Recent Content by TheWertle

  1. TheWertle

    this image has an interview with nomura and they ask about the 14th member. Nomura makes a distinction saying that she is not Member XIV of Organization XIII, but she is labeled as the 14th to appear.

    He also says she's not Namine.

    Don't know if this is news or not, just browsing and found that picture.
    Post by: TheWertle, Apr 15, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  2. TheWertle
  3. TheWertle
    Three Five Eight Days Over Two

    I think the official japanese pronunciation is significant.
    Post by: TheWertle, Apr 13, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  4. TheWertle
    Ultimania's are official guide books in Japan for Square games (published by Square Enix themselves) that are very detailed and safe to trust. It's where Terra's name was discovered before it was ever officially mentioned in conjunction with BBS.

    Needless to say, the voice is Mickey in KH1, not opinion, fact.
    Post by: TheWertle, Apr 8, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  5. TheWertle
    Don't know if this has been answered in the thread yet, didn't bother to read it all...

    The voice in the beginning of KH1 during Dive to Heart, the voice when you first get the keyblade on Destiny Island, and the voice at the last door in The End of the World are all confirmed to be Mickey's voice as detailed in Kingdom Hearts Series Ultimania Alpha.

    As for the voice in Roxas' Awakening, I think it's pretty safe to say its probably DiZ, as he was running the program...

    Sorry to burst anyone's bubble...
    Post by: TheWertle, Apr 8, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  6. TheWertle
    Most of you are completely not understanding the Terra/Tina thing. In the original Japanese FF6, the main girl was called Tina, not Terra. Terra was only used in the US version.

    So the joke is if his name is Terra in Japanese, they would translate it to Tina in English.
    Post by: TheWertle, Dec 23, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  7. TheWertle
    Here are my translations including translations of the attack descriptions. There were also a few missing in the first post, namely the desperation attack.

    1. Drill Attack - Type: Physical

    Terra's weapon takes the form of a shield and after swinging it back and forth, he attacks with a gear of light in a drilling fashion.

    2. Cannon Shot - Type: Physical

    Terra's weapon changes into a cannon, and fires a giant blast of light that follows after Sora and when it reaches him, explodes.

    3. Dash Attack - Type: Physical

    While gliding Terra thrusts at you 3 times and repeats

    4. Wave Rider - Type: Ice Shots - Blizzard, Other Attacks - Physical

    Terra's weapon changes into a vehicle and he dashes while he flies super high and fast. Sometimes he spirals around while moving and shots out 2 shots of ice.

    5. Whip Attack - Type: Physical

    Terra's weapon changes into a whip and he waves it violently

    6. Command Seal Attack - Type: Physical

    With a small splash Terra shoves his weapon into the ground and either orange or blue pillars will pop up around him. If it hits Sora, the commands corresponding to the color of the pillar will be sealed. [i.e. Orange - Attack, Combination; Blue - Magic, Items]

    7. Command Change Attack - Type: Physical

    Terra's weapon changes into a bow, he shoots 3 light arrows (on rare occasions 4). If Sora gets hit by one, he is bound in light and his commands are changed. [One of the commands will be Escape and the rest will say Fall. Fall damages you x4.0]

    8. Bit - Type: Physical

    Terra will either disappear and several Bits will come out to attack you, 2 bits will attack while Terra uses another of his attacks at the same time. The bits surround Sora and shoot light beams. If something comes into contact with them, they will break.

    9. Super Wild Dance [Chouranbu]- Type: Physical

    After bracing himself and light coming out of the ground, Terra attacks in this flow: With an approaching weapon he strikes with a series of attacks -> Weapon splits into 2 parts and attacks from the sides -> Moves in an instant and minces with his light drill -> Weapon takes the from of a sword and he strikes -> Dashes quickly at you twice -> Nose dive -> Weapon strikes with a series of attacks surrounding Sora -> Revolves around the sides and mows you down.
    Post by: TheWertle, Dec 18, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  8. TheWertle
    Namine and Roxas were born at the same time, this was stated in one of the interviews I translated.
    Post by: TheWertle, Jun 14, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  9. TheWertle
    I think most people would agree that a Gargoyles world would work realy well with KH.
    Post by: TheWertle, Jun 10, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. TheWertle
    Very nice, i didn't really check everything but I think that Jack (skellington's) Apolse Blitz should be Applause Blitz
    Post by: TheWertle, Jun 10, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  11. TheWertle
    If your talking about the Joker card, you can use it on story doors, I used one at the door to axel on F13 to cover the 99 requirement. There are also Gold and Platinum cards you get from having 100% journal completion I think but I don't know if those are map cards.
    Post by: TheWertle, May 31, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  12. TheWertle
    The thing with spin shell and running damage is specific to pride lands. It mentions that the running thing acts he same as his shield in other worlds.
    Post by: TheWertle, May 22, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  13. TheWertle
    He's talking specifically about characters in RE: CoM meaning they're speaking japanese and he wants the translation. Anyone can hear what they're saying in english in FM
    Post by: TheWertle, May 18, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  14. TheWertle
    You want to get them to stay on O on each of your slots. They get progressively faster as you go down. If you get it right, it will stop changing on that bar. Each time you stop one, your cursor goes back up to the top. If you get them all you pretty much have the fight won. When i did it he had like a quarter of his bar left and it took the whole thing down, i just had to hit him with a finish.
    Post by: TheWertle, May 18, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  15. TheWertle
    I translate the keyblade as Chance Encounter. Acrossing Two is a bastardization of the english language and should not even be considered, ever.

    And Chance Encounter does equip Light and Dark which increases your chances of getting either Anti Form or Final Form
    Post by: TheWertle, May 17, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX