Te Deum
Last Activity:
Feb 23, 2023
Jan 25, 2011
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April 13
Home Page:

Te Deum

Hollow Bastion Committee, Male

how does this **** work again Mar 21, 2017

Te Deum was last seen:
Feb 23, 2023
    1. HellKitten
      The sky I believe. I can't remember if we've talked before.... How are you?
    2. program
      :/ Danm time zones
    3. program
      But it must freezing where your at! I know it is here where I Am.
      .....Wait.....And you took your laptop up with you? Knowing the dangers that could happen to it's precious self?
    4. Alex856

      How are you?
    5. program
      ....Where the hell are YOU?
      Thats better than this ceiling.....
    6. program
      Whats in the upward direction?.....Well when I move my head in such direction.....I see the ceiling....And thats not very impressive.
      What do you see when you look in the upward direction?
    7. Machazo

      PM me your MSN, mine is glitched, friend requests don't pop up >.>
    8. Ienzo
      Done and done. :3
    9. Ienzo
      Lol, it's fine. I was actually just gonig to do that, I only just found out where you get them from, everyone was getting them and I had no idea where they originating.
    10. Mixt
      Well KH1 was kinda straight forward. Ultima beat all. But assuming you want a more realistic answer since Ultima is bloody hard to get in that game.

      I tended to go all or nothing with my keyblades. If I was going melee then I loved Metal Chocobo or Oblivion (depending on my lazyness with reach). If I was going magic, then Lady Luck was in.

      Honorable mention though to Wishing Star because every finisher became a critical. xD
    11. Mixt
      That one was a longer rep comment than usual. lol

      I'm a bit of an extreme case where I never much understood the long combo strategy. It was semi-viable in KH1, but everywhere else it doesn't make much sense. so I never had to "figure out" why negative combo was good, I just jumped on it when I found it.

      In the time that you are making the extra hits a finisher could do respectable and more stable damage. Especially when you are talking Fenrir to deal high damage or even instant death at high levels. And it becomes a must for bosses who won't respond to a normal hit and thus often won't let you reach the end of a long combo, but they can't do much to defend against the two hit finisher combo (assuming natural Negative Combo and Finisher Plus is equiped)
    12. Alex856
      I'd have a fetish for orange, and purple. and neku. :lolface:
    13. Britishism
    14. Britishism
    15. Britishism
    16. Machazo
      Daxa and Anti Sora... but why do you want to know this?
    17. Machazo

      Exactly the same.

      Must be fate. (Inb4Matrix)
    18. Machazo
      State your rep.
    19. Maxgen
      Okay dokaaayy
    20. Ienzo
      Meh not much really, I have had a stressful week so now I am playing with google translate by making the talking woman say stupid things in many different language :3. How are you?
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  • About

    April 13
    Home Page:
    Past Usernames:
    Te Deum, Tedeum, Teddy, Tequila
    Toilet paper when used with a toilet roll holder with a horizontal axle parallel to the wall has two possible orientations: the toilet paper may hang over (in front of) or under (behind) the roll. The choice is largely a matter of personal preference, dictated by habit. In surveys of American consumers and of bath and kitchen specialists, 60–70% of respondents prefer over.

    While many people consider this topic unimportant, some hold strong opinions on the matter. Advice columnist Ann Landers said that the subject was the most controversial issue in her column's history. Defenders of either position cite advantages ranging from aesthetics, hospitality, and cleanliness to paper conservation, the ease of detaching individual squares, and compatibility with a recreational vehicle or a cat. Celebrities are found on both sides. Some writers have proposed connections to age, sex, or political philosophy; and survey evidence has shown a correlation with socioeconomic status.

    Solutions range from compromise, to using separate dispensers or separate bathrooms entirely, or simply ignoring the issue altogether. One man advocates a plan under which his country will standardize on a single forced orientation, and at least one inventor hopes to popularize a new kind of toilet roll holder which swivels from one orientation to the other.



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