Oct 19, 2010
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Bof, Male, from France


Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better. Dec 17, 2014

    1. LARiA
      I can't believe people are intimidated by you. Honestly, too sweet. Your thread made my day.
      1. Patman
        Are they ? Can' t say I' ve noticed. /sarcasm
        Story of my life. T-T
        But thanks, that' s good to hear.
        May 23, 2015
      2. LARiA
        no, I mean, didn't *you* tell me people had that sort of impression on you. like black adam. you're wonderful, though!
        May 23, 2015
      3. Patman
        Oh okay, gotcha.
        That' s what I' ve been told by one of my teachers, the rest of the class seemed to agree. It surprised me, but all things considered it would explain a lot.

        Aw naw stop it pliz.
        May 23, 2015
    2. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      I was trying to figure out what which thread of mine you were referring to and just found it. It's been two and half years. Good memory, man.
      1. Patman
        It' s really no wonder I remember that thread. It was around the time I figured out that kind of stuff was going on in the US and it boggles my mind to this day.
        Mar 3, 2015
    3. Amaury
      Hey, Mr. Invisible. I heard about the terrorists. I hope you're not in any danger.
      1. Patman
        I' m fine thanks, at least physically (can' t deny I' m mightily pissed off), and I didn' t know any of the victims. At least not personally. I guess I might be in danger of more of the same later on, but I think my country proved today that it is willing to pay the price of freedom.
        Jan 11, 2015
    4. Patman
      Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
    5. LARiA
      I was rather wondering what you meant by "shameless," ain't she cute? But then I looked up her filmography, this Chantal Goya, and apparently she appears in a film with Jean-Pierre Léaud--! From Les 400 Coups, hardly a kiddie film despite the involvement of child actors. And then I read up on the film itself, and there's a ménage à quatre... Well OK this is not what I was expecting from this actress.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. LARiA
        I thought your sister was a lesbian. Unless I misread something at some point which caused me to form such a misconception. Oh, and thank you for the endearing response. I'm glad about Chantal Goya.
        Dec 18, 2014
      3. Patman
        Huh ?!? Oh, I get it, you saw me mention Edith, the one with a kid. My other sis, Agnes, is bi. She' s been called a tomboy for as far as I can remember. She spent more time playing with my Zodiac Knights than with my other sis' Barbies, that was a big giveaway.
        Got a train to catch, I' m in a bit of a hurry. See ya, Merry Christmas !
        Dec 20, 2014
      4. LARiA
        Thank you, and merry Christmas to you as well. <3
        Dec 20, 2014
    6. Makaze
      Have you read V?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Patman
        Oh and thanks for the links.
        Dec 4, 2014
      3. Makaze
        They are much less ambiguous than the film... The ambiguity of the film is the reason Moore was angry about it. I'm not sure who told you that but I'm not sure what they were talking about.
        Dec 4, 2014
      4. Patman
        Well I might be remembering it backwards, it wasn' t exactly an extensive conversation.
        Dec 5, 2014
    7. Patman
      Idk, this is my childhood, my nostalgia blinders block every attempt at critical thinking. Had it on a cassette and all.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Patman
        Anything eastern looks and sounds super weird to me, I assume the feeling is mutual. ^^
        Nov 24, 2014
      3. LARiA
        God. I promise I sound slightly better when *speaking* French, but singing in the language adds a whole 'nother level of confusion. Put two and two together and it's just ??? I should listen to French songs for ref. do you have any to share?
        Nov 26, 2014
      4. Patman
        I totally get it. Zs proud as I am of my English skills it' s hard for me to understand English songs without looking at written lyrics. And I love "I'm still standing" but God is it hard to sing.

        As for French songs ... how about that one, it' s full of Frenglish puns :

        I like that one too, it has both French and English subs :
        Nov 27, 2014
    8. LARiA
      I just listened to the French theme. Couldn't they have devise something more... pleasant? I'd still sing it though because I *do* love Rose of Versailles, you have my interests pegged. I started learning French this year, but the pronunciation still eludes me (?) I wouldn't mind having someone to practice with btw.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. LARiA
        There is for instance a very big diff. between how Fersen reacts toward Oscar's femininity (recall the ball scene wherein she appears as a lady) and how Andre acts. IIRC, Fersen has difficulty recognising "Lady" Oscar but once he reconciles the two distinct images of her-- as a military strategist, and as a fair woman-- he loves her. That rascal Andre refuses to accept Oscar as she is.
        Nov 24, 2014
      3. LARiA
        cn you tell I really dislike andre. rose of versailles would have been 400% better sans him. I also disliked how Rosalie's role was reduced. :-( my favorite lesbian grisette
        Nov 24, 2014
      4. Patman
        I hear no one talk about it period.

        To be perfectly honest with you, premise aside, I don' t remember the story at all. There was no internet to keep up with the episodes we couldn' t catch on TV, and at such a young age half of the story would have been lost on me anyway. It' s one of the brainy 80' s kids shows I still haven' t given a second chance. What brought it back to my mind is the recent controversy regarding the absence of a female main character in Assassin' s Creed Unity.
        Nov 24, 2014
    9. Shinichi Izumi
      Shinichi Izumi
      Ikalgo is my favorite ant, you watch HxH?
      1. Patman
        I' ve read it. I' m waiting for a substantial amount of chapters to be published before I get back into it, which can take years with HxH (I started reading it back when its first volume got published in France). Ikalgo was my favorite ant too, but frankly I' ve read that part so long ago I only remember the gist of it. I didn' t even remember his name was Ikalgo. ^^''
        Aug 6, 2014
      2. Shinichi Izumi
        Shinichi Izumi
        i know how that can be and yeah, ive considered reading it but i really like the thirlls of not knowing what happens next in the anime, im watching weekly and its a pain
        Aug 6, 2014
    10. LARiA
      Hon hon, let's be real if Patty were a villain he'd be Ra's al Ghul. Not Teth-Adam. Well, his backstory reminded me of you anyhow. Pretty normal guy, discovered a love for science & left his nomadic tribe to become a physician. Fell in love with a woman. All of this before he discovered the Lazarus Pit, of course...
      1. Patman likes this.
      2. Patman
        I had to google Black Adam, never heard of him before. I see what Below did there. ^^

        What little I know about Ra's is the post Lazarus pit stuff shown in the movies. But yeah, although I can' t picture myself ever becoming violent, Ra's seems to share my political views to some extent.

        I' d return the favor and supervilain you, but my knowledge in that area isn' t exactly extensive. Poison Ivy maybe ?
        Mar 2, 2014
      3. LARiA
        Wait, what did he do? I didn't catch the semblance, it's possible I do not know enough about you either. Ra's is also the archetype of a dominant paternal figure, which doesn't sound quite like you at all.

        I always thought he was a superior arch-nemesis to the Joker, perhaps that's so because he hasn't been hypersaturated/overused thru frequent appearance as the latter has.

        As far as bat-rogues go, I would indeed have gone with Poison Ivy or Catwoman. Holly Robison's Catwoman particularly (not Selina).
        Mar 3, 2014
      4. Patman
        "Adam's personality and background focuses on the character's old-fashioned and militant ideals of justice, and his officious and strongly opinionated attitude."

        I' m used to being perceived as smug by people who barely know me. Aren' t all atheists smug anyway ? Besides I' m probably one of the oldest people on KHV, if not the oldest. If KHV is meant for kids then I' m a freaking mummy.

        Wikipedia also says Adam "used the Wisdom of Zehuti to learn English", which cracked me up for some reason.

        But yeah, it' s cool not to have the same vilains (or origin stories) over and over and over and over and *bricked*
        Mar 3, 2014
    11. Fork
      T'es en train de regarder Hunter x Hunter? o:
      1. Patman
        Non. J' en avais marre de mon avatar, il était pas fait pour durer. J' ai vu le tiens, j' ai vu celui de LARiA, et je me suis dit hop cherche pas plus loin.

        J' ai même plus de PC donc il faut que je trouve des images qui me plaisent telles quelles, sans retouche. Ceci dit je devrais m' en racheter un d' ici quelques semaines, si t' as un lien pour HxH je suis preneur. ^^
        Jan 29, 2014
      2. Fork
        Ahah, bah ça dépend. Tu préfère regarder ton anime sous-titrés en anglais ou en français?

        Et il s'est passé quoi avec ton PC? Ça doit être horrible :C Je ne pourrais pas vivre moi sans mon ordi
        Jan 30, 2014
      3. Patman
        Je lis les scans en anglais, y' a moins de fautes d' orthographe. Je connais un site ou je peux les télécharger en HD et les balancer sur ma télé HD via ma PS3, mais le hic c' est que les sous-titres ne sont pas hardcoded et la PS3 ne les reconnait pas.

        Mon PC bah il a cramé, les six derniers mois au démarrage il me prévenait que mon disque dur était en train de claquer. Sept ans pour un portable c' est ma foi pas si mal.
        Jan 31, 2014
    12. Fork
      "Basically what Fork said. People have to grow on me first, in a very direct way (I suspect it would be impossible for me to fall in love on the internet)."

      Ça doit être un truc Français. Aucune autre explication.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Patman
        En ce moment juste celui d' FFDream, mais depuis FFXIII son activité a bien décliné. Dire qu' il y a des gens qui disent que KHV est mort, ah bah pinaise ! Ils ont pas vu la tronche des forums français !

        Si jamais tu décides de le rejoindre quand même tu me reconnaitras vite.
        Dec 9, 2013
      3. Fork
        Hahah. KHV est loin d'être mort. 6 ans que je suis là et c'est plus ou moins toujours les mêmes têtes.

        Laisse moi deviner. C'est soit "Patman", soit un username avec le mot "Pat" dedans? xD
        Dec 9, 2013
      4. Patman
        Bingo, c' est Patman. ^^
        Dec 9, 2013
    13. Amaury
    14. Amaury
      So how come you be invisiburu, yo?
      1. Patman
        Well first I can' t really fathom why anyone would care either way (I know you do, I just don' t have a clue why), and second my PC' s dead. I' ve been browsing via my PS3 for months. For some reason its browser screws up a lot, and it especially doesn' t like KHV. I think it' s because this site loads data non stop (to update how long ago X posted Y, stuff like that). Staying logged on makes it even worse, I only log on when I' m about to post something and I log off right after that (or just reset the PS3, once I' ve posted here its browser is doomed to crash very soon). So ... if I wasn' t invisible you' d barely see me on anyway.
        Aug 1, 2013
      2. Amaury
        Aug 1, 2013
    15. Amaury
      What's with the spaces after your apostrophes? :x
      1. Patman
        Just a bad habbit. I do the same when I write but it' s not as blatant. I eventually found out that it was "incorrect", but it' s hard to suddenly throw out years of ingrained behavior. When I type something official or important I correct myself, which means I re-read everything thrice to make sure I didn' t let one slip, but otherwise I don' t bother.
        Jul 25, 2013
    16. LARiA
      I like your posts. That's it, that's all. I have nothing else of value to say than that I like your posts. Stay rational, I guess.
      1. Patman
        Woohoo, thanks ! I' m trying !
        Incidentally, yours is one of the names that make me click on threads. I' m much less articulate when it comes to showing my feelings though, and I tend to forget the like button even exists. Sometimes I wonder how much of a jackass it makes me look like, so your comment is much appreciated. ^^
        Apr 13, 2013
    17. Patman
    18. TheOnlyChuJelly
      Hey! :). I just started a Kingdom Hearts LP on my channel and I was wondering if you could check it out. I won't force you to, but if you do and like what you see by all means subscribe. Again I won't force you to do anything. Just thought you'd like a channel with some Kingdom Hearts :)
    19. Kubo
      If I wanted to I would have typed a big response to your post, but really can't be arsed and this is easier.
    20. Judge Sunrose
      Judge Sunrose
      I met the requirementsfor that pin both in Resident Evil Apocalypse and Texas Holdem Poker.
      Wow... I tried high-scoring in RE, but not in Texas Holdem. Couldn't handle the former very well, and the latter, uhm, well, let's say I'm not exactly an exceptional Poker player.

      Mine was in Star Wars Saber Whack, not much of a problem. It only took me some good ten tries, tops, to hit every enemy. Not sure about how no one had ever done that before. Maybe it's also based on a random factor, idk.

      Second and third paragraphs
      /too lazy to re-type the quote on an iPad
      Sounds rough, I tell ya. I wouldn't say it's babysitting what they do today, but I really can't tell what your generation was like for a comparison. And another thing, my PS2 broke just recently. The cooler stopped working, so it'll only be powered for, what, ten minutes. Sucks that I can't play FFXII for now...
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