Recent Content by Soramanfish123

  1. Soramanfish123
    Hey i was wondering i watched this video here
    and i was wondering 3 things
    1:does anyone know what that mission is?
    2:if so does anyone know the boss modifier code for it?
    3:and if you do know that does anyone know the digits for it?
    Post by: Soramanfish123, May 11, 2011 in forum: Code Vault
  2. Soramanfish123

    hay does anyone know the code for DW Roxas
    Post by: Soramanfish123, Nov 16, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  3. Soramanfish123

    ok first i put the town song to the hollow bastion theme and after that i loaded up a save file at castle disney then i went to the world map then went to hollow bastion and then it freezes and then i reset the ps2 and loaded up a save file at hollow bastion with the theme on but it does not work also i still dont get what i am doing wrong
    Post by: Soramanfish123, Nov 14, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  4. Soramanfish123

    what line is there a way i can make it not freeze?
    Post by: Soramanfish123, Nov 14, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  5. Soramanfish123
    thats not what i am trying to do however what i am trying to do is get to the cavern to fight people like xigbar and axel with the new boss music but when ever to go to hollow bastion to get there it freezes not even the music plays i tryed to see if getting rid of my party members with the full party code L2 off R2 on code works but it does not work and the room mod also when i use it with the music mod at the throne mod cuz i made it so i can fight roxas with the new boss music IT DOES NOT WORK ALSO so the real question is

    WHAT AM I DOING WRONG?????????
    Post by: Soramanfish123, Nov 14, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  6. Soramanfish123

    ok this is how the BGM code works for me it works when ever im in the Disney Worlds and the gimmi ship but when ever to go to hollow bastion the game freezes im trying to fight the boss's with different music but it wont let me is there a room mod code so i can just go there without it freezeing
    Post by: Soramanfish123, Nov 14, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  7. Soramanfish123

    i used the full party code and went to go fight roxas or axel and pressed L2 but i didn't do anything like is there a different m code?
    Post by: Soramanfish123, Nov 13, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  8. Soramanfish123

    well does anyone know the codes for bgm that work cuz i want to listen to the 13th reflection when i fight Xigbar

    also does anyone know the full party code?
    Post by: Soramanfish123, Nov 12, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  9. Soramanfish123

    i am trying to user the music mod but it wont work everytime i load up my save file it freezes can anyone help me?
    Post by: Soramanfish123, Nov 11, 2009 in forum: Code Vault