Recent Content by Ukir

  1. Ukir
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  5. Ukir
    Profile Post

    sure. about what?

    sure. about what?
    Profile Post by Ukir for The Mender, Dec 14, 2009
  6. Ukir
    Yeah that makes sense, if Ven's heart was in there for too long it would of became a heartless or just ended up in Kingdom Hearts I didn't think of that. And seeing, that we know almost nothing about the soul, it leaves us more options to make theories about. But how did Roxas end up with a heart, did the soul of Ven call back its heart back?
    Post by: Ukir, Aug 31, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  7. Ukir
    Wow sounds very logical, exepts for one little thing, it all adds up in my Opinion.

    For me, it would make more sense if Ven's Body and Heart were in the corridor of darkness and that Soras Soul had inhabited Ven's Body and Heart, giving Roxas his own heart and aswell as explain why he looks like Ven. That why Kairi could somehow called back Sora's body giving the Heart a vessel.
    But if i think about it, Sora would've been dead if that were the case, seeing a body and heart with out a soul is dead in the KH universe... or maybe he got a part of Kairi's Soul or something.
    Post by: Ukir, Aug 31, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  8. Ukir
    Heartless - neo shadow
    Creature Nobody - Samurai
    Person Nobody - uh i can't decide so there's 5: Roxas, Namine, Axel, Xion, Larxene
    Post by: Ukir, Apr 14, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  9. Ukir
  10. Ukir
  11. Ukir
    idk... what are you intrested in
    Profile Post by Ukir for lil woj, Mar 28, 2009
  12. Ukir
  13. Ukir
    Profile Post

    what kind?

    what kind?
    Profile Post by Ukir for lil woj, Mar 28, 2009
  14. Ukir
  15. Ukir