Last Activity:
Feb 5, 2025
Jun 7, 2008
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May 4, 1994 (Age: 30)
I'll end you on the spot so watch your six
The Black Ski Mask way is the only way


King's Apprentice, Male, 30, from I'll end you on the spot so watch your six

Talk behind someone's back is for cowards, amateurs, punks, and chumps Nov 29, 2015

nasirrich was last seen:
Feb 5, 2025
    1. KeybladeMasterJoe
      Me: *still looking through clothes* hmm maybe this one...wait...maybe this..
    2. gintasthebest
      Awww I'm sorry you didn't have fun but according to my 2min dream, its gonna be the day ater halloween so eat all your candy before then
    3. KeybladeMasterJoe
      Me: *yells almost at the store* and also its my birthday I wanted a day of fun not a day of arguing. Now be quite ladies you're both beautiful! Now come and get some new clothes to show off your beauty!! *is inside the store looking at a new pair of threads for myself
    4. gintasthebest
      Its barely gonna be a day to you
      (Lol have fun)
    5. gintasthebest
      Ok but if at night they come in a flying saucer and call me by my alien name and I feel like they're gonna take me to my home planet where a week is about a day in earth time, I'm going and I'll come back every week to visit earth. It'll barely be noticed that I'm gone
    6. gintasthebest
      No if there was they would've found me by now. I think to make sure nothing can be proved, theyre waiting for me to go to them
    7. gintasthebest
      I have no way to get back to the home planet that for all I know, could be a trap that they set up because I became too smart for them to control so now they wanna destroy what they created
    8. gintasthebest
      If whoever created me forgot a few screws, that's not my fault
    9. gintasthebest
      I'm not a famous person. I would know if I was. But I do believe I could be an alien. But you could be too. Think about it. Earth and humans can't be the only things containing life. I wrote a story about my life on my home planet and why I left and everything. How else would I know all that?
    10. gintasthebest
      I can't be the only one who's had a dream like that. You have to try to have a dream too. If its all up to me to save the candy, that'll be the night I finally get to go home to my home planet. I seriously doubt I'm from earth. I recently watched Roswell and it would all make sense if I was an alien
    11. gintasthebest
      Well I'll try but gotta remember that I'm trying to have a sjmilar dream to the one I had 10 years ago. Cuz I feels like it. I won't yet but I'll give you a warning when I'm gonna wanna take it
    12. gintasthebest
      I'm the only one who knows exactly how so if I wanna steal your candy, I shall cuz I can but noone else can. Especially the cartoons. At least there's awhile until halloween. Unless they're trying to throw us off and want us to think halloween but really its gonna be a dif day :0 I need to have another dream and tonight
    13. gintasthebest
      How they get back to their ownworld and how to stop them
    14. gintasthebest
      Except for me, right? Cuz I'm the one who had the dream I know how its all gonna go down. How they get here, what they have to steal the candy with, and most important,
    15. gintasthebest
      I've been ready for almost 10 years. When the day comes they'll be sorry they didn't believe me
    16. gintasthebest
      Exactly. Its been almost 10 years so its gotta happen at some point
    17. Charonus Rex
      Charonus Rex
      Me- *saw the whole incident and thinks to myself* Hmmm...a vampire
    18. gintasthebest
      You'd think so. But one day cartoons shall become real cuz scarily some of my dreams come true in one way or another and years ago I dreamt that itchy and scratchy came to life to steal halloween
    19. KeybladeMasterJoe
      Me: *turns around* guys guys its okay just calm down. The clothing store is over here lets just go find some new outfits, kay? ^,^ *walks on over into the store hoping they're going to follow*
    20. gintasthebest
      Just have my creator draw a new wall
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  • About

    May 4, 1994 (Age: 30)
    I'll end you on the spot so watch your six
    The Black Ski Mask way is the only way
    I'm a very reliable person who can make friends very easily and is obsessed with anime... Anime All Day

    Tricking Out Cars, Kingdom Hearts Games, Going to new places, Meeting new people, Anime Conventions, committed to hard work old and new school, RP-ing, playing video games, drawing, expanding my knowledge on any subject no matter the caliber of intensity required


    Yahoo! Messenger:


    The truth of the person behind the icon is not always the truth about the icon itself


    (Nights good looks with this cwazy avy, and the siggy good sir ^.-.^)
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