Recent Content by Riku-Sama's Shadow

  1. Riku-Sama's Shadow


    Accents. Oh how I love accents.
    I hope this doesn't sound harsh, but I don't really like southern American accents.
    I love Aussie accents, British, German, Swedish, I could go on and on.
    But those southern accents..I don't hate them, but they are my least favorite.
    Post by: Riku-Sama's Shadow, Aug 20, 2012 in forum: Discussion
  2. Riku-Sama's Shadow

    Bruno Mars

    Bruno Mars is very talented. I admire him as a musician.
    I agree that he is much better than most garbage on the radio nowadays. Too bad I wasn't born back when the music was more than "swag swag swag on you". (Not hating on Bieber, I think he has talent too. Needs better writers though.)

    He is one of the few artists that I don't get annoyed by when one of their songs come on the radio.
    His songs are not only very emotional but also catchy and his singing is beautiful. The Lazy Song is probably one of the only Bruno Mars songs I don't really favor.

    Much much more pleasant than all the Call Me Maybe bubblegum pop trash that plays everywhere.
    Post by: Riku-Sama's Shadow, Aug 20, 2012 in forum: Music
  3. Riku-Sama's Shadow
    Repliku, without a doubt. )': I'm sure there are lots of others who love and miss him too.
    Post by: Riku-Sama's Shadow, Aug 20, 2012 in forum: 2012
  4. Riku-Sama's Shadow
  5. Riku-Sama's Shadow
    o:!! Oh no bro!! well you gotta do what you gotta do:3 you will be greatly missed<3
    Post by: Riku-Sama's Shadow, Aug 12, 2012 in forum: Departure Hall
  6. Riku-Sama's Shadow
  7. Riku-Sama's Shadow
    Profile Post

    ^^ alrighty then! Yay!

    ^^ alrighty then! Yay!
    Profile Post by Riku-Sama's Shadow for Hiro ✩, Aug 12, 2012
  8. Riku-Sama's Shadow
    It's been a while since I posted...or even logged on. It always haopens as summer break comes to an end...*sigh*

    Anyways, enough about me. I spy a Dinny c: *pedobear stare*
    Post by: Riku-Sama's Shadow, Aug 12, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  9. Riku-Sama's Shadow
    Thank you everyone((: I'm going to stay low about it, since I don't have to practice anything (religious) or do any sort of rituals or anything like that, and my family stopped going to church years ago, it should be fairly easy.

    I should be honest if she asks though.
    Post by: Riku-Sama's Shadow, Aug 12, 2012 in forum: Help with Life
  10. Riku-Sama's Shadow
    Profile Post

    o: is everything ok ?

    o: is everything ok ?
    Profile Post by Riku-Sama's Shadow for Hiro ✩, Aug 12, 2012
  11. Riku-Sama's Shadow
  12. Riku-Sama's Shadow
    Profile Post


    Profile Post by Riku-Sama's Shadow for Hiro ✩, Aug 6, 2012
  13. Riku-Sama's Shadow
    Profile Post by Riku-Sama's Shadow for Hiro ✩, Aug 6, 2012
  14. Riku-Sama's Shadow
    I was raised a Christian. My entire family is Christian. The only non-Christians are me and my brother. My mother strongly disapproves of this. I haven't come out about it completely but I've told her about how I question it frequently, and she got really pissed off.

    I've decided that I'm currently agnostic, and I'm trying to keep an open mind about the idea of a deity.

    One of my closest friends that I love so much is an athiest. I'm scared that if I tell her this she will hate me having him over. She will think he has an influence on me, which he doesn't, because I converted long before he admitted to being an athiest.

    My Christian friends (most of my friends are Christian) don't mind, but wish me the best.

    She has been trying to force me to go to church and read the bible and believe in God. But I'd just be pretending if I did.

    I'm scared. She will give me hell for this. She has a pretty narrow mind and says that of any of us were to convert or come out as LGBT then it would be shameful, disgusting, and overall unacceptable.

    How do I tell her I just can't live for something I don't believe in ? She's going to flip out..
    Thread by: Riku-Sama's Shadow, Aug 6, 2012, 4 replies, in forum: Help with Life