Recent Content by the road to dawn

  1. the road to dawn
    yeah i found a lot of europe and jpn saves for it in google and found one american save.
    sadly it was corrupt so i couldnt use it, but i recently purchased the first dissida(yeah i bought the second one first)and used a save of maxed out characters
    on dissida 012. Of course i had to make a new file, but its worth having a Zidane who destroys everything in one hit.
    Post by: the road to dawn, Apr 21, 2011 in forum: Game Help
  2. the road to dawn
    Profile Post

    ummmmm.. hello

    ummmmm.. hello
    Status Update by the road to dawn, Apr 17, 2011
  3. the road to dawn
    Well, i was thinking of buying kh2fm+ for my american ps2.
    if i did get it, what programs could i use to play it?
    mainly what i'm asking is will it work with action replay max.
    i was wondering if i could use dvd region x to play it, or would i have to buy swap magic.
    please, if u know, tell me
    Thread by: the road to dawn, Apr 15, 2011, 2 replies, in forum: Technology
  4. the road to dawn
    does anyone have the view battle code working?
    it was a dud for me.
    im hoping somebody has one that will work, if so i would be grateful for the code
    Post by: the road to dawn, Apr 14, 2011 in forum: Code Vault
  5. the road to dawn
    does someone have a 98 map cards code?
    i saw one on this thread, but the game froze when entering a new room or looking at my map cards
    Post by: the road to dawn, Apr 13, 2011 in forum: Code Vault
  6. the road to dawn
    all i know is that the roxas/dw roxas ucm digits probably freeze up or don't work.
    all the working ucm digits should be listed.
    all the others are non-working
    Post by: the road to dawn, Apr 13, 2011 in forum: Code Vault
  7. the road to dawn
    The view battle is pretty cool,
    u replace the 4 ???? with ucm digits.
    say the first one u did was axel, the second one cloud,
    then when u go into a save it will have sora gone.
    Basically he is floating around as a camera man
    on the ground(where ur at) u will see the characters u chose(in this case axel and cloud) fighting each other.
    like in this video
    but, when i tried it, it had the two characters invisible, i was really mad.
    hopefully it works for u
    Post by: the road to dawn, Apr 10, 2011 in forum: Code Vault
  8. the road to dawn
    oh shoot they dont have one for north america
    only jpn and europe
    thanks anyway
    Post by: the road to dawn, Apr 10, 2011 in forum: Game Help
  9. the road to dawn
    Im not sure im posting this in the right section or not but anyway,
    i was looking for a usa save for ff dissida 012.
    one that has everything unlocked
    i really doesn't matter if u have all characters maxed out all 100
    just as long as its every character its cool
    please if someone has a save they can share with me i'd be very grateful
    Thread by: the road to dawn, Apr 9, 2011, 6 replies, in forum: Game Help