Recent Content by Sadden Blood Warrior

  1. Sadden Blood Warrior
    Yeah like I didn't nesseszarly find any issues with the game other than the few disappointments. Do I think it could've been better given the amount of years they were working on it? Yeah but I felt like it was a solid game still
    Post by: Sadden Blood Warrior, Aug 29, 2023 in forum: Kingdom Hearts III
  2. Sadden Blood Warrior
    Specifically, why is there so much like I guess not hate but disappointment for the game.

    I personally loved the game, so much so I started another playthrough right after and I legit cried when I started to play. The only things that really disappointed me were the following:

    Not really much final fantasy characters and themes which BBS did the same thing, and given the worlds and such in the game I understand why they did, just weird to me

    No more dual weilding, which again is explained and I understand just Miss it.

    Everyone says the game was too short, but it was a typical length of a KH game, granted more filler than anything (frozen anyone), but it was still pretty decent sized game.

    I felt that the ending boss was easier than most. I didn't even die once where I usually atleast die a couple of times.

    Iunno just curious on why people feel it's a disappointment.
    Thread by: Sadden Blood Warrior, Aug 20, 2023, 2 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts III
  3. Sadden Blood Warrior
    I have a similar story to yours Sept I was caught not really cheating but almost cheating while this song was actually playing. I can still listen to the song but it's definitely not the same anymore.

    I was working at gamestop when the game came out and I was working the 9pm release of it, I had this blaring on my phone on repeat. Great song at the time gor the hype, not so great cause of the memories behind it now lol
    Post by: Sadden Blood Warrior, Aug 20, 2023 in forum: Kingdom Hearts III
  4. Sadden Blood Warrior


    This just actually took me out.
    Post by: Sadden Blood Warrior, Aug 20, 2023 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Sadden Blood Warrior

    You know, I looked through to see if I could recognize anything from you, and I saw that one your old usernames was ROFL_chief. Which got me thinking, how do I know that name. To this day in my signature I have a convo between you and another user named crimson quoted from I believe and old forum family we were both apart of.
    Post by: Sadden Blood Warrior, Aug 19, 2023 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  6. Sadden Blood Warrior


    So tired of coming back with the slight hope that this site is popping again just for it to be dead af still. And did I can't find the discord invite. How are the 3 of you that visit?
    Thread by: Sadden Blood Warrior, Aug 19, 2023, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Sadden Blood Warrior
    what does this even run on now

    it was the whole experience what do you mean lol
    Post by: Sadden Blood Warrior, Jan 22, 2022 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Sadden Blood Warrior
    I was 12 when I joined in 2007 and I’m 27 now
    Post by: Sadden Blood Warrior, Dec 31, 2021 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Sadden Blood Warrior
    Lmfao I would love to see that happen. I’m was quite frankly active during my time originally on here. Unfortunately most my friends are gone tho so what’s the point lol
    Post by: Sadden Blood Warrior, Dec 30, 2021 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Sadden Blood Warrior
    I can’t remember correctly but this was after they switched database servers I think after death sold the site. I can’t remember exactly but def remember it being around 2007/2008. When the site was still popping
    Post by: Sadden Blood Warrior, Dec 30, 2021 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Sadden Blood Warrior
    Why hello there mutha trucka
    Thread by: Sadden Blood Warrior, Dec 30, 2021, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Sadden Blood Warrior
    How I feel everytime I come on lol
    Post by: Sadden Blood Warrior, Jun 10, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone