CS3's only new features are a few extra filters, layer styles/modes, etc...
Also, you can change the BG of the canvas to compare how the art piece looks on different colors. By BG, I mean the gray area outside the actual canvas.
Fireworks is a great program. Sadly, I'm way behind on it. I only have Fireworks 3.0 lol
PS CS3 isn't even that great. It's just a new skin is basically it. If you want it, you're better off staying on FW. lol That IS if you only use FW, though. I'm assuming you don't like PS too much though. :P
That's opinion. So there's little point in saying that. Others would say otherwise (like myself). Because obviously I have no idea how to work FW... and I'm just dandy with PS.
I hear from many places that they often hide the actual truth. Or rather, they are purposely given news from the government that is twisted or altered. Such sources are considered very bias, however.
I personally don't follow news often-times. I might read a newspaper every now-and-then, but hardly ever. Politics is something I'd rather stay out of.
I think I *might* just vote for him, because he isn't a stuck-up politician who takes everything so seriously. Yeah. If he runs, I might vote for the lawlage.