Recent Content by Thehacker

  1. Thehacker
  2. Thehacker
    Floe then went in her backpack and found a choclate bar in it How long have I had this in my bag?

    Tamera then found her way into the town and stretched nice time as well! Now I'll need to find a place to stay Tamera thought
    Post by: Thehacker, Mar 31, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Thehacker
    Misty got up backing away alertly her hands in fist, she quickly jumped into a shadowy corner waiting for a moment of surprise.
    Post by: Thehacker, Mar 21, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Thehacker
    Misty back flipped out of the way Who the he- she said getting cut off at a wall. Her head then got banged as she fell down Not again
    Post by: Thehacker, Mar 20, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Thehacker
    Misty got up dusting herself off and stretched cracking some body bones I'm fine probably just alittle scratch on my back, but it will heal in no time she said as she looked at him.
    Post by: Thehacker, Mar 20, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Thehacker
    00c-OH crap :D

    Misty got up rubbing the back of her head now sitting up Yes... she said sighing looking at the person. It was the same person who was fighting the other one earlier.
    Post by: Thehacker, Mar 20, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Thehacker
    Misty got up scoffing crossing her arms thinking, and then all of a sudden the building she was on top of collapsed. She fell down 2 stories and landed on her back, OW! She yelled madly folding her hands into fist full of dirt and rubble. She got up rubbing her head.
    Post by: Thehacker, Mar 20, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Thehacker
    Misty the jumped on top of a rooftop, the building was pretty tall. She looked at the battle walking like a dog on all four legs. A battle She whispered to herself then she smiled evilly I love a good battle She then to herself watching the fight between Michael and Lucifer.
    Post by: Thehacker, Mar 18, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Thehacker
    Misty then followed the powerfull aura, but then it became 2 auras. She ran to it jumping buildings with speed, What is this enerdy I feel? she thought madlyThen she came to a screeched stop she sniffed the air, and then hid behind a building. There she saw some people two were fighting, one seemed to be a dmeon and the other an angel.
    Post by: Thehacker, Mar 18, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Thehacker
    Misty stopped on a roof top and gulped down the meats quickly, she then got up and ran again. She kept feeling this power aura but could not remember it, but she knew for a fact she either knew the person or heard about the person.
    Post by: Thehacker, Mar 17, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Thehacker
    That when characters talk sometime the animation sucks, there mouths go up, down, up, down.
    Post by: Thehacker, Mar 17, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  12. Thehacker
    Floe then enterd a town and looked around, she smiled and sighed.Finally she said as she walked off in search of a aplce to eat, it had been a day since she last eaten. She was starving and was walking off tiredly to a palce to eat.

    Tamera was still on her path toward the town, she was admiring the nature. It's so beutiful she sighed smiling happily, she would be locked up in her house for days at her fathers. She was happy to be out now.
    Post by: Thehacker, Mar 17, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Thehacker
    Misty then punched her arm into the rooftop, and she made a big hole. She jumped in and stole two big meat that looked like it was form a cow, she then jumped up grabbing the ledge of the hole she made on the rooftop. And she pulled herself up with her strengh and ran off jumping on the roof tops, as she jumped she heard the alarm of the store go off. She then around to see if anyone was following her or going to the store to cehck what triggerd the alarm.
    Post by: Thehacker, Mar 17, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Thehacker
    Misty ran on the ground staying in the shadows of the place, she was able to jump off the side of buildings quietly. She looked around her eyes showing a little in the dark, bright red with yellow pupils. I"m getting too hungry...I need to eat She thought to her self looking for her next victim, she could sense something though. An evil aura and some how it felt familiar to her, but the only name that popped in her mind was the letter "L". She sighed and then ran up the side of a wall up to the rooftop of a building which had the sign meats on it, it was a butchery and she could smell the meats with in it.
    Post by: Thehacker, Mar 16, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Thehacker
    Species Description: (Only if they are in the other section)
    Weapon:She usually uses her fist, but if she has to she will bring out a red sword with demon aura which is very sharp.
    Power:Can eat anything but she can still get stomach aches and stuff if she eats bad stuff. Has powerful strength, can control some earth element
    Personality:Always hungry hardly ever full,happy,outgoing
    History:She grew up as a human but she was very mean human, she would lay tricks on people. And one day she killed a man and then killed another then another. Until finally she was turned into a deadly sin which was Gluttony, cause she ate a lot but was able to keep a figure.
    Appearance:She has short orange hair,a short sleeved black shirt with red lines down the shoulders to the end of the sleeves and down the middle front and back. With long baggy shirts.
    Anything else: Is GLuttony

    May I join?
    Post by: Thehacker, Mar 16, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home