Recent Content by Sparda

  1. Sparda
    As the building fell Norukuxion jumped to another building, though the immense gust of Doxyc moving made him turn his head. "So you've gotten faster, nice." The orbw a snow bigger and electrcifying. He jumps and throws it on the top of the bulding. It explodes and lghtneing shoots around the area, shocking anyone within its reach. Norukuxu was running low on energy, so he could not use as much magick anymore.

    ooc: i'm gonna change files, don't wanna use sparda anymore, sorry for all these changes.
    Post by: Sparda, May 17, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Sparda
    Norukuxu ran up and finished charging energy. He fired a dark thundaga straight towards Doxyc, not giving him time to recover. he then flew up and lande don the building above him, "c'mon buddd, if you keep fooling around and not get serious, you might die before I get impressed, and I don't think we want that to happen now do we." Norukuxu put both keyblade sin the air, tips touching each other, a small orb forming.

    P.S: Notice I'm charging before each magic attack, so i'm not power-playing, I just like using magick.
    Post by: Sparda, May 17, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Sparda
    Norukuxu smirked, "WANT ME TO KISS YOUR WHITLE BURNS FOR YOU?!!!" Norukuxu jumps, both keybladesglowing. As he come she spins the first one diagonally down, the second shooting up diagonally aimed for the shoulder. He then spun them both around and came down for slashes in the form of an x.
    Post by: Sparda, May 17, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Sparda
    ooc: xDD, I love how you guys are having a nice chat, while me and Doxyc are ina feirce battle trying to kill each other.
    Post by: Sparda, May 17, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Sparda
    Gets shot back though immedietly fires a light firaga from his light keyblade. He couldn't dodge since he was in the air, and the smoke form the explosion would block his sight. The fireaga would probably burn through his cloak in some places and cause 2nd degree burns. Norukuxu landed smirking, his blue aura intensifying "C'MON! I'D LOVE TO KEEP PLAYING A LIGHT SHOW WITH YOU! BUT I'D RATHER SETTLE THIS WITH MY KEYBLADE." He held out his right hand and flipped it over, fingers raising, taunting him to come. "SHOW ME WHAT YA GOT DOXI!!"
    Post by: Sparda, May 17, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Sparda
    ooc: Xarend, this is a personal fight, can you sorta stay out of it?
    Post by: Sparda, May 17, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Sparda
    Norukuxu's keyblades bgan to glow blue like the rest of the body, and he dragged them on the ground as he ran, "GRRRRRRRRRAAAA DOOOOOXXXXXXYYYYYYYCCCCCCCC!!!!!He then jumped at a fast speeds, blue light trailing behind him. As he came closer, he slashed upwards with the dark keyblade, the light keyblade back, charging energy into its tip. The slash was going diagonally up his shoulder, and afterwards he would bring it down diagonally again then horiztonally half way, going for a fast serie sof combination attacks.
    Post by: Sparda, May 17, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Sparda
    Ooc :whooooo Over 1,000 Replie Sin This Post!! Good Job Guys!!! (and Amaya) Whooooooooooooo
    Post by: Sparda, May 17, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Sparda
    Norukuxu stood smiling "I was wondering when you'd come." Norukuxu leaped back, firing a blast of thundaga at the ground below Doxyc who was now inches from the ground. The lightening was aimed for the ground, so even if it missed, the force would send him back since he was so close. Norukuxu corsses both keyblades in front of him in the shaoe of an x, his hood falling down. His body got a glowing blue outline and his blue eyes shone a bit. "I didn't want it to come to this, but spitting our friendship in my" Norukuxu smirked then scowled bitterally, "PISSES ME OFF!!!" He then leaps forward, keyblades in ready positon, reeady to get into an all out battle with his former captain, and friend.
    Post by: Sparda, May 17, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Sparda
    Norukuxu turned around and continued walking,a far off portal coming into sight. Doxyc.....hmph, so be it. He then took out both keyblades, duscks cforming and jumping at him. He swings one keyblade, the other one charging magick. He hit some into others, or just simply destroyed them on impact. As some surround him he stabs the charging one into the ground, and a wall of feirce wind shoots up, ending them all flying away and destroying them.

    ooc: oh okay good! about time, hes been wanting this for ever.
    Post by: Sparda, May 17, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Sparda

    ooc: oh okay....ND YOUR NOT SURPRISED!?! I WAS EXPECTING A *gasp* homg its Rokuxion!* not a *ROKUXION STINKS! I'M GONNA GO TELL THE KNIGHTS ABOUT THE BALD DUDE!!!* xD j/k j/k j/k
    Post by: Sparda, May 17, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Sparda
    ooc: Jaxed, you donno who Norukuxu is and even if he was there or not.
    Post by: Sparda, May 17, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Sparda
    ooc: Norukuxu saved you, then took you to hall of cornerstone to clense anyd arkness that may have gotten in you, then left you in a bedroom to rest.

    ps: And i'll try to stop swearing myself, its just my character's attitude, but i'll control myself.
    Post by: Sparda, May 17, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Sparda
    ooc: xDDDD well, I fought the old man, did okay at first, then got my *** kicked and almost died. Doxyc and Roku had a little chat. Xarend is at TWTNW with Roka. And xDDD hexin will be so mad h s not here.

    Norukuxu stops and turns around, looking back, thinking, So Doxyc, I know you came to Twilight Town to fight me. now, did my words sink into your damned heart? or were you scared? we'll fight eventually, and only one of us will walk out alive.
    Post by: Sparda, May 17, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Sparda
    Norukuxu traveled the world inbetween, twilight siwlring around him, repairing his cloak, healing his wounds, and restorring his energy. He had no idea what Doxyc was thinking, but as Doxyc was thinking, Norukuxu seemed to be responding. Norukuxu walked and thought, Doxyc, going to darkness won't heal you, light will, like it healed Roka. But now its too late, I can't let you have kingdom hearts, I'll have to kill you. Norukuxu walked, not knowing what Doxyc was thinking, but talking like that in his mind as if he were.
    Post by: Sparda, May 17, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home