Recent Content by sora keyblade master

  1. sora keyblade master
  2. sora keyblade master
  3. sora keyblade master
  4. sora keyblade master
  5. sora keyblade master

    Video Khoc

    kh on crack: the lost episode
    Post by: sora keyblade master, Oct 30, 2006 in forum: Production Studio
  6. sora keyblade master
  7. sora keyblade master
  8. sora keyblade master


    hi im sora keyblade master like my profile says i love swords or enything related but mostly the keyblade :rolleyes: *sigh* and yes i was told about this place by kylexd oh and if you know how to put picks on to your signature do explain please im sure i'll grow to enjoy this place *sigh* (this is a dream come true) well i'll be glade to post i now some things that kylexd dosent hehehe i was the one who showed him the kh the soap vids and the ebay sight i'll start posting errr or uh what is dubble posting is it when you post twise or attatch 2 or mor sits to one post im a little confused
    Thread by: sora keyblade master, Oct 15, 2006, 3 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures