mine would probaly be john cooper from skillet, i listen to skillet less often now but one song i can never forget is "my obssesion" by them, cause yeah i'm totally axel obssesed :D
lol you sound just like roxas! its a wonder how they could ingnore you. I still cant wait for them to release kh 3d because eveybody will have all summer to play it :3
wtf? cant they just do what they were gonna do and make gray version? that is really messed up, pokemon should stay thier oringinal forms not mashed up like this.
kh 3d will hopefully not be the last game . Mabye they will keep the series going - i just got into it last year and i've played all the games. I have become addicted to the series so i hope they will keep going even after kh 3d comes out.