Sep 16, 2008
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That's me inside your head.

    1. ReverofEnola
      Not to gloat or anything but if you check the forums list under Kingdom Hearts, you will see a similarity.
      1. Styx
        I noticed. You seem to have been busy.
        Feb 1, 2014
      2. ReverofEnola
        Took my whole soul, blood, sweat, tears and a lot of procrastination on real life stuff.
        Feb 1, 2014
    2. Amaury
      Why not show your gender and age? Or are you shy? =P
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Amaury
        Because important. /sarcasm xD

        Well, I know you're a male,so now I just need to guess an age... 25?
        Sep 18, 2013
      3. Styx
        Close enough: it's 23.
        Sep 18, 2013
      4. Amaury

        So what's up?
        Sep 18, 2013
    3. nasirrich
      Ahhh finally got the time to do this. I sneak in from time to time in the Poetry thread and wow is all I have to say. Your works are something else and your choice of words and the intense high end vocabulary is something that catches a lot of people's attention from all the comments you keep getting about it. I'll be keeping an eye out for more of your works.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. nasirrich
        The thing is I'm not as well known as you are. That's why I see a problem with you not being talked about when it comes to poetry. Branching out shouldn't be a problem for you which is why I find it very odd you aren't really know for your works like you should be even if you upload one lets say every 2-3 weeks(Not saying that's true but just and example.)

        The samples of your others works you've blessed this site with still should get more people's attention. You're breaking grounds with your abilities and I feel like I have sinned hard for not realizing your works earlier please forgive me.
        Aug 26, 2013
      3. Styx
        Hey, no problem, I'm just glad you discovered me now (and vice-versa)! I saw that you've been nominated for Best Poet too. You're definitely a strong bet for gold. Good luck.
        Aug 26, 2013
      4. nasirrich
        No I'd rather you, Maka, Oda, Night, or Hyuge win it not me. You're all more talented than I am.
        Aug 26, 2013
    4. Amaury
      So what kind of staff member were you? Like were you strict or lenient? Stuff like that.
      1. Styx
        That's hard for me to say. I don't know whether the members back then thought of me as strict or lenient. I tried to use my common sense. When a well-meaning member slipped up, I snapped at him in a tongue-in-cheek, "Curse you for making me work" manner. When dealing with an obvious troll (and yes, we had them), I knew that wouldn't work so I spent less time preaching and more time warning.

        That being said though, I was more of a janitor than a hall monitor. I spent more time cleaning up Discussion and making sure it stayed cleaned up than intervening in conflicts. It was dull work, but someone had to do it, more specifically me.
        Aug 18, 2013
      2. Amaury
        I see.
        Aug 18, 2013
    5. LARiA
      It would seem Ashwin has thwarted your inquires once more. Try again next round, chum.

      (I don't blame you. You'd have to be critically precise in order to receive the slightest straight answer from him. Witzelsucht. He is the forum's beloved, though.)
      1. Styx
        I thought his answers were pretty telling this time actually.
        Aug 17, 2013
      2. LARiA
        For all but his answer to #2, which I thought was a bit of a cop-out. If taken at face value, you'd suppose he knew at least a little about every flavor of artistic pursuit and academic profession, and the only thing he lacks in knowledge pertains to banal pieces of interpersonal exchanges, like what you've had for breakfast. No one would know that unless they either inquired about it directly, or were present as you ate it.

        Which, maybe is correct. He amazes me.
        Aug 17, 2013
    6. Amaury
      So I heard you were a former staff member a while ago?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Amaury
        Have you ever considered applying again?
        Aug 2, 2013
      3. Styx
        Nah. The reason I quit in the first place was because I lost my motivation for it and things got busy for me in real life. I believe it wouldn't be any different if I re-applied now.
        Are they looking for new staff members then? Why don't you give it a shot?
        Aug 3, 2013
      4. Amaury
        Not currently, no.

        I've applied a few times, but was rejected each time. The first time was because of some issues I had. The second I improved on a lot of those, but still had a few. Then the third time, which was back in April, that I just recently asked about was because they weren't looking for staff.
        Aug 3, 2013
    7. Amaury
      Hey, how's it going? c:
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Amaury
        I'm doing well myself. Currently studying for my GED.

        I've passed three of the five tests so far.

        [*]Reading: 480
        [*]Writing: 700
        [*]Social Studies: 530

        Current average is 570.

        Just science and mathematics left.
        May 24, 2013
      3. Styx
        Good luck with them! I bet you'll do well.
        May 25, 2013
      4. Amaury
        Thank you.

        /late response is late (although I did see it)
        May 26, 2013
    8. Absol
      got MSN?
    9. Patman
      "Being lazy: achieved. "
      Yay ! What did I win ? ^^
      I only had two minutes to type something before I joined the yearly familial food-frenzy.
      Besides, I already responded to theultimasephiroth, so did PaW, he obviously couldn' t care less. I don' t feel like playing "am not/are too". Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results.
      1. Styx
        Good point. You're off the hook then. XD
        Dec 27, 2012
    10. LARiA
      No matter how sincerely they believe it to be [wrong] now, those beliefs had to have started somewhere.

      Well, I do not know what I am talking about. Just theorising. Take with a grain of salt and all that.

      (420 character limit, terrible...)
    11. LARiA
      So long as procreation remains society's focal point, incestual relationships-- and to a smaller degree, homosexual relationships-- are unlikely to ever be publicly endorsed. Over the years, humans have come to shun what is not beneficial to their survival. I think the whole "IT'S WRONG" thing is a guise, and a pretty crafty one at that.
      1. Styx
        Even while majoring in evolutionary biology and often being told exactly that, I doubt it'd be quite that simple. Polygamy with minimal parental care is generally beneficial for a male's survival, and knocking girls up and not paying alimony isn't exactly accepted if I recall correctly.
        Dec 4, 2012
      2. LARiA
        Could you expand on that? How polygamy with minimal parental care is beneficial.
        Dec 4, 2012
      3. Styx
        Nah, I reconsidered it this morning and I haven't taken some things into account. In a whole lot of species, males benefit from mating with as many females as possible because their gametes, the sperm cells, aren't costly to produce. Females, on the other hand, produce costly ova so they benefit from rearing fewer but higher-quality offspring.

        Of course, in a competitive population of polygamous males, one or a few monogamous males that rear higher-quality offspring would have an advantage. At least, this is true for some species. That's why there are monogamous animals and polygamous animals.
        And that, LARiA, is how an evolutionary stable strategy (ESS for short) is formed.
        Dec 5, 2012
    12. Amaury
      Just out of curiosity, what exactly do you mean by this?

      "If your "urges" mean you're scratching your own balls, don't worry. All guys do that to some extent."

      I scratch them sometimes at home if I get an itch there.

      Is that what you mean?
      1. Styx
        Of course. It's one of those things that everyone does but hates to admit. Liking playing air guitar or air turntables in your room, or farting in bed.
        Aug 18, 2012
    13. Noroz
      You. I like your style.
      1. Styx
        Thanks. Your reply was pretty darn good too. I don't like to gang up on people but I really couldn't let it slide...
        Aug 18, 2012
      2. Noroz
        Cheers. I don't particularly like it, and it's not really ganging up, as much as pointing out flaws. Pointing out obvious flaws isn't really ganging up on someone, though.
        Aug 18, 2012
    14. Judge Sunrose
      Judge Sunrose
      So you weren't talking about the Awards? In any case, I don't feel put down. It's more the case of conformism, in which I know my place around here and am fine with it. Newbs are newbs until they get noticed, the same way that my poetic (in)experience--exceptional or not, that is a subjective classification--will develop with time. Lastly, my self-mediocritization can actually be healthy, so much as to constantly make me demand more of myself, always try to improve, never overstate my own skills or sound presumptuous (plus, I get to compliment people more effectively).
    15. Judge Sunrose
      Judge Sunrose
      You don't know how amazing that is to me. Your thread was the initial inspiration for mine; I feel sort of intimidated by your work, that's why I've not replied to it yet. Suffice to say, I am honored that you enjoyed my pieces, and I can't think of a reason why you wouldn't stand a chance. From what I recall, no member seems to have even nominated me, much less prefer my poems over yours. It's on an entirely different level, the way I see it.
    16. Sumi
      it's nothing! I've watched your writing for a while and am always really impressed and love your work to death but never really say so, so. ; w ;" thanks for doing what you do!
    17. Makaze
      Thanks. Hopefully something fun will happen...
    18. Makaze
      I lost interest but I don't want to give the impression that your arguments would have somehow cornered me. So this isn't written on a very inspired or motivated whim, but here goes...
      The sentiments are returned... I would have responded out of the same impulse. Thanks for allowing an honorable way out. I wasn't interested in bothering after a few weeks either.
    19. Llave
      Baccano! was aired back in 2007-2008 so you're good. only had 13 episodes with 3 OVAs. I suggest watching the 3 OVAs after the 13 episodes. Also, it will make a connection with Durarara!! in Durarara!!, so pay attention if you do.

      Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica is a magical girl anime. I wasn't so certain of it, but I decided to at least watch it. But that is understandable if you do not desire to.

      I am a rather casual viewer as well, I may not know what you suggest, so I think it may just work out haha!
      Never heard of that anime, I will take a gander.
    20. Llave
      You are most definitely welcome. I'll be sure to let you know if I stumble on any short yet good animes. That is of course if you do not mind.

      I am currently completing Baccano! and Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica. Both are really good thus far.
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    Access, my first only completed short story.​
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