Recent Content by ~RoadToDawn~

  1. ~RoadToDawn~
  2. ~RoadToDawn~
    hooray! i didn't know you were still going on kh-vids =3

    but don't worry. it seems like lots of people are reading on Fanfic =D. i have a couple friends at school who really like your stuff too, after i showed it to them ^.^

    though, i don't think it would hurt to keep putting it up on kh-vids. =3
    Post by: ~RoadToDawn~, Aug 24, 2009 in forum: Archives
  3. ~RoadToDawn~
  4. ~RoadToDawn~
    o.O o.O o.O speechless...ecept for....
    rikus HEARTLESS?!?!? i thought kuxir was his nobody! *faints*
    ...yup...thats all i can say....
    *dies of anticipation*
    Post by: ~RoadToDawn~, Jun 24, 2007 in forum: Archives
  5. ~RoadToDawn~
    EEE the unknown was xed wasnt she!?!?!?!?!
    she even had her belts and her neclace! AND her 14 keyblades! *pokes xed*
    was xedarles#1fangirl dance??:D *pokes dance* in which case, is her name alice?
    *shrugs* sorry randomness...
    BMTL was awezome! *sigh* poor guessing thats when she gets turned into xed, right?

    cant wait for more! when is the next ch out and when is the next part of BMTL out???
    Post by: ~RoadToDawn~, Jun 22, 2007 in forum: Archives
  6. ~RoadToDawn~
    i dont remember the last time i cried from phisical pain, and um, i think the last time i cried from emotion was um....a few months ago? im not sure
    I DONT CRY AT MOVIES EITHER!! ...but i dont laugh ...^^; the only movie i ever really broke down on was moulon ruge *cries*

    AND IM STILL HOLDING OUT MY BET!!!!!!! *puts one million munny in safe* and its staying in there! i'll be happy to collect yours though ^^
    Post by: ~RoadToDawn~, Jun 21, 2007 in forum: Archives
  7. ~RoadToDawn~
    that was good! *is happy*
    but...its over...*is dissapointed*
    anyway, i cant wait for your next story

    your going away for four weeks? <:( i'll miss you *waves goodbye dramatically*
    hope you have fun ^^
    Post by: ~RoadToDawn~, Jun 21, 2007 in forum: Archives
  8. ~RoadToDawn~
    YAY dark corners! *runs into dark corner for fun*

    what time zone do you live in? im in the;
    what about you? i could figure out the time from there ^^
    Post by: ~RoadToDawn~, Jun 20, 2007 in forum: Archives
  9. ~RoadToDawn~
    1. i wont say cuz my parents made it up and im the only one in the world with my name and you can totally track it with google (trust me, ive tried it with my name, super easy)
    2. again, easy to track
    3. Xaykhas (zay-cuss....lets see you un-anagram that ^^)
    4. Jaden...i like that name...
    5. greif
    Post by: ~RoadToDawn~, Jun 20, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. ~RoadToDawn~
    my drawings look like crap compared to that *kicks sketch book*
    do you just like, draw it in pencil and then ouline it in marker or what?
    my pics are always just pencil drawings, either shaded or just the outline....

    anyway, back to SOBD. you know when the next ch comin out?
    OOO i bet 1,000,000 munny that my head wont blow off! anyone wanna match that bet??

    luxord: OOO i will
    dawn: of corse you will...
    Post by: ~RoadToDawn~, Jun 20, 2007 in forum: Archives
  11. ~RoadToDawn~
    o darn
    he turned evil....grrr *kicks marly*

    marluxia: OW! ...i liked it better when you gave me hugs...
    dawn: really? AWESOME! most people hate it! *hugs marly*
    marluxia: yay

    lol. whens the next chapter?
    Post by: ~RoadToDawn~, Jun 20, 2007 in forum: Archives
  12. ~RoadToDawn~

    ahhh say stuff! give stuff away! RIUN IT FOR PEOPLE *laughs maniacly*

    axel: i changed my mind, keep me in here and safe from her
    dawn: *gasp* meanie! *kicks door*
    Post by: ~RoadToDawn~, Jun 20, 2007 in forum: Archives
  13. ~RoadToDawn~
    XDDDD HAHA AXEL GOT LOCKED IN THE GIRLS ROOM!!!!!! *high fives nixon and hexon*

    great chapter!!!!....hmmmm....was the video xed's dream???? *shrugs* YAY rikus normal again! EEEE CANT WAIT FOR MORE! *waits inpatiently* it was so wierd! you were'nt online when i was reading the new posts, but when i clicked to the last page, the new chapter was there and it said it had been posted two minutes ago! XDDD AWESOME! *is happy she didnt have to wait* :D
    Post by: ~RoadToDawn~, Jun 20, 2007 in forum: Archives
  14. ~RoadToDawn~

    ive always wondered the same thing.....-_-; heh....*awkward moment*
    Post by: ~RoadToDawn~, Jun 19, 2007 in forum: Archives
  15. ~RoadToDawn~
    EEEE *looks at post above*
    RIKU *hugs riku*:p

    how often will BMTL be updated, the same times as SOBD?
    YAY next ch today or tomarrow! *fangirl scream*:D

    woa...nine pages already....
    Post by: ~RoadToDawn~, Jun 19, 2007 in forum: Archives