into the tress from the Savannah. But currently Ichigo is standing back with you guys about to walk out to face Tobi.
        Nov 5, 2012
      4. Meilin Lee
        Meilin Lee
        Alright, I'll post something with Altair to clarify locations later
        Nov 5, 2012
    2. Hyuge ✧
      Hyuge ✧
      so you need to sign on and check our conversation! i sent you a rough draft copy of our RP! i want to get your opinion and make changes and whatnot. we also need to come up with a title! i'm going to get a banner made for it, so we should decide soon. =]
    3. brandonecklor
      1. Mysty
        Nov 3, 2012
      2. brandonecklor
        how are you?
        Nov 5, 2012
    4. SmashFan127
      So the battle with Blackbeard is over for now?
      1. Mysty
        for now.
        Nov 1, 2012
    5. Meilin Lee
      Meilin Lee
      Just noticed you mentioned that you're celebrating your birthday this weekend, so.... Happy Birthday!
    6. SmashFan127
      I see you set up stats in RPG style with a heads/tails generator.
      1. Mysty
        yup. I figure it is an RP. Let my fights with people be RPG style.
        Oct 24, 2012
    7. Meilin Lee
      Meilin Lee
      I thought the real Vegeta was in the River where the battle with the big orb was happening, not in a mountain?
      1. Mysty
        shhhhh no one noticed.
        Oct 20, 2012
      2. Meilin Lee
        Meilin Lee
        umm, ok. Just try not doing things like that again.
        Oct 20, 2012
      3. Mysty
        no one even payed attention to him landing there so no one should care.
        Oct 20, 2012
    8. SmashFan127
      I take it the Crossover Realm is the same as Sagas?
    9. SmashFan127
      Yeah....totally sorry about that. :(
    10. SmashFan127
      Um.....I know I'm no longer in Cove, but what happened to Janemba?
      1. Mysty
        He was sealed away in the dreamworld.
        Oct 15, 2012
    11. Jayn
      Hey, your signature is too big. It's over the 500x500 limit.
      1. Mysty
        I will change it.
        Oct 12, 2012
      2. Mysty
        Oh, and do RPs not get locked after 5k posts? Crossover Cove hit over 5000 today.
        Oct 12, 2012
      3. Jayn
        No, they don't need to be.
        Oct 12, 2012
    12. Pinekaboo
      Um, just a heads-up, but the Reapers haven't gone anywhere in Cove. If anything it's more dangerous outside now due to the battle going on.
      Also, didn't somebody use an attack that buried the Omega in rocks at one point? Didn't that block the way they entered the cave?
      As a side-note, your sig is a little bit too large. You might want to reduce it to 500 wide, or the staff will probably remove it at some point.
      1. Mysty
        I know they are not gone, but are they not all at the Savannah? That is what I recall. And Neku used Dark Uranus, It is amazing the cave is still standing in general.

        I don't think its too large. It meets the maximum requirement.
        Oct 11, 2012
      2. Pinekaboo
        The Savannah is where they all were in the first place. There's not been Reapers anwhere else, to my knowledge.
        That's a true point, lol.

        I had a look, and it says it's 600 wide, but okay.
        Oct 11, 2012
    13. Meilin Lee
      Meilin Lee
      I just want to remind you that Lambda (rp'd by StardustXtreme) made himself known in the forbidden fortress, since he said "Perhaps I should recruit more to this group and see where their loyalties lie."
    14. SmashFan127
      Forbidden Fortress is a villain clan for the RP? Now I am wondering whether I should bring in Zeikfried, or let Janus join them to surpass and betray them
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Mysty
        demon's have gender. It is just most commonly male.
        Oct 8, 2012
      3. SmashFan127
        and let me get this straight. You want the offensive unit (including Lord Blazer) to follow Sasuke, yes?
        Oct 9, 2012
      4. Mysty
        Oct 9, 2012
    15. Dinny
    16. SmashFan127
      I hope you're not angry about putting a power seal on DBZ characters.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. SmashFan127
        I am actually nervous about people cloning the threat, which has not made an actual appearance yet.
        Oct 1, 2012
      3. SmashFan127
        do you have pictures of the forms?
        Oct 1, 2012
      4. Mysty
        i am drawing them atm
        Oct 1, 2012
    17. Maka Albarn
      Maka Albarn
      Stalking, stalking. Tra, la, laaaaaa. xD
      1. Mysty
        Creepy XD jk
        Sep 27, 2012
    18. Hyuge ✧
      Hyuge ✧
      Btw: I'm hopefully posting my rp tomorrow, then going to send you that OP i promised for the Angel beats to. And then this morning i had a great idea for a time traveling zombie apocalypse rp. Window like time splitters meets resident evil i will hopefully have time to post as well. I already have the whole thing typed up in my brain. It's just a matter of putting fingers to the keys. =]
    19. Hyuge ✧
      Hyuge ✧
      I'm doing a lot better. Work has been crazy but things are finally starting to work out. I've been stressed with trying to get this rp of mine up. I keep running into technical difficulties. How are you?
      1. Mysty
        It is good that you are getting back into the groove of things and life is settling itself. :)
        Sep 25, 2012
    20. Hiro ✩
      Hiro ✩
      Rikku x Neku? I plan to have Rikku turn 15 instead of 17 via Bushy's Godmodding right before the final battle.battle.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Pinekaboo
        *strolls in*
        Technically speaking, while she'd look 11, she'd still actually be 17, so it's entirely possible that Neku would look past what she seems to be physically. Unless they planned on doing anything above the PG rating, I can't imagine it would be an issue.
        Sep 25, 2012
      3. Mysty
        but keeping it PG is no fun XD jk jk.
        Sep 25, 2012
      4. Hiro ✩
        Hiro ✩
        She's gonna ask Bushy to make her 14 so she can be with Neku.
        Sep 25, 2012
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  • About

    Past Usernames:
    Otonashi, Myst, The Hero of Winds, Bolin, Eevee, Marta Lualdi, Alchemyst, Naminє, The Almighty Helix, Sophia Ring SP Saturn VII, Momo Kisaragi, Kyubey, Zekken, Marvell
    Really if you are interested at all in anything I may have feelings towards, it is best to ask me instead of stock the information from here.



    "I always say what exactly what I'm feeling, and if they don't like me, that's fine! It doesn't change the fact that I was close to their hearts." -- Yuuki Konno


    "Asuna, there are things you can only share with someone by fighting." -- Yuuki Konno

    Tumblr - Orbs of Life RP - Vocaloid playlist
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