Recent Content by Sora's Apprentice

  1. Sora's Apprentice
  2. Sora's Apprentice
  3. Sora's Apprentice
  4. Sora's Apprentice
  5. Sora's Apprentice
    Profile Post Comment

    you wanna go boi?

    you wanna go boi?
    Profile Post Comment by Sora's Apprentice, Jul 29, 2018
  6. Sora's Apprentice
  7. Sora's Apprentice
  8. Sora's Apprentice
    Profile Post


    Profile Post by Sora's Apprentice for Beucefilous, Feb 1, 2017
  9. Sora's Apprentice
  10. Sora's Apprentice
  11. Sora's Apprentice
    Profile Post Comment

    Meh xD

    Meh xD
    Profile Post Comment by Sora's Apprentice, Aug 8, 2013
  12. Sora's Apprentice
  13. Sora's Apprentice
  14. Sora's Apprentice
    Iaso saw an object coming closer to him but he couldn't make it out. Then at a split second before it hitting him he noticed it was another bottle and dropped to a laying down position on his glider, then he stood back up. "What is it with him and throwing bottles!?", Iaso asked himself as he got closer and closer to Buece. Iaso grabbed a ether potion bottle from his pocket and proceeded to pour it out. "Who needs magic...", Iaso stated as he then had an empty glass bottle in his hand and in responce chucked it at Buece's head.
    Post by: Sora's Apprentice, May 7, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  15. Sora's Apprentice
    Iaso saw the man shatter the wall and began to think. He desperatly raged for the man he wanted to kill had somehow screwed things for these people. He saw that the man wanted to go after Buece but couldn't for some reason. With that he made his decision. "Screw it, I'm going after him.", Iaso stated to noone inparticular. He went outside and summoned the glider from his keyblade. "I most likely wont be able to get out of this. But if i kill that guy, it'll all be worth it. Don't wait up.", Iaso said to the man he had saved. He then began to boost his glider and persue Buece no matter how far he was from him.
    Post by: Sora's Apprentice, May 6, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame