Recent Content by RoxaSoraGirl

  1. RoxaSoraGirl
    Profile Post Comment

    How'd they break? o.o

    How'd they break? o.o
    Profile Post Comment by RoxaSoraGirl, Feb 27, 2013
  2. RoxaSoraGirl
  3. RoxaSoraGirl
  4. RoxaSoraGirl
    Profile Post Comment

    Thank you! ^^

    Thank you! ^^
    Profile Post Comment by RoxaSoraGirl, Feb 24, 2013
  5. RoxaSoraGirl
    Hi, everyone! Seems like the last time I was here was at the beginning of my sophomore year (late 2008) and I happened to try my login info by chance today to see if it would work and it did! So now I'm here cringing at my username and the posts I made previously and am mostly glad I'm not 14 anymore, goodness x__x

    So, my name is Nikki, I'm 19, and I have way too many blogs. :3

    -creeps around the site again-
    Thread by: RoxaSoraGirl, Feb 22, 2013, 6 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures
  6. RoxaSoraGirl
    ^throws pudding at the president
    Post by: RoxaSoraGirl, Jan 10, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. RoxaSoraGirl
    Yup yup...made 4 days after a breakup that's killing meh inside ;___; It's so confusing! >___<
    Sooo the key is Sora = me (I would have picked Naminè cuz she's just like moi but Sora's story fits better...and cuz he's hot xD)
    Naminè = my *cringes at the word* ex girlfriend.
    Everyone else = our friends.
    So make sure to read the story so that it makes sense. And if you know the lyrics, that's a plus cuz they tie into the story
    Thread by: RoxaSoraGirl, Nov 9, 2008, 1 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  8. RoxaSoraGirl
    too many details to go into.
    let's just say this.
    would have been ten months today, but she broke up with me yesterday.
    said she lost her feelings for me. still loves me, but as a friend.
    my ex-best friend pretty much has been trying to take her away from me to get back at me for something.
    i'm 14, if you didn't know.
    it hurts. a lot. a lot a lot a lot a lot....she was my first relationship, girlfriend, kiss, REAL kiss, and we went a little further, too, pretty much almost as far as two girls can go >___> uhm. don't know what else to say.
    just...i need something to make me happy. something that doesn't involve "you'll find someone better". cuz that just hurts more.
    Thread by: RoxaSoraGirl, Oct 21, 2008, 1 replies, in forum: Help with Life
  9. RoxaSoraGirl
    Gah! The Higurashi thing scared me, too DX That, and Shion stabbing Satoko, that part makes me jump. EVERY. TIME.

    As for scary games, I wanna get my hands on Fatal Frame for my birthday, but for now, the part I remember scaring me was one in Luigi's Mansion when I first got it in like...6th or 7th grade...or 8th. I was playing to the part where you're going into the other side of the attic from the roof, and when the lights went out and you had to find your way to the basement while the mansion is in complete darkness. The first time I played that part, I was shaking so bad that I had to turn the game off.
    Unfortunately, I turned it off as soon as the lights went off because I was freaking out, so I didn't save it. So I had to face it when I turned it back on the next day xD
    Now I can play through the game within 1-2 hours, and that part is pretty easy now, but MAN was I freaked! xD
    Post by: RoxaSoraGirl, Oct 15, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  10. RoxaSoraGirl
    Well...I kinda started messing around when I was 14 (which... I still am till next month lol) but we've never actually gone all the way. BUT. Thing is, we're both girls ^^;;
    I know there's no risk of getting pregnant now, but does that even make up enough of an excuse or anything? Otherwise, my ex-bff had sex with her bf when she was 13...that sounds a little too young to me...
    Post by: RoxaSoraGirl, Oct 4, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  11. RoxaSoraGirl
    Post by: RoxaSoraGirl, Sep 3, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. RoxaSoraGirl
    I have that one on my phone :]
    You'd like her other songs, then :D
    Post by: RoxaSoraGirl, Sep 1, 2008 in forum: Music